If we lose out...


No need to reach man... You don't know me, so quit trying...

Just wondering if the so-called fans who like watching the the Bears lose still feel that way.

I wasn't reaching, I was asking you a question. If you don't chose to answer it, then some poster eh?

See how it works?

I wouldn't try either, it comes naturally.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2013
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I wasn't reaching, I was asking you a question. If you don't chose to answer it, then some poster eh?

See how it works?

I wouldn't try either, it comes naturally.



Well-known member
Oct 26, 2012
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Here's a few scenarios to think over.

1. It's the last game of the season, and the Bears have locked up a wildcard spot in the playoffs. Sweet! We're about to play the last Monday Night game of the season, and whether we get the #5 seed or not depends on whether we win or lose. Looking at the #3 and #4 seed, we see that the #4 seed had a pretty rough early stretch but got hot in the second half of the season to win the last 8 straight games despite playing against strong opponents. Meanwhile, the #3 seed looked pretty good all year, but a couple of games ago their QB and their probowl DE went down with season ending injuries. Ever since they've looked like hot garbage. In this scenario do you want to win and face the hot #4 seed or lose and face the beat up #3 seed?

2. We've just suffered through one of the worst seasons in Bears history, and we're sitting at 1-14 coming into the last game of the year. We're the only 1-14 team, but in the last game we're matched up against a 2-13 team from the AFC. The #1 pick in the draft is at stake in this Battle of the Bums. The #2 pick isn't that bad, but everyone is talking about how the unquestionable #1 pick has to be this QB that's been lighting it up in the SEC. In his sophomore year he's breaking all of the records that he set in his freshman year, and a lot of people are saying that he's ready to step in and win in the NFL right now. Do you hope that your team puts a bow on this miserable season by winning a meaningless game you'll forget about in a couple of years, meanwhile passing up on what looks to be the next elite QB? Or do you hope they just lose so that the failed season has real meaning?

If you're willing to acknowledge that scenarios exist in which losing would be the best option for the team, then the only thing we're disagreeing about is whether this is one of those scenarios. Or would you actually want your team to win in both those cases?


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2013
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Do you want Door #1 or Door #2? No, you can't know what's behind it.

Ok... I'll help...

10-6 means you beat the NFC East division leaders (Eagles and Cowboys) and the Packers.

Lose and you're guaranteed nothing.

So? 10-6 or 6-10?


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2013
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Here's a few scenarios to think over.

1. It's the last game of the season, and the Bears have locked up a wildcard spot in the playoffs. Sweet! We're about to play the last Monday Night game of the season, and whether we get the #5 seed or not depends on whether we win or lose. Looking at the #3 and #4 seed, we see that the #4 seed had a pretty rough early stretch but got hot in the second half of the season to win the last 8 straight games despite playing against strong opponents. Meanwhile, the #3 seed looked pretty good all year, but a couple of games ago their QB and their probowl DE went down with season ending injuries. Ever since they've looked like hot garbage. In this scenario do you want to win and face the hot #4 seed or lose and face the beat up #3 seed?

2. We've just suffered through one of the worst seasons in Bears history, and we're sitting at 1-14 coming into the last game of the year. We're the only 1-14 team, but in the last game we're matched up against a 2-13 team from the AFC. The #1 pick in the draft is at stake in this Battle of the Bums. The #2 pick isn't that bad, but everyone is talking about how the unquestionable #1 pick has to be this QB that's been lighting it up in the SEC. In his sophomore year he's breaking all of the records that he set in his freshman year, and a lot of people are saying that he's ready to step in and win in the NFL right now. Do you hope that your team puts a bow on this miserable season by winning a meaningless game you'll forget about in a couple of years, meanwhile passing up on what looks to be the next elite QB? Or do you hope they just lose so that the failed season has real meaning?

If you're willing to acknowledge that scenarios exist in which losing would be the best option for the team, then the only thing we're disagreeing about is whether this is one of those scenarios. Or would you actually want your team to win in both those cases?

In this scenario,I want to win. Because I am a firm believer in winning. I like winning. I do not subscribe to the "losing to win later theory". It's not proven. Generally kds are OK with it because they don't get it...

But that's not what is happening now.

Right now, we can beat 3 rivals and a Browns team that we should beat.

And we're wanting to win because a division rival we despise might represent us.

At the same time, you have a bunch of kiddos who want to give the division to the Lions even though we're still in contention. Even thought the Lions haven't won more than a single playoff game in 57 years.

They want to lose because their in-born hate for Cutler out-weighs intelligence

Space Invader

Aug 21, 2012
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Somewhere away from fucktards.
In this scenario,I want to win. Because I am a firm believer in winning. I like winning. I do not subscribe to the "losing to win later theory". It's not proven. Generally kds are OK with it because they don't get it...

But that's not what is happening now.

Right now, we can beat 3 rivals and a Browns team that we should beat.

And we're wanting to win because a division rival we despise might represent us.

At the same time, you have a bunch of kiddos who want to give the division to the Lions even though we're still in contention. Even thought the Lions haven't won more than a single playoff game in 57 years.

They want to lose because their in-born hate for Cutler out-weighs intelligence



Well-known member
Oct 26, 2012
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In this scenario,I want to win. Because I am a firm believer in winning. I like winning. I do not subscribe to the "losing to win later theory". It's not proven. Generally kds are OK with it because they don't get it...

But that's not what is happening now.

Right now, we can beat 3 rivals and a Browns team that we should beat.

And we're wanting to win because a division rival we despise might represent us.

At the same time, you have a bunch of kiddos who want to give the division to the Lions even though we're still in contention. Even thought the Lions haven't won more than a single playoff game in 57 years.

They want to lose because their in-born hate for Cutler out-weighs intelligence

Yeah, those damn 'kiddos' not subscribing to blanket statements and gut decisions. I always laugh my ass off when some kiddo sacks his bishop for better positioning in chess. Like, c'mon, you're giving up a temporary material advantage for the sake of a greater plan? What are you, four?


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2013
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Yeah, those damn 'kiddos' not subscribing to blanket statements and gut decisions. I always laugh my ass off when some kiddo sacks his bishop for better positioning in chess. Like, c'mon, you're giving up a temporary material advantage for the sake of a greater plan? What are you, four?

So you subscribe to the Cubs plan?

No really.

That's what it boils down to.

Are you Ok with losing now for "a chance" later?

Because the Cubs had a 2 year "plan" that is now a 6 year plan. Meanwhile, all we do is lose.

I am for winning now to build to win it all later. There is absolutely no guarantees that losing now makes you win later. There are many many examples of winning now and winning later...

Fuck, the Lions were the worst team in the history of the NFL. They won 4 games last year. FOUR. And if we didn't jettison our defense, we would be sitting in the drivers seat to knock them out this year.

Win. Win now. Win later. Win every single time you go out to play.

That is how you win.


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2012
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So you subscribe to the Cubs plan?

No really.

That's what it boils down to.

Are you Ok with losing now for "a chance" later?

Because the Cubs had a 2 year "plan" that is now a 6 year plan. Meanwhile, all we do is lose.

I am for winning now to build to win it all later. There is absolutely no guarantees that losing now makes you win later. There are many many examples of winning now and winning later...

Fuck, the Lions were the worst team in the history of the NFL. They won 4 games last year. FOUR. And if we didn't jettison our defense, we would be sitting in the drivers seat to knock them out this year.

Win. Win now. Win later. Win every single time you go out to play.

That is how you win.

I'm sure the Colts are really pissed off that they had such a miserable season two years ago. They should have tried to pull a few more wins out of that season.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2013
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I'm sure the Colts are really pissed off that they had such a miserable season two years ago. They should have tried to pull a few more wins out of that season.

So you think we now have a chance for that once in 10 year elite #1 QB over all pick by losing out????

how are the Jags doing?

How are the 2012 Vikings doing?

How are the Redskins doing?

Bills? Bucs? Browns?


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2013
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Why is 10-6 versus 6-10 such a hard question??

You guys are Bears fans right?

This is a Bears forum?

Did we get over-run by Packer fans? Lions?

Why do people ant to lose???


New member
Jun 29, 2010
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The OP
So you think we now have a chance for that once in 10 year elite #1 QB over all pick by losing out????

how are the Jags doing?

How are the 2012 Vikings doing?

How are the Redskins doing?

Bills? Bucs? Browns?

The 2012 Vikings that went 10-6? Did that aid them this season or for next season?

It's not a hard question. It's a simple minded baiting question. It leaves any factor that matters out of the equation. Even an 11 win team without a playoff appearance is no more valuable than a 6 win team at seasons end.

Why must I be Saad? Via Tapatalk


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2013
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It's not a hard question. It's a simple minded baiting question. It leaves any factor that matters out of the equation. Even an 11 win team without a playoff appearance is no more valuable than a 6 win team at seasons end.

Talent selection, coaching, players doing their jobs.... Those mean more than any draft ranking ever.

Just because the odds of an early first round pick are slightly better doesn't guarantee shit. Playing to win - every single time - guarantees you tried t win.


New member
Jun 29, 2010
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The OP

Talent selection, coaching, players doing their jobs.... Those mean more than any draft ranking ever.

Just because the odds of an early first round pick are slightly better doesn't guarantee shit. Playing to win - every single time - guarantees you tried t win.

The players are going to do that no matter what... It's their business and it reflects how they'll be paid.

That had no relevance to a guy in the stands or on a message board.

Why must I be Saad? Via Tapatalk


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2013
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The players are going to do that no matter what... It's their business and it reflects how they'll be paid.

That had no relevance to a guy in the stands or on a message board.

Good point...

To a degree.

If you're a guy who thinks winning is important in sports... Whether you're on a message board, in the stands, or otherwise, you may disagree.

I disagree.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2013
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The players are going to do that no matter what...

No way I agree with this.

Players give up on their team and coaches all the time.

If you disagree with that, I have pretty good friends that can help you agree..


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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No way I agree with this.

Players give up on their team and coaches all the time.

If you disagree with that, I have pretty good friends that can help you agree..

what, are they going to send him pm's with gay porn?

you and your friends are homos and that's okay and all, but you are not nice homos. learn to play nice.
