Jordan deserves his own Hall of Fame


I started a thread to air what I thought were problems with IHN.

I figured if no one responded in kind, then I must be the only one that had any issues.

Well I'm not the only one, it seems. There are plenty that have commented with similar gripes.

But the most defining sound is the silence of the posters that just don't come by anymore.

I guess they took your advice.

You mean the ones that left for "specific reasons"? Or the ones that were lost in the multiple "transitions".

I can name numberous members that have problems with other members which is why they don't post. When you can figure out how to Ban everyone so everyone get's along let a mod know. I'm sure they'll get right on that.

Such drama queen bullshit.

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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You mean the ones that left for "specific reasons"? Or the ones that were lost in the multiple "transitions".

I can name numberous members that have problems with other members which is why they don't post. When you can figure out how to Ban everyone so everyone get's along let a mod know. I'm sure they'll get right on that.

Such drama queen bullshit.

Like you would know.... all you did was sit there and delete posts/threads... you never played mediator and had to spend your volunteer time hashing out compromises or anything... what do you know?


New member
May 26, 2010
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Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
I guess I don't drop by enough - I didn't even notice any problems here...

I joined here because I was invited by someone else who moved over here from the official board.

My opinion at the time was there was a lot of freedom in what members could say - I wasn't used to some of the language here - on forums, anyway. But, I thought there was a lot of hockey knowledge here and even when people disagreed with each other both sides made some excellent points.

For awhile, I thought everyone were just puckheads with no opinions or knowledge about anything else, but I was proved wrong. God, there are threads on philosophy now! (capital G only because its the beginning of a sentence BTW)

I do agree that people should back up their opinions but I don't know if that is part of the rules of the board (it is on some other boards) because I've never read the rules. In fact, I figured there must hardly be any...

Reading the last six pages, I find a lot of contradictions which I'm not going to bother to list, but I'm not going to complain about anything - if I don't like something here I usually just don't respond or ignore it.


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Wow, 6 pages and I'm still not sure I've got it all. What a strange thread, seems I missed all the fun but it is truly baffling. So we want less moderation, but something needs to be done about all the personal attacks and negativity on this board. Fluff shouldn't have been banned, even though he was directly responsible for a lot of the personal attacks and negativity. So many assumptions have been thrown out without a lot of ideas on how to fix things. Here are some truths that I want to corrects. Fluff didn't get banned because someone pulled a trigger because of something they didn't like that he said or posted. He wasn't banned on a whim by one person. He wasn't banned because a final straw was pulled. We had/have one of the longest threads on this site dedicated to fluff. And that's with only 5 people posting in it. He was here for months and the only reason he wasn't banned sooner are because some of the mods such as myself didn't agree we could ban someone because of something they said. We have rules and procedures in place that we go through before we ban someone. We don't take it as lightly as some might like to propose. We gathered messages, complains and made a unanimous vote when it finally became clear that he needed to be banned. A lot of which was not seen because it was cleaned up . Why was he banned then you ask? Because after countless attempts to talk to him and explain to him the rules here on this board and what he was doing wrong he preceded to disregard everything we asked him to please try to do in order to be a contributing member of the IHN family. He basically told us No, he didn't have to follow the rules, and there wasn't anything we could do about it. So that is why he was banned.

As for all the censorship, thread deleting, post removal, it's absolutely baffling to me. All posts are saved, period. And I've looked through them. Other than his posts that were removed after he was banned to get things back on topic, the majority of posts that have been removed were double posts, or posts from mods themselves. If you had a post removed it, it was either against TOS or because it had something to do with Fluff after he had already been banned. When he was banned, since his main reason for being here was disruption and attention whoring, we decided that we would not bring him up anymore and it would be like he never was here because he's been banned and is no longer part of this community. So congrats, you brought him back from the dead, he must be loving this thread. Much like Paul I hear a lot of complaining here but no real suggestions. No real solutions, what is it exactly that people want to happen. Less moderating just can't happen. This isn't as simple as logging in. We are all volunteers, I was a mod for 2 weeks before I even did so much as merge a thread. I still don't even know how to use all those tools, as I think it was Phranck that told me how to use one yesterday. Yet, we still have games that the chat doesn't get opened. Imagine that. Could we have 2 mods, sure, if they were full time paid positions, but it's just not going to happen. Are their changes I would like to see, sure, i've even brought stuff up in the Mod thread. I love this place, I try to be as fair as possible, I try to be as positive as possible. I do not try to delete posts, and I've never closed or deleted a thread. Do I want more posters? Yes, I've brought up several ideas on how to attempt this. But letting this place become a free for all with no moderation is no way to encourage people to post here. It comes down to this, we came here to express whatever we want when we want. And now that we can we are getting sensitive because everyone is so negative and people are allowed to say what they want. But we feel that the way to make this better is for less moderation? It makes no sense to me. If you want to stop all the gang banging and personal attacks, and negativity that's one thing, just don't complain when I try to do that and all of a sudden everyone is being censored. How about we just give everyone mod powers and let everyone delete everything they don't like. Then we can have one thread about boobs.

If you going to call someone out, call them out, don't state sweeping generalizations as facts about things you think are happening and throw everyone under the bus. Contrary to popular belief there are some people here who are good people, and trying very hard to make this the best community for Blackhawk Fans on the web.


Very good post. Maybe I'll send you a hat.

<edit> And I never have to see the 5000 page Fluff thread again!

IM FREE.... **** YOU ALL!


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May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
Thank you for proving my point for me.

Coming from a moderator, it makes it even more valid.

I was going to respond to Paul's post but saw yours and decided it was better to use this one. Supraman is a NEW mod and I personally think he didn't get a good briefing from his 'supervisors' before being granted the 'delete button power'.

I remember several posts being deleted in a thread where the MAJORITY of the group was trying to EDUCATE fluffy on something. Most of the deleting was done by Supra. He even deleted a thread I started to make fun of the situation. By the way, Supra, do you even know who HF50 is?

On to my next point:

That thread resorted to name calling because fluffy made a really stupid and personal attack on many members of the boards. He insulted the military, which many of us served in. That is grounds for a simple talking to, followed by a threat, followed by a smack upside the head and maybe worse in the real world. I don't know why you want to defend that Jim. We asked him to explain himself, some of us even agreed PARTIALLY with what he had to say. I WAS ONE OF THEM. But he clearly crossed the line and stirred up shit knowing the only reciprocity any of us had was to BAN him. I can't understand Jim, why you don't agree with the 'voting off the island' concept. If dozens of people express outrage over one poster, then get rid of the bad apple. Don't be a ****** and buck the entire rest of the community and you should have no fear of getting booted.

As far as some of us having strong personalities and not letting go of an argument:

How am I to know if you don't get or agree with what I am trying to say if you don't say so. Here is a simple modification we can all make, start a response by saying I don't agree with you and here is why... Also, don't continue to lurk in a thread and repeat the same thing over and over without every trying to add something to your point. It is fruitless and ends up being "I know you are but what am I".

Some of these threads are arguments. I don't understand why we suddenly can't argue. It is an exercise of our intellects to do so. Even if it occassionally resorts to name calling. A thread where 15 people agree on the same thing is FUCKING BORING and will cause me to go elsewhere faster than someone calling me a name. Shit, I thought we were hockey fans here, not ballet fans...****...


New member
May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
I was going to respond to Paul's post but saw yours and decided it was better to use this one. Supraman is a NEW mod and I personally think he didn't get a good briefing from his 'supervisors' before being granted the 'delete button power'.

I remember several posts being deleted in a thread where the MAJORITY of the group was trying to EDUCATE fluffy on something. Most of the deleting was done by Supra. He even deleted a thread I started to make fun of the situation. By the way, Supra, do you even know who HF50 is?

On to my next point:

That thread resorted to name calling because fluffy made a really stupid and personal attack on many members of the boards. He insulted the military, which many of us served in. That is grounds for a simple talking to, followed by a threat, followed by a smack upside the head and maybe worse in the real world. I don't know why you want to defend that Jim. We asked him to explain himself, some of us even agreed PARTIALLY with what he had to say. I WAS ONE OF THEM. But he clearly crossed the line and stirred up shit knowing the only reciprocity any of us had was to BAN him. I can't understand Jim, why you don't agree with the 'voting off the island' concept. If dozens of people express outrage over one poster, then get rid of the bad apple. Don't be a ****** and buck the entire rest of the community and you should have no fear of getting booted.

As far as some of us having strong personalities and not letting go of an argument:

How am I to know if you don't get or agree with what I am trying to say if you don't say so. Here is a simple modification we can all make, start a response by saying I don't agree with you and here is why... Also, don't continue to lurk in a thread and repeat the same thing over and over without every trying to add something to your point. It is fruitless and ends up being "I know you are but what am I".

Some of these threads are arguments. I don't understand why we suddenly can't argue. It is an exercise of our intellects to do so. Even if it occassionally resorts to name calling. A thread where 15 people agree on the same thing is FUCKING BORING and will cause me to go elsewhere faster than someone calling me a name. Shit, I thought we were hockey fans here, not ballet fans...****...

Interesting enough I talked with my fellow mods about what I did. They didn't have a problem with it. So I guess I did the right thing. And no you weren't educating you were slinging personal attacks.

That thread was closed because it got out of hand. I reopened it because you asked and then had to close it again because the same thing happened.

Yeah I know who HF50 is too.


New member
May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
If someone is calling someone a "fucking idiot", ban them. Despite what you or anyone else says, they are NOT "good posters".

I agree with a lot of what you are saying here Jim. But the big thing I think you are missing on the whole Kerfluffle thing is that it wasn't one person calling him a fucking idiot. It was about 20.

Would you ever defend HF50 or Coldsteel from the Oboards? They were notorious trolls. Some people are just assholes. It happens. It doesn't mean that the rest of us should have to put up with it.

And for the record: I have been told for years by many of you in fact, that I take some arguments too far. As Eric point out, there have been a number of Pete v Eric battles that eventually ended in name calling. There were some Ron v Pete arguments that got real close to that. There were some Stu v Pete arguments that ended that way months ago. But regardless of the length or nastiness of the argument, we got through it and I would gladly watch a game with any one of those people.

When I see other threads devolve into that scenario, I just avoid them. I don't get mad or lose interest in the boards or call mods up and ask people to be banned.

Here is my request: Don't delete anything unless it is a racially, ethnically, or homophobically charged comment meant to offend someone personally. My other request, try to attack the person's argument, not their character.


I don't know whether to ban you or just remove your posts.

**** Cencorship and the MAN!!! Burn the place down to the ground!!!!



I agree with a lot of what you are saying here Jim. But the big thing I think you are missing on the whole Kerfluffle thing is that it wasn't one person calling him a fucking idiot. It was about 20.

Would you ever defend HF50 or Coldsteel from the Oboards? They were notorious trolls. Some people are just assholes. It happens. It doesn't mean that the rest of us should have to put up with it.

And for the record: I have been told for years by many of you in fact, that I take some arguments too far. As Eric point out, there have been a number of Pete v Eric battles that eventually ended in name calling. There were some Ron v Pete arguments that got real close to that. There were some Stu v Pete arguments that ended that way months ago. But regardless of the length or nastiness of the argument, we got through it and I would gladly watch a game with any one of those people. When I see other threads devolve into that scenario, I just avoid them. I don't get mad or lose interest in the boards or call mods up and ask people to be banned.

Here is my request: Don't delete anything unless it is a racially, ethnically, or homophobically charged comment meant to offend someone personally. My other request, try to attack the person's argument, not their character.

I don't know man. I might sit next to the GF for a game..... You there is really pushing it. Tell you one thing, I'm not sitting anywhere near Jim at a game! Mostly because he sells/scalps those tickets and is not there....

This is going to be fun again!


New member
May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
Interesting enough I talked with my fellow mods about what I did. They didn't have a problem with it. So I guess I did the right thing. And no you weren't educating you were slinging personal attacks.

That thread was closed because it got out of hand. I reopened it because you asked and then had to close it again because the same thing happened.

Yeah I know who HF50 is too.

Okay, well then I think you are too heavy handed or just have an itchy, new moderator trigger finger. Don't be ashamed or feel attacked, it has happened to others. I have been a member of IHN and all the other boards some of us have hung out at since the original over 7 years ago. Like someone else said, it might be more palatable to the group if you explained why you removed threads or posts. As ERuns put it, the absence of information causes scuttlebut and unrest.


New member
May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
I don't know man. I might sit next to the GF for a game..... You there is really pushing it. Tell you one thing, I'm not sitting anywhere near Jim at a game! Mostly because he sells/scalps those tickets and is not there....

This is going to be fun again!

So you were surprised when we didn't beat each other to death with furniture in the elevator lobby at the convention? I was sick, or I might


So you were surprised when we didn't beat each other to death with furniture in the elevator lobby at the convention? I was sick, or I might

I'd have had Michelle kick your ass!

Another thing is many of us know each other outside the board. We know each others personalities to some extent. Most really only having one thing in common but a few I consider some of the best friends I have. Although that's slowly dwindling I wouldn't change it for anything.

And Variable as for the post earlier I always though you had an agenda when you first signed. It seemed you knew what and who everyone was before you got here. No biggie, now I won't ban you for telling me to **** off. Since I've banned soooo many for doing that.

I vote to let Ryne/Shwenn back on the Island......


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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I think a big reason why this places goes to hell at times it's because people take things too personal sometimes, and they let things carry over into other threads. I really wish that people would leave their opinion about other people in the thread they argued with him. No one is going to agree with everyone on everything. So disagree in a thread with them, but don't drag feelings about someone into a different thread. It's ok to agree with people you don't like, it doesn't make you a more horrible person.

Also, to go along with that, people need to explore and enjoy the whole site. Take time out from sticking to one forum or one thread. Visit all the forums, get to know people through other topics. Find something you have in common with someone in one thread and you'll be more likely to be less attacking on them in a different thread. At to this end, find something you are passionate about and don't be afraid to start threads. We don't need thousands of threads, but it seems like the majority of them are started by the same people and that's what ends up spiraling into the same conversations. FYE , other sports forums have really great threads in them, but people stick to the hawks and to NHTA, and all that ends up doing is pigeonholing a person into their obnoxious hawk beliefs or outrageous political and religious beliefs.

The one thing that is going to make everything here better, is if everyone becomes a more active if the entire community. In all the different forums. Become know for something, evolve the culture yourself. Be known for a book thread, be known for starting the GDTs, be know for whatever floats your boat, just contribute and everyone will be happier around here and things won't seem so dominated by the same people.


New member
May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
I'd have had Michelle kick your ass!

Another thing is many of us know each other outside the board. We know each others personalities to some extent. Most really only having one thing in common but a few I consider some of the best friends I have. Although that's slowly dwindling I wouldn't change it for anything.

And Variable as for the post earlier I always though you had an agenda when you first signed. It seemed you knew what and who everyone was before you got here. No biggie, now I won't ban you for telling me to **** off. Since I've banned soooo many for doing that.

I vote to let Ryne/Shwenn back on the Island......

That would have been a fun tag team wrestling match.

About your second paragraph: I fully realize that someone like Supraman or any new poster is at a serious disadvantage around here. It is nearly impossible to decipher sarcasm in a post unless you know that, for example, Jim and Ron have a certain...tension...about them.


That would have been a fun tag team wrestling match.

About your second paragraph: I fully realize that someone like Supraman or any new poster is at a serious disadvantage around here. It is nearly impossible to decipher sarcasm in a post unless you know that, for example, Jim and Ron have a certain...tension...about them.

Jims an idiot but I'd still go out of my way to help him if he needed it. Least I would have, before he insinuated I was doing shit or responsible for shit I wasn't.

I mean I've seen him at almost his worst and best at the same time. Getting kicked out of the Scotts Trade while his daughter was giving 18000 people the finger.... ****....

Just kidding.....
