Rose is convinced he's a three point shooter, and he has never been this poor at the basket in his career. I think we've basically seen Jimmy''s ceiling and he's not going to get any better. Pau is old and slow, can't defend the pick and roll and is better suited in Derek Fisher's offense than Fred's (I'll take Cleanthony or Harvey's kid in exchange at anytime).
I've gone from loving Noah, to hating him, back to loving him right now. You've gotten all you can possibly muster out of Taj. Aaron Brooks has never met a 27 foot shot he doesn't like. Kirk Hinrich through an eye test runs the offense better than a former MVP, and actually looks like he might be the only one that understands the offense. I'm cautious to say they bought high on Niko, but he certainly isn't what they thought he'd be. Snell and Dougie actually look competent though, and I wish they'd actually give Portis some meaningful minutes.
As for Thibs, I know he still has (I don't think here so much) lovers within the fan base but he was given 5 fucking years. I saw a stat on Bleacher Report not too long ago that the average NBA coach lasts 2.3 season, and once you take out the Pop outlier that goes down to less than 2 seasons. Amazing coach that only got you 1 conference final win.
Team blows, but I continue to watch because I'm a fucking meatball Bulls fan. I wince every time I see Rose miss the rim on a three point shot, scream at the tv and tell myself I'll never watch again - but the Brooklyn game is already set on the DVR because I need to finish up Christmas shopping and I'll watch the whole dame game because I apparently hate myself.