Lots of folks asking about Tommy La Stella, who was optioned to Iowa on July 29, but still hasn’t appeared in a game there. You will recall that Joe Maddon said La Stella did not take well to news of the option – which came because Chris Coghlan returned from the DL, and the Cubs wanted to be able to keep everyone (so they had to option someone with options left). Players have 72 hours to report when they’ve been optioned down. Seems like typically players report sooner, but, hey, a right is a right. Still, that period has now passed, and La Stella was not with the I-Cubs yesterday. That doesn’t mean he’s truant, though, as it’s possible the Cubs gave him permission to delay his appearance until the Iowa Cubs returned home today. No one really seems to know for sure. My guess is La Stella shows up today, it was never a problem, and this is mostly forgotten. It’s unfortunate that the roster situation dictated that a big league-caliber player had to spend some time in the minors, but that’s the way it is sometimes. It isn’t the first time it’s happened to a player, and it won’t be the last. At the latest, La Stella will be back in September when rosters expand.