So how are the two other teams with 2 of the three best records in baseball supposed to win their division? Reseed.
Not that way every year.
I believe that the WC was winning before because of momentum. They had to keep pushing it to get in while the leaders were resting and resetting their rotations. WC would then keep the momentum. At first glance it was great now there are more opertunity in a 2nd WC for other teams. But the result intended was to keep the advantage to the div leader.
The current situation this year just sows that the rest of the NL just sucks. There should not be 3 NL central teams dominating the NL. We saw this in the AL east for years and finally it is starting to balance out.
I wouldn't weigh this year too heavy when making a judgement on it.
I've always thought that they should do like football and basketball has done and gone with a 4 Div and toss the WC to the trash. 32 teams. 16 AL, 16 NL. 4 per Div. Takes care of the problem. Have to add 2 teams which will water down baseball again as we have seen. But rids the whole WC issue completely.
2 markets they should look at: Nashville and New Orleans.