Is Jay Cutler salary cap hit, the problem everyone proclaims it to be?


Just your everyday fail.
Aug 21, 2012
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Lost OMW to the Point
Russell immediately took his team to the SB twice and won one. Cutler hasn't been to the playoffs but 1 time in , what's soon to be, 10 years. Even Kaepernick got further than Cutler ever did in just his first 2 years of starting. Romo, Rodgers and Luck have all proven beyond any doubt, they are way better than Cutler. Please shut up.

The Seahawks D took them to a Superbowl twice, Russell got lucky on a few late drives. As you can see the wheels are falling off for Seattle this year.


Just your everyday fail.
Aug 21, 2012
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Lost OMW to the Point
You guys keep repeating this talking point ad nauseam when it's clearly been proven to be false. Please come up with a new excuse.

Well Broc, the reason that is brought up is because it hasn't happened, you can't say a draft pick no matter what round is better because they aren't a proven talent, also no QBs in free agency is an upgrade at this point in time. Keep in mind that Cutler knows the offense and has a good grasp on it from what we've seen so far this year. Anyone that comes in will not only have to be able to play at Cutlers level but will have to learn the offense as well.

Cutler is proving he can play, I'm not saying he is playing at an elite level but he can play more than well enough for us to win, we just need to improve on Defense and ST and we will be in a much better position come next year assuming we have a healthy offense with the same weapons.


well baked
Aug 20, 2012
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Well Broc, the reason that is brought up is because it hasn't happened,

:facepalm: It's happening right now this very season...

you can't say a draft pick no matter what round is better because they aren't a proven talent,

Who here is making that argument? Nobody. When it comes to the draft I'd just like to see the Bears actually invest a high pick (1st or 2nd) instead of praying for a miracle hoping to uncover some hidden gem with 5th, 6th, and UFA's.

also no QBs in free agency is an upgrade at this point in time.

You guys said the same bullshit excuse during the offseason and yet both Hoyer and McCown (both FA's) are currently out playing Cutler.


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Aug 20, 2012
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Hey what time does trading deadline end?

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Jan 3, 2014
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:facepalm: It's happening right now this very season...

Who here is making that argument? Nobody. When it comes to the draft I'd just like to see the Bears actually invest a high pick (1st or 2nd) instead of praying for a miracle hoping to uncover some hidden gem with 5th, 6th, and UFA's.

You guys said the same bullshit excuse during the offseason and yet both Hoyer and McCown (both FA's) are currently out playing Cutler.

I think just about everyone's comfortable with that this draft and next years draft.

Bears were tied to Cutler this year because of his contract.


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Aug 20, 2012
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The money was insane the first couple years, but not really the cause of concern.
The concern was quite simply locking yourself to cutler for far longer than the team needed to.

Fuck the money, it isnt mine and I dont care. what bothered me was knowing that the team would not make a serious effort to improve the situation at the position when it is crystal clear that he will never be consistent enough to take the team anywhere.

7 years of dealing with this inconsistent play and knowing that there is a good chance the only move made in the forseeable future would be a developmental project a few years in the making.
4 years of watching cutler was more than enough to know what he was, and now we might be stuck with a decade.
Time is the factor for me, not someone elses money.

Lol what?

The only reason they've been in all the games they've played this season was because of 6 under center.

It's honest to god mind boggling some of you continue to watch cutler and find ways to dislike the guy. I swear it's beating a dead horse, but I can't help but look at Broc and Mongos posts and just like wonder wtf they are thinking, or if they are honestly even watching the games.

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Just your everyday fail.
Aug 21, 2012
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Lost OMW to the Point
Who here is making that argument? Nobody. When it comes to the draft I'd just like to see the Bears actually invest a high pick (1st or 2nd) instead of praying for a miracle hoping to uncover some hidden gem with 5th, 6th, and UFA's.

I didn't, you assumed I was calling out someone. I simply stated that no one can make this argument. Granted I said "you" and seeing as how I did reply to you, I can see how you would assume this. I could have done a better job expressing this.

You guys said the same bullshit excuse during the offseason and yet both Hoyer and McCown (both FA's) are currently out playing Cutler.

Yeah and go figure that McCown and Hoyer are not free agents currently. I did say "No QBs in free agency" That would indicate now, I myself try not to dwell in the past on shoulda coulda woulda type things.


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Aug 20, 2012
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:facepalm: It's happening right now this very season...

Who here is making that argument? Nobody. When it comes to the draft I'd just like to see the Bears actually invest a high pick (1st or 2nd) instead of praying for a miracle hoping to uncover some hidden gem with 5th, 6th, and UFA's.

You guys said the same bullshit excuse during the offseason and yet both Hoyer and McCown (both FA's) are currently out playing Cutler.

Holy fuck Broc. Well guess what, it's getting to the point maybe you should realize the organization actually likes cutler and sees him as a building block moving forward. They don't care what you think and it's getting obvious they think cutler is their guy. Just get over it and find another position to dissect and bitch about, like the defense blowing leads last second.

No reason the Bears aren't 4-3 right now. But they are because the D, not the offense and cutler.

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This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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No reason to get rid of Jay right now unless you're getting draft picks.

Having an extra 10m in free agency isn't putting the Bears over the top.

This very minute? No. It wont.
But the chance to improve is what most are looking for.
Fortune favors the bold.
Seattle replaced a damn good game manager in Hasselbeck, wound up paying a mint for Flynn, and benched his ass for wilson. They were bold and it worked out.
Kaepernick has proven to suck, but the team had a damn good run with him before the league realised he couldnt pass.
Arizona could have waited for Leinart to figure it out instead of getting warner, Minnesota could have stuck with palmer or cassel instead of bridgewater, KC could have kept the pro bowler cassell but opted for smith, Denver grabbed Osweiler and Manning the same year....

Since the last time the bears were in the playoffs and Cutler was clearly someone prone to big errors on a regular basis, the Bengals, Broncos, Panthers, Raiders, Chiefs, Cardinals, Seahawks, Vikings, colts, and dolphins have settled their QB issues and are better than what we have here.
The Eagles, redskins and 49ers have all made big moves and had limited success for a time, all made the playoffs, and at least got 1 pro bowl season out of their guys.
The Rams, Bucs, jets, Bills, Browns, Texans, Jags, and Titans have all made big moves recently and are in wait and see mode.
That leaves these teams as the ones who have not tried to improve over the last 5 years-
The Pats, Steelers, Ravens, Chargers, Giants, Cowboys, Packers, Falcons and saints all have perennial pro bowlers and playoff appearances, and those guys are always in the top tier at the position.

The lions have 2 playoff appearances and a pro bowl for stafford... not comfortable putting him in with the above group but he certainly does have a couple bright years and one outstanding season that puts him above Cutler but still not a rock solid answer and certainly on the cusp of being replaced if he doesnt improve.

So what does that leave in the league? The bears.
The Bears and to a degree detroit are the only 2 teams that commit to mediocre guys and repeatedly try and cram in extra pieces to patch things up, and it honestly doesnt make them any more or less appealing than the The Rams, Bucs, jets, Bills, Browns, Jags, and Titans.

By my count, that is 30 teams that are either rock solid at the position or are investing heavily to get that way. with Chicago and detroit clinging to not good enough.


Just your everyday fail.
Aug 21, 2012
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Lost OMW to the Point
It feels like the only people trying to nit-pick Cutler now are the type of people who would go to a B movie expecting a Hollywood Blockbuster. Cutler has been improving all year, each game he plays better and plays more within the system. I honestly think this talk of him being limited is just hearsay as the coaches have made no indication that, that is what they are doing.

I'll just prepare myself for the usual posts about me being a meatball and such.

3rd N Long

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Nov 20, 2014
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:facepalm: It's happening right now this very season...

Who here is making that argument? Nobody. When it comes to the draft I'd just like to see the Bears actually invest a high pick (1st or 2nd) instead of praying for a miracle hoping to uncover some hidden gem with 5th, 6th, and UFA's.

You guys said the same bullshit excuse during the offseason and yet both Hoyer and McCown (both FA's) are currently out playing Cutler.

McCown has thrown 11 TD and rushed for 1 TD.
McCown has thrown 4 INT and Fumbled 9 times

McCown has 12 TD / 13 INT & Fumbles.

Oh wait, are the haters not counting fumbles as religiously as they did last year? Hmmm, I wonder why that is. Could it be that it doesn't fit the narrative this time around?


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Aug 20, 2012
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It feels like the only people trying to nit-pick Cutler now are the type of people who would go to a B movie expecting a Hollywood Blockbuster. Cutler has been improving all year, each game he plays better and plays more within the system. I honestly think this talk of him being limited is just hearsay as the coaches have made no indication that, that is what they are doing.

I'll just prepare myself for the usual posts about me being a meatball and such.

I don't doubt at all they're partially limiting in. Guy would be getting his shit rocked with this make shift line.

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HS Referee HoF
Aug 20, 2012
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Chicago, IL.
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  1. Chicago Bears
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they yearn for Russell Wilson. Jay Cutler's doing Russell Wilson better than Russell Wilson. Jay Cutler at least doesn't require Matt Forte to function in his role.

people wanted Colin Kaepernick too. he just got benched. he's like Tim Tebow lite. if you hated Tebow but wanted Kaepernick, that's silly, cause the only thing they can do effectively is run. Kaepernick gets the edge as a passer, he can throw the ball too somewhat, but for whatever reason after stepping in the middle of the 2012 season he's been exposed ever since.

Andrew Luck is another one. pronounced as some elite talent. why? because he's the only pure pocket passer to be drafted within the last like 5 years? he's getting destroyed.

Aaron Rodgers, he's the greatest ever. puts up 77 yards on the Broncos. I strongly doubt Favre would've ever laid down like that.

Tony Romo's a great talent. the reality is it's a team game. he just happened to be the bright spot in a puddle of shit.

I agreed with you on everything except well Aaron Rodgers is still elite no matter how you slice it and Favre was one tough son of a bitch but Rodgers makes him look like a 2nd tier quarterback. I may fucking hate the Packers but one bad game against the Broncos (which I did enjoy seeing) doesn't make him any less elite. Those piss and puke fucks are still one of the best in the NFC.
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Jan 3, 2014
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By my count, that is 30 teams that are either rock solid at the position or are investing heavily to get that way. with Chicago and detroit clinging to not good enough.

Of those 30 maybe 5-7 are happy with their talent at QB.

And as I said a couple posts ago I'm happy to spend a 1st or 2nd this year and possibly another 2nd/3rd next year on a QB but you can't really say these things until seeing how the draft plays out. Cutler lets this team move on while also not reaching in the draft.


HS Referee HoF
Aug 20, 2012
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Chicago, IL.
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago White Sox
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
am I correct in believing that team actually downgraded going from Jim Schwartz to Jim Caldwell?

The Lions were pussies with an attitude under Jim Schwartz. Now the Lions are pussies with no identity under Jim Caldwell. You can put lipstick and a dress on a pig but that fact is it will still be a pig.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Lol what?

The only reason they've been in all the games they've played this season was because of 6 under center.

It's honest to god mind boggling some of you continue to watch cutler and find ways to dislike the guy. I swear it's beating a dead horse, but I can't help but look at Broc and Mongos posts and just like wonder wtf they are thinking, or if they are honestly even watching the games.

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Better than clausen? Shocking!!!!!

The 18th ranked passer in the league who has played against teams that average 18th in passing defense is nothing to crow about.
The vikings give up a 90 passer rating. Jay had a 94.
Jay had a 67 against green bay- they give up a 76.
Jay had an 89 against oakland, and they give up an average of 89
Jay had an 88.4 against KC, they give up an 89.
Jay had an 88.8 against detroit, they give up a 111
Jay played a fraction of a game against arizona with a td and pick 6, only 9 attempts. good start, but incomplete and ended dismal- a 116 rating to arizona giving up a 76,but a pick 6 and non contact injury is pretty dismal despite the numbers.

So- Cutler is average to under average.
whoop de do, he is better than clausen.
Maybe, just maybe if Cutler really improves, He might be able to play up to Josh McCowns level this year... 11 tds and 4 ints, almost 1900 yards and a 95 rating. Man- can you imagine how close chicagos games would be if McCown was under center?


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Aug 20, 2012
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Better than clausen? Shocking!!!!!

The 18th ranked passer in the league who has played against teams that average 18th in passing defense is nothing to crow about.
The vikings give up a 90 passer rating. Jay had a 94.
Jay had a 67 against green bay- they give up a 76.
Jay had an 89 against oakland, and they give up an average of 89
Jay had an 88.4 against KC, they give up an 89.
Jay had an 88.8 against detroit, they give up a 111
Jay played a fraction of a game against arizona with a td and pick 6, only 9 attempts. good start, but incomplete and ended dismal- a 116 rating to arizona giving up a 76,but a pick 6 and non contact injury is pretty dismal despite the numbers.

So- Cutler is average to under average.
whoop de do, he is better than clausen.
Maybe, just maybe if Cutler really improves, He might be able to play up to Josh McCowns level this year... 11 tds and 4 ints, almost 1900 yards and a 95 rating. Man- can you imagine how close chicagos games would be if McCown was under center?

I'm not a stats guy. Fact is the team played harder and believes they can win every game with cutler under center. I don't know why you are picking at stats. I said this team can make the playoffs, and if it wasn't for the D BLOWING IT last second they would be in that conversation.

Shore up defense in offseason and give it a shot next season with a better OLINE, healthy Wrs and a new and meaner D.

The end.

Oh and cutler will still be under center for a few years.

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well baked
Aug 20, 2012
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I didn't, you assumed I was calling out someone. I simply stated that no one can make this argument. Granted I said "you" and seeing as how I did reply to you, I can see how you would assume this. I could have done a better job expressing this.

Ok so what exactly is your point with that statement then? That we should never bother drafting a QBs ever again because they're never going to be NFL "proven"? Are we just supposed to continue starting Jay Cutler until he dies of old age? I mean we're never going to be able to get a "proven" QB in the draft and apparently can't get an upgrade in FA according to some folks so I guess we're stuck trotting out the corpse of Jay Cutler till the end of time. :facepalm:

Yeah and go figure that McCown and Hoyer are not free agents currently. I did say "No QBs in free agency" That would indicate now, I myself try not to dwell in the past on shoulda coulda woulda type things.

Yes, let's not dwell on the past since it completely destroys your entire argument. It's much better to just pretend he's not getting outplayed by scrub journeyman and hope the same thing doesn't happen next season. :facepalm:


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Of those 30 maybe 5-7 are happy with their talent at QB.


WHAT? Manning, Brady, Brees, Rivers, the other manning, Flacco, Rodgers, Palmer, Dalton, Wilson, Newton, Ryan, For the most part Luck, Carr, Bridgewater, Roethlisberger, Romo, Marriota so far, Tannehill, Taylor and Hoyer are all pretty fucking solid right now.
I would bet well over half the league is pleased with who they have.
