I'm tired


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Tired of hearing about how great the Bears skill position players block when they are bad at the more important things.

I'm tired of hearing about how great a blocker ESB is, I don't like that they signed Marcedes Lewis for his blocking. I don't need to hear about how great of a blocker Roschon Johnson is.

Greg Olsen was a horrible blocker and was traded away because he couldn't block. He then went on to become the first TE in the history of the NFL to have three straight 1,000 receiving yard seasons.

I'm sick of hearing the hype about blocking. Go out and do the other things that your position requires at a higher level.


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Tired of hearing about how great the Bears skill position players block when they are bad at the more important things.

I'm tired of hearing about how great a blocker ESB is, I don't like that they signed Marcedes Lewis for his blocking. I don't need to hear about how great of a blocker Roschon Johnson is.

Greg Olsen was a horrible blocker and was traded away because he couldn't block. He then went on to become the first TE in the history of the NFL to have three straight 1,000 receiving yard seasons.

I'm sick of hearing the hype about blocking. Go out and do the other things that your position requires at a higher level.
Bro you get tired from placing your breakfast order at the McDonald's drive through window.


My Happy Place
Dec 17, 2021
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  1. Chicago Bears
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So a prominent CCS poster who has had frequent DM's with @DanielCCSBears sent me a message about a story he heard. He told me that a mutual friend of his and Daniel used to work together at Kohls. Well technically he said Daniel worked part time and the work he put in consisted of 80% him using the handicap scooters that are for customers to scoot around the store trying to look busy. The mutual friend confirmed that the least bit of energy exerted by Daniel would leave him in a sweaty mess, so much that the assistant cashier supervisor asked him to bring in 2 spare shirts so he wouldn't look like a roofer in the middle of August. He also said he could not understand how one man could sweat so much from just scootering around using one of those mechanical claws old people use to pick shit up so they don't have to bend over, but that is a convo for another day.

Anyways, @DanielCCSBears was recently fired and the story that led to his termination is a wild one. Now remember I am hearing this second hand, so I am just the messenger....but this is a reliable source that has no reason to lie. Recently Chick-fil-A came out with a pimento cheese chicken sandwich:

View attachment 30808

And if you know Daniel, any mayonaise based cheese spreads is his guilty pleasure....and the reason why it is a guilty pleasure is because of his severe lactose intolerance. His lactose intolerance is so bad, CVS started asking for his ID every time he bought some Lactaid (like they do for Sudafed, to track those who make meth) because the amount of Lactaid he would purchase on a weekly basis was considered borderline toxic. The doctor told him that if he was going to cut back the amount dairy he was consuming on a daily basis, than he was suggesting he deal with the stomach repercussions versus the health issues of taking an unnatural amount of Lactaid. Daniel told his doctor that he would never give up his cookies and cream milk shakes that accompany every meal and snack.

So a couple weeks ago right after the launch of the Pimento Cheese Chicken sandwich, Daniel showed up 45 minutes late to his afternoon shift. It wasn't uncommon for Daniel to be a few minutes late because his morning routine of getting out of bed is so laboring, he has to take a mid morning nap in his recliner 30 minutes after getting up and ordering his morning DoorDash. When he finally made it to work he told our mutual friend that he was having an awful day because he ordered 5 of those sandwiches and one of the new caramel crumb milkshakes but the pimento cheese oozed out of his 3rd sandwich and caused him to lose his grip and he could not find where he dropped the sandwich. He said that he was still a little famished from only having 4 and a half sandwiches but he felt he stuck with the doctors orders and cut back his cheese intake for the morning.

Now fast forward to a week later and @DanielCCSBears is still in a bad mood, starving, sweating like an MMA fighter, scootering around Kohls picking up clothing children have dropped with his mechanical claw. And if you have ever been around Daniel, it is known he smells like cheese at all times. So when a teenage kid asked his dad why "Fat Professor X smelled like someone left blue cheese sauce out overnight" Daniel lost it. He started screaming at the kid telling him that he was a prominent sports writer and that he had a thyroid issue and couldn't help his weight. In his attempt to yell at the teenage he mustered the strength to stand on the scooter, but when he took that first step a fat roll of his accidentally hit the accelerator on the scooter causing the slightest movement that made Daniel tumble into the display mannequin that was displaying a Taylor Swift outfit. So Daniel is on the ground, with a Taylor Swift display laying on top of him, his shirt is completely saturated with sweat and left over milkshake. The poor guy is humiliated and our mutual friend is feeling really bad for him. So in an attempt to help Daniel up, he was able to lift Daniels arm enough where his armpit skin is no longer toughing....this was enough to lodge the week old, half of a pimento chicken sandwich he lost. The smell and amount of mold that came from the sandwich had the teenager gagging, the assistant cashier supervisor actually threw up, and 4 other employees quit on the spot.

Thankfully they were able to get Daniel cleaned up and in his 3rd shirt for the day, but the issue Kohls had was they had to put Daniel on the registers because of the 4 employees quitting. Daniel made it through the rest of the shift without any hiccups....so my friend thought. When the supervisor went to count his drawer, they found it was short by $300 in Kohls cash!! They confronted Daniel about this and after 43 minutes of him denying anything wrong, he finally admitted he needed some cash to make it to Bears camp so he could observe ESB and whether or not he provides more than a blocking WR. After they finally got Daniel to realize that Kohls cash is not valid in any other store in the continental united states, they felt it was best for Daniel to empty the break room fridge and collect his final check.

So please don't give @DanielCCSBears a hard time....he has had a rough month and i personally choose to show him compassion and not hate. I hope others do as well.
If you're not a Sit-Com writer, maybe you should look into it.....serious comment, but still lmao.........please, no hard feelings Daniel.....


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2022
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Jesus Daniel has continued to get worse. For fuck sakes we know our 5th and 6th wr's suck. Sorry we haven't pulled of a trade for Hill and maybe one more stud to appease you.
P.S. You're tired because you're fat. Get off your computer and go for a jog
You know the 5th WR could probably suck less or have more upside than ESB.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2013
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So a prominent CCS poster who has had frequent DM's with @DanielCCSBears sent me a message about a story he heard. He told me that a mutual friend of his and Daniel used to work together at Kohls. Well technically he said Daniel worked part time and the work he put in consisted of 80% him using the handicap scooters that are for customers to scoot around the store trying to look busy. The mutual friend confirmed that the least bit of energy exerted by Daniel would leave him in a sweaty mess, so much that the assistant cashier supervisor asked him to bring in 2 spare shirts so he wouldn't look like a roofer in the middle of August. He also said he could not understand how one man could sweat so much from just scootering around using one of those mechanical claws old people use to pick shit up so they don't have to bend over, but that is a convo for another day.

Anyways, @DanielCCSBears was recently fired and the story that led to his termination is a wild one. Now remember I am hearing this second hand, so I am just the messenger....but this is a reliable source that has no reason to lie. Recently Chick-fil-A came out with a pimento cheese chicken sandwich:

View attachment 30808

And if you know Daniel, any mayonaise based cheese spreads is his guilty pleasure....and the reason why it is a guilty pleasure is because of his severe lactose intolerance. His lactose intolerance is so bad, CVS started asking for his ID every time he bought some Lactaid (like they do for Sudafed, to track those who make meth) because the amount of Lactaid he would purchase on a weekly basis was considered borderline toxic. The doctor told him that if he was going to cut back the amount dairy he was consuming on a daily basis, than he was suggesting he deal with the stomach repercussions versus the health issues of taking an unnatural amount of Lactaid. Daniel told his doctor that he would never give up his cookies and cream milk shakes that accompany every meal and snack.

So a couple weeks ago right after the launch of the Pimento Cheese Chicken sandwich, Daniel showed up 45 minutes late to his afternoon shift. It wasn't uncommon for Daniel to be a few minutes late because his morning routine of getting out of bed is so laboring, he has to take a mid morning nap in his recliner 30 minutes after getting up and ordering his morning DoorDash. When he finally made it to work he told our mutual friend that he was having an awful day because he ordered 5 of those sandwiches and one of the new caramel crumb milkshakes but the pimento cheese oozed out of his 3rd sandwich and caused him to lose his grip and he could not find where he dropped the sandwich. He said that he was still a little famished from only having 4 and a half sandwiches but he felt he stuck with the doctors orders and cut back his cheese intake for the morning.

Now fast forward to a week later and @DanielCCSBears is still in a bad mood, starving, sweating like an MMA fighter, scootering around Kohls picking up clothing children have dropped with his mechanical claw. And if you have ever been around Daniel, it is known he smells like cheese at all times. So when a teenage kid asked his dad why "Fat Professor X smelled like someone left blue cheese sauce out overnight" Daniel lost it. He started screaming at the kid telling him that he was a prominent sports writer and that he had a thyroid issue and couldn't help his weight. In his attempt to yell at the teenage he mustered the strength to stand on the scooter, but when he took that first step a fat roll of his accidentally hit the accelerator on the scooter causing the slightest movement that made Daniel tumble into the display mannequin that was displaying a Taylor Swift outfit. So Daniel is on the ground, with a Taylor Swift display laying on top of him, his shirt is completely saturated with sweat and left over milkshake. The poor guy is humiliated and our mutual friend is feeling really bad for him. So in an attempt to help Daniel up, he was able to lift Daniels arm enough where his armpit skin is no longer toughing....this was enough to lodge the week old, half of a pimento chicken sandwich he lost. The smell and amount of mold that came from the sandwich had the teenager gagging, the assistant cashier supervisor actually threw up, and 4 other employees quit on the spot.

Thankfully they were able to get Daniel cleaned up and in his 3rd shirt for the day, but the issue Kohls had was they had to put Daniel on the registers because of the 4 employees quitting. Daniel made it through the rest of the shift without any hiccups....so my friend thought. When the supervisor went to count his drawer, they found it was short by $300 in Kohls cash!! They confronted Daniel about this and after 43 minutes of him denying anything wrong, he finally admitted he needed some cash to make it to Bears camp so he could observe ESB and whether or not he provides more than a blocking WR. After they finally got Daniel to realize that Kohls cash is not valid in any other store in the continental united states, they felt it was best for Daniel to empty the break room fridge and collect his final check.

So please don't give @DanielCCSBears a hard time....he has had a rough month and i personally choose to show him compassion and not hate. I hope others do as well.
