Is Jay Cutler salary cap hit, the problem everyone proclaims it to be?


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Aug 20, 2012
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WHAT? Manning, Brady, Brees, Rivers, the other manning, Flacco, Rodgers, Palmer, Dalton, Wilson, Newton, Ryan, For the most part Luck, Carr, Bridgewater, Roethlisberger, Romo, Marriota so far, Tannehill, Taylor and Hoyer are all pretty fucking solid right now.
I would bet well over half the league is pleased with who they have.

Besides a shoddy fan base, I believe the Bears are pleased with who is under center too.

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Jan 3, 2014
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WHAT? Manning, Brady, Brees, Rivers, the other manning, Flacco, Rodgers, Palmer, Dalton, Wilson, Newton, Ryan, For the most part Luck, Carr, Bridgewater, Roethlisberger, Romo, Marriota so far, Tannehill, Taylor and Hoyer are all pretty fucking solid right now.
I would bet well over half the league is pleased with who they have.

You have Rodgers, Brady, Brees, Manning, Rivers, Roethlisberger, Romo and the rest of the league saying why don't we have a guy like that.

Well over half the league is that about 20-25 teams?

I don't think the Bears are sitting at 5-2, 6-1 or 7-0 ready to compete in the NFCN unless they have one of the QBs I listed.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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I'm not a stats guy. Fact is the team played harder and believes they can win every game with cutler under center. I don't know why you are picking at stats. I said this team can make the playoffs, and if it wasn't for the D BLOWING IT last second they would be in that conversation.

Shore up defense in offseason and give it a shot next season with a better OLINE, healthy Wrs and a new and meaner D.

The end.

Oh and cutler will still be under center for a few years.

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I will grant that the defense shit itself on the final viking drive- But the offense had 2nd and 5 that went to 4th and 5 on the back of 2 incompletions. the game could have been iced with an offensive drive.
The offense had 2 drives in overtime in detroit and failed to score. the defense stopped detroit twice, so a field goal was all that was needed.

plenty of blame to go around. the defense failed in conjunction with cutlers failures.


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Jan 3, 2014
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I will grant that the defense shit itself on the final viking drive- But the offense had 2nd and 5 that went to 4th and 5 on the back of 2 incompletions. the game could have been iced with an offensive drive.
The offense had 2 drives in overtime in detroit and failed to score. the defense stopped detroit twice, so a field goal was all that was needed.

plenty of blame to go around. the defense failed in conjunction with cutlers failures.

Agreed. But they weren't exactly giving Jay opportunities to win the game with John Fox going back to Fox ball after Jay took them downfield for the tying FG.


well baked
Aug 20, 2012
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Holy fuck Broc. Well guess what, it's getting to the point maybe you should realize the organization actually likes cutler and sees him as a building block moving forward. They don't care what you think and it's getting obvious they think cutler is their guy. Just get over it and find another position to dissect and bitch about, like the defense blowing leads last second.

Desp, I'm going to try and be as polite as I can so please try and follow along here...

Pace's job is to continually try and improve the roster. The QB position is not immune to this just because you have a hard on for Cutler. Pace is currently paying premium money ($16.5m) at the QB position and getting below average production (ranked 18 out of 32) in return. If you think he's not looking to improve on that pathetic ROI you are being extremely naive.

That said, it's amusing that you continue to live in this fantasy world where you think the Org loves Cutler and sees this failed 7 year project as a future building block. The only reason he's still here is because Pace's hands were tied due to Emery's terrible decision to extend him with that ridiculous contract, and they were unable to get anyone to bite on a trade.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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You have Rodgers, Brady, Brees, Manning, Rivers, Roethlisberger, Romo and the rest of the league saying why don't we have a guy like that.

Well over half the league is that about 20-25 teams?

I don't think the Bears are sitting at 5-2, 6-1 or 7-0 ready to compete in the NFCN unless they have one of the QBs I listed.
Bengals and dalton are 7-0, Newton and panthers 7-0, Bridgewater and vikings are 5-2, Palmer and the cards are 6-2, Ryan and the falcons are 6-2.
Carr, Taylor and Hoyer are all top 10 passers, Mariota is doing pretty decent for a rookie.

Out of the 21 I listed as doing pretty damn solid, I highly doubt anyone is talking much about the need to replace any of them.
The one name I ommited from the list is McCown- he is doing pretty damn good this year, 11 tds, 4 picks, and a 95 rating... but he isnt anything other than a patch. Too old, too iffy long term.

My original point stands- there are about 10 guys that teams wouldnt let go no matter what the price because they ARE the team, 10-12 guys who are performing at a very good level and people are happy to move forward with given their young age and production so far, and then the rest that are stuck in purgatory.


CCS Donator
Aug 23, 2012
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I agree with what you said here. The problem is that so many equate Cutler contract with being an anchor that is keeping the ship from moving in the direction the team needs to head in. When in fact his salary isn't remotely close to the problem it's portrayed to be.

It does get old seeing people use the salary as an excuse to dump Cutler from the team. When in reality his salary is actually quite team friendly heading into the next few years.

His contract was an albatross for 2 years when it was signed. It contained a 54 million guarantee, and a heavy cap hit in year 2. It was indeed front loaded to give the team some cap maneuverability for the duration moving forward. Question is? Is he worth what the remainder of the contract will pay him? I will leave that to the board experts on here to argue.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Agreed. But they weren't exactly giving Jay opportunities to win the game with John Fox going back to Fox ball after Jay took them downfield for the tying FG.

You are not wrong, but there has been a notable lack of implosion games.
Double edged sword- handcuff Cutler and hope the defense can hold (perfect execution of which was 2011) or it can be like the rest of the seasons we have seen- good and bad and all to often the bad at the worst possible time.

Fox manages the game as best he can, and I do enjoy the lack of back breaking turnovers for the most part... but that wont get this team anywhere. at this point, for all intents out of the playoff race, It is time to let him rip. Give him all the rope he needs and either see if gase is the guy that can control him or if we get to move on.
finish it one way or the other instead of being Orton 2.0


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Desp, I'm going to try and be as polite as I can so please try and follow along here...

Pace's job is to continually try and improve the roster. The QB position is not immune to this just because you have a hard on for Cutler. Pace is currently paying premium money ($16.5m) at the QB position and getting below average production (ranked 18 out of 32) in return. If you think he's not looking to improve on that pathetic ROI you are being extremely naive.

That said, it's amusing that you continue to live in this fantasy world where you think the Org loves Cutler and sees this failed 7 year project as a future building block. The only reason he's still here is because Pace's hands were tied due to Emery's terrible decision to extend him with that ridiculous contract, and they were unable to get anyone to bite on a trade.

Broc really isn't wrong. just thought I'd emphasize this.

I think the Cutler situation could be best described as... he's playing ok, he's not the reason they're losing, yeah, it could be better, but there's other far worse shit.

he's probably like item #8 out of a list of 10 major needs. Pace seems to have nuts, he's unloaded a lot of people that weren't performing well or just needed to go. that's a sizable upgrade from what they had before where they settled for shit for multiple years and completely ignored how terrible their options were.

You are not wrong, but there has been a notable lack of implosion games.
Double edged sword- handcuff Cutler and hope the defense can hold (perfect execution of which was 2011) or it can be like the rest of the seasons we have seen- good and bad and all to often the bad at the worst possible time.

Fox manages the game as best he can, and I do enjoy the lack of back breaking turnovers for the most part... but that wont get this team anywhere. at this point, for all intents out of the playoff race, It is time to let him rip. Give him all the rope he needs and either see if gase is the guy that can control him or if we get to move on.
finish it one way or the other instead of being Orton 2.0

I like this strategy. I wish we had a CCS official carrier pigeon to direct our suggestions to Halas Hall. make us like official team planning ambassadors or something.


CCS Donator
Aug 23, 2012
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Holy fuck Broc. Well guess what, it's getting to the point maybe you should realize the organization actually likes cutler and sees him as a building block moving forward. They don't care what you think and it's getting obvious they think cutler is their guy. Just get over it and find another position to dissect and bitch about, like the defense blowing leads last second.

No reason the Bears aren't 4-3 right now. But they are because the D, not the offense and cutler.

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OK DesBro, get off your high horse! The offense has averaged 20 points a game, which is nothing special in today's NFL. The teams problems don't start and end with one side of the ball, they are team wide and will take some time to fix. You throw your hands up in disgust at late TD'S given up by the D, but totally ignore the offenses red zone failures. Score some touchdowns instead of settling for FG'S, and 1 late TD doesn't enter into the equation!


New member
Aug 20, 2012
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You are not wrong, but there has been a notable lack of implosion games.
Double edged sword- handcuff Cutler and hope the defense can hold (perfect execution of which was 2011) or it can be like the rest of the seasons we have seen- good and bad and all to often the bad at the worst possible time.

Fox manages the game as best he can, and I do enjoy the lack of back breaking turnovers for the most part... but that wont get this team anywhere. at this point, for all intents out of the playoff race, It is time to let him rip. Give him all the rope he needs and either see if gase is the guy that can control him or if we get to move on.
finish it one way or the other instead of being Orton 2.0
It doesn't have to do with Cutler being handcuffed due to lack of trust. I believe it's because the line sucks, injuries at WR and more importantly, Fox is known as a way too conservative head coach.

That was the biggest issue with him in Denver, and the Broncos are kicking ass without him. Just sayin


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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special teams doesn't blow it on that punt return we're probably exchanging entirely different stories right now lol I genuinely don't understand how some people are baffled by the team's overall performance up to this point.


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Aug 20, 2012
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Durkin seems to think their is a core group of players moving forward that will be with the team after the rebuild.

Ruh Oh

When you do choose to zoom in, focus on players who will likely remain after the personnel department reboots the roster.

That core might be around a dozen players – Pernell McPhee, Eddie Goldman, Christian Jones, Kyle Fuller, Adrian Amos, Alshon Jeffery, Jay Cutler, Jeremy Langford, Kyle Long, Hroniss Grasu, Martellus Bennett and eventually Kevin White.

The rest of this roster is comprised of a bunch of guys who can and likely will be replaced during the purging that will take place over the next two offseasons. Here’s a look at some of those players and areas in need of improvement.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Are ya seriously suggesting cutler gets another contract with is? Rebuilding gonna take a couple of years!

he doesn't need to considering he's gonna be like 38 when his current one runs out. :lmao:

such a silly contract extension. 3 or 4 years I could see, 7? jesus.


Huevos Rancheros
Mar 11, 2015
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Just shut up and build offensive and defensive lines, a good secondary, a few key offensive weapons, a couple of great linebackers and you can win the super bowl with Trent Dilfer.


Packer Fan
Aug 16, 2011
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That was the biggest issue with him in Denver, and the Broncos are kicking ass without him. Just sayin

They were kicking ass at this time last year...and scoring a lot more points per game


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2013
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Just shut up and build offensive and defensive lines, a good secondary, a few key offensive weapons, a couple of great linebackers and you can win the super bowl with Trent Dilfer.

So you're agreeing the Bears don't need to spend 16MM on Cutler...


CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Here is how his salary cap stacks up against the other QB's.

Cutler 2016 salary cap hit currently places him at #16th overall

Cutler 2017 salary cap hit currently places him at #20th overall

Cutler 2018 salary cap hit currently places him at #16th overall.

These numbers assume that no other QB is signed to a big contract in the next 3 years.

Going by these numbers I can see why so many people constantly whine about Cutler's ridiculous contract being so detrimental to the team moving forward after the season is over.


Keep his bi polar ass...the guys coming out are garbage


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2013
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I believe it's because the line sucks, injuries at WR

Now where have I heard that excuse before?

That was the biggest issue with him in Denver, and the Broncos are kicking ass without him. Just sayin

You may want to check your stats on this.

Broncos were at or near the top of the league in pass attempts, yards, etc.. every year with Fox and Manning...

3rd N Long

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Nov 20, 2014
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Better than clausen? Shocking!!!!!

The 18th ranked passer in the league who has played against teams that average 18th in passing defense is nothing to crow about.
The vikings give up a 90 passer rating. Jay had a 94.
Jay had a 67 against green bay- they give up a 76.
Jay had an 89 against oakland, and they give up an average of 89
Jay had an 88.4 against KC, they give up an 89.
Jay had an 88.8 against detroit, they give up a 111
Jay played a fraction of a game against arizona with a td and pick 6, only 9 attempts. good start, but incomplete and ended dismal- a 116 rating to arizona giving up a 76,but a pick 6 and non contact injury is pretty dismal despite the numbers.

So- Cutler is average to under average.
whoop de do, he is better than clausen.
Maybe, just maybe if Cutler really improves, He might be able to play up to Josh McCowns level this year... 11 tds and 4 ints, almost 1900 yards and a 95 rating. Man- can you imagine how close chicagos games would be if McCown was under center?

McCown has a combined total of 12 passing / rushing TD

McCown has a combined total of 13 interceptions / fumbles

McCown is having such a good season that he is likely being benched for Manziel.

Nice try though, right?
