Is Jay Cutler salary cap hit, the problem everyone proclaims it to be?

3rd N Long

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Nov 20, 2014
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The way you should look at it ishe's a winner who makes his team better just for having him while Cutler has a history of losing, has deplorable stats and record vs the Packers and the Bears are no better with him than they would be with any other average QB.

You mean like the playoff game against the Packers last year?

Wilson had a 48 Cmp% / 209 yards passing / 1 passing TD / 1 rushing TD / 4 INT / 1 Fumble but his team still won the game 28-22. Yeah he really carried the load against Green Bay that game didn't he?


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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QB centric league. I've seen QBs with better numbers than Cutler be benched for not winning and so have you.

Matt Stafford?

I just wanna know, is he better than Cutler in your opinion? or is his presence inflated by the fact he has the best receiver in the game to just lob hail marys to?

You mean like the playoff game against the Packers last year?

Wilson had a 48 Cmp% / 209 yards passing / 1 passing TD / 1 rushing TD / 4 INT / 1 Fumble but his team still won the game 28-22. Yeah he really carried the load against Green Bay that game didn't he?

wasn't the only reason they won that game the onside kick?

3rd N Long

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Nov 20, 2014
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Matt Stafford?

I just wanna know, is he better than Cutler in your opinion? or is his presence inflated by the fact he has the best receiver in the game to just lob hail marys to?

wasn't the only reason they won that game the onside kick?

Make sure to insert the 1 Fumble edit I just made :smug2:

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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You mean like the playoff game against the Packers last year?

Wilson had a 48 Cmp% / 209 yards passing / 1 passing TD / 1 rushing TD / 4 INT but his team still won the game 28-22. Yeah he really carried the load against Green Bay that game didn't he?
A bad game like that, which every single QB has, would cause most to implode. Wilson came back to lead an impressive game winning TD drive in OT cause he's a winner like that.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Make sure to insert the 1 Fumble edit I just made :smug2:


I have no recollection of that game outside the onside kick. I had a string of head injuries between Christmas and the middle of January, notably slipping on ice and putting a 3" gash in the back of my head. my memory for like that month vanished. surprisingly the ice incident fixed whatever was wrong.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Matt Stafford?

I just wanna know, is he better than Cutler in your opinion? or is his presence inflated by the fact he has the best receiver in the game to just lob hail marys to?

wasn't the only reason they won that game the onside kick?
He had a couple years that were far better than any Cutler has had but has looked like crap since that 1 great season he had 5 years ago. I'd give up on him about now too.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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He had a couple years that were far better than any Cutler has had but has looked like crap since that 1 great season he had 5 years ago. I'd give up on him about now too.

that was the 5000 yard season? has it seriously been that long already? thought that was 2011, think they won the division that year.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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that was the 5000 yard season? has it seriously been that long already? thought that was 2011, think they won the division that year.
yeah, it was 2011. Still a lot of bad play since.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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am I correct in believing that team actually downgraded going from Jim Schwartz to Jim Caldwell?

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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am I correct in believing that team actually downgraded going from Jim Schwartz to Jim Caldwell?
Schwartz just had that 1 good season. I think there were a couple others where they started off good but then got on the losing path. Caldwell had a good season last year, his first year. They both went 1 and done in the playoffs. Caldwell has the better HC record overall but he had Peyton in Indy and I don't think he'll last long w/Detroit looking like they have been.

Run the ball

CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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they yearn for Russell Wilson. Jay Cutler's doing Russell Wilson better than Russell Wilson. Jay Cutler at least doesn't require Matt Forte to function in his role.

people wanted Colin Kaepernick too. he just got benched. he's like Tim Tebow lite. if you hated Tebow but wanted Kaepernick, that's silly, cause the only thing they can do effectively is run. Kaepernick gets the edge as a passer, he can throw the ball too somewhat, but for whatever reason after stepping in the middle of the 2012 season he's been exposed ever since.

Andrew Luck is another one. pronounced as some elite talent. why? because he's the only pure pocket passer to be drafted within the last like 5 years? he's getting destroyed.

Aaron Rodgers, he's the greatest ever. puts up 77 yards on the Broncos. I strongly doubt Favre would've ever laid down like that.

Tony Romo's a great talent. the reality is it's a team game. he just happened to be the bright spot in a puddle of shit.
For someone who doesn't watch the rest of the league as you said a few weeks ago, you sure have whole lot of opinions.


Packer Fan
Aug 16, 2011
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If the OP is correct...his trade value should be skyrocketing

Leon Sandcastle

CCS Donator
Feb 5, 2013
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He has a history of winning and has put up the kind of numbers Cutler can only dream of. Don't know why Cutty fanboys here are always down on him. He's a humble guy who only wants to help his team win and they've done that with him. His QB rating still stays at 95 and above yet fans here will say Cutler is playing great and Wilson is playing real bad. Go figure.



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Jun 29, 2010
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The OP
I thought we knew and talked about this before, the 1st year years were the eat it all up you will have to have Cutler deal, the next years after that it's a good deal to either have or not a problem to trade.


well baked
Aug 20, 2012
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The problem is that so many equate Cutler contract with being an anchor that is keeping the ship from moving in the direction the team needs to head in. When in fact his salary isn't remotely close to the problem it's portrayed to be.

Please provide some examples of who these supposed "many" people are? I'll be shocked if you can name more than 1 that actually has that opinion.

It does get old seeing people use the salary as an excuse to dump Cutler from the team. When in reality his salary is actually quite team friendly heading into the next few years.

You're getting it twisted. When people complain about his salary it's in regards to the ROI. The argument is why should we continue to pay premium money for average production. Why pay Cutler $16.5m when you can get equal or as is the case this year better production from a guy like Hoyer for $5m?

You guys always argue that we can't possibly move on from Cutler because we won't be able to find something better but clearly that's been proven false as shown by journeyman scrubs like Hoyer out playing him this year. So not only is his production easily replaceable, but we could also save a nice chunk of money that could be better spent elsewhere addressing other problem areas on the roster.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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For someone who doesn't watch the rest of the league as you said a few weeks ago, you sure have whole lot of opinions.


you're one of my favorite posters. you even took the time to remember something I said.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Here is how his salary cap stacks up against the other QB's.

Cutler 2016 salary cap hit currently places him at #16th overall

Cutler 2017 salary cap hit currently places him at #20th overall

Cutler 2018 salary cap hit currently places him at #16th overall.

These numbers assume that no other QB is signed to a big contract in the next 3 years.

Going by these numbers I can see why so many people constantly whine about Cutler's ridiculous contract being so detrimental to the team moving forward after the season is over.


The money was insane the first couple years, but not really the cause of concern.
The concern was quite simply locking yourself to cutler for far longer than the team needed to.

Fuck the money, it isnt mine and I dont care. what bothered me was knowing that the team would not make a serious effort to improve the situation at the position when it is crystal clear that he will never be consistent enough to take the team anywhere.

7 years of dealing with this inconsistent play and knowing that there is a good chance the only move made in the forseeable future would be a developmental project a few years in the making.
4 years of watching cutler was more than enough to know what he was, and now we might be stuck with a decade.
Time is the factor for me, not someone elses money.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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The money was insane the first couple years, but not really the cause of concern.
The concern was quite simply locking yourself to cutler for far longer than the team needed to.

Fuck the money, it isnt mine and I dont care. what bothered me was knowing that the team would not make a serious effort to improve the situation at the position when it is crystal clear that he will never be consistent enough to take the team anywhere.

7 years of dealing with this inconsistent play and knowing that there is a good chance the only move made in the forseeable future would be a developmental project a few years in the making.
4 years of watching cutler was more than enough to know what he was, and now we might be stuck with a decade.
Time is the factor for me, not someone elses money.

I'm pulling for the dude to play better, but I thought a SEVEN YEAR extension was a bit much. especially considering he spent half the year out. but like you said, it's not my money and I don't care about that either. :) it's finding someone that can be an upgrade at the position that's gonna be the challenge. I'm sure I'm not alone but I think the rest of the team has more pressing needs.


well baked
Aug 20, 2012
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it's finding someone that can be an upgrade at the position that's gonna be the challenge.

You guys keep repeating this talking point ad nauseam when it's clearly been proven to be false. Please come up with a new excuse.


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2014
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No reason to get rid of Jay right now unless you're getting draft picks.

Having an extra 10m in free agency isn't putting the Bears over the top.
