Jordan deserves his own Hall of Fame


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Dec 17, 2010
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She was there? I didn't bring her in the conversation in a bad light. Just part of the story. I said absolutely nothing wrong and in most instance would rather hang out with her than her father. So don't use that as an example of someone hitting on your daughter. Who by the way can take care of herself I'm quite sure.

But your post explains why some come and some don't. And like I said it's no different anywhere else. Not everyone on the Island always gets along.

I wasn't using it as an example.....I'm not sure how you're seeing that.


I wasn't using it as an example.....I'm not sure how you're seeing that.

I told you. And you and I are always good. Thanks for the help yesterday too although it took michelle an hour of fucking around with buttons this morning and she still couldn't get TV. LOL


New member
May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
Ok so it wasnt me then, whew? (I dont specifically ever remember doing it to your daughter, but since I have "gotten fresh" , in jest, with 90% of this boards female members, I assumed it was me).

Clean out your inbox so I can PM you.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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I know I am a little late in thread, and some of what I have said has already been stated, but here are a few of my points (sorry for the wall of text):


  • I agree that if one is hesitant about posting an opinion because of being afraid of disagreement or differing opinions, then a message board is probably not the place. Facebook just might be a better option since one can control their friends list (who sees the posting).
  • Now, if one is hesitant about posting and opinion because they are afraid of being berated with no dialog, then the issue is with the responders, not the poster. Post and ignore those that berate.
  • Personally, I can care less about, nor understand, berating someone over their opinion. Moreso without any civil dialog. I may try to engage the beratement, but some are just habitual at it, so ingore is the way to go. It is a feature, and it can be used.
  • Likewise, don't care for someone's post (or general posting), one does not need to reply. Espcially if one's first reaction is to knee-jerk. Chances are someone else will respons with less beratement, and time sometimes also helps temper the intially knee-jerk reaction.
  • If you feel you must respond to someone's opinion you do not agree with, don't shoot first and ask questions later. Amazing what happens when shooting is not the first response.
  • You don't have to fight fire with fire. Ignore the betrating post, and respond civilly and trying to express your point. If the berating continues, you don't have to respond to that poster as they have their own issues.
  • Fights will happen, but if civil posting is the norm, then the fights are not such a big deal and generall roll off each of the "combatants". Civil conversation usually leads to a better understanding of differing opinions without requiring one to change their own. It also lends to just a general understanding of where a poster is "comin' from".
  • In short, think before you drin....err post. Take into consideration the poster, and take time with the response. This is a message board and not a rapid fire conversation. Think about how a post or response contributes the thread or board.


  • There are multiple ways to moderate, it all depends on the board, the rules of the board, amount of common posters, and what type of community feel is being sought.
  • I have moderated boards other than the O's, while most have been tech related, several have been fan boards of something. Boards are generally similar in the types of posters, but it really is the mods that have the most drive of the feel and expectations.
  • Undermoderation generally leads to more chaos, ***** sessions, and animosity of posters. Overmoderation generally leads less posters, ***** sessions, and animostity of the mods. Balance is needed that fits the general community feel, however the extremes can and should be used as needed based on the state of the board and the wanted community feel. But the balance has to be the general norm.
  • Posters can rarely police themselves, even in an undermoderated board. Especially for those that know how to mask their IP...then again some just relish chaos, but that is the minority and they will find their niche boards were the majority can handle it. But the majority of boards cannot.
  • Communication from the Mods is imperative. When someone gets out of line or breaks the COC, at a minimum a PM should be sent with references to the post and what was broken. The type of communication from the mods is also a huge in that it indicates to the posters what the board expectations are...and sometimes provides examples on how other posters will be allowed handle similar situations.
  • For situations where a rant or a knee-jerk does not seem to fit, I like to reply by inquiring as to why the poster posted like they did (and in a civil manner). Fights seem to get our of control, or maybe want to head an expected bad posting situation off at the pass, then throw a civil post out there to try an stem it. Post usually just has to be a basic questioning response to what the posters intent/expectations are with their post.
  • Communication and consistentcy is the key.


  • No, McD, nor BHM overmoderate (control), the mods of the O boards. It is very much up to us to determine the community we want. BHM is very much focused on other things and puts that trust into our hands (primarily HawkMod (Cornholio here)). We mods converse amongst each other pretty often about all things board related, and try pretty hard to all be on the same page (not an easy feat in any respect).
  • The O mods were NEVER told to censor posts specifically about McD. What we did was edit or hide posts that broke the COC. Calling McD McDick, McFuck, McShit, etc is going to get the post edited; and hidden if there was nothing but a mindless rant included (espcially for repeat offenders). It adds nothing, and is against the board COC. Try as many of you might to think we were told to do censor anything about McD, that never happened. Some just kept on taking it too far too often, and really what does one think is going to happen, especially if they were warned to stop. Any unobvious edits were discussed amongst the mod team what the general course of action is to be.
  • Yes we had a heavy hand for a stretch, but that was intential overmoderating to bring some type of control of what the community is to be. Will there still be the jack asses? Sure, but there are far less, and some previous posters through communication have corrected many or all of their past jack ass issues and have become more a part of the community.
  • That community and change has shown very much in the chat, and some really good relationships have been forged between posters. It was just going to take time and patience of the mods and the posters that want to contribute.
  • No I am not recruiting anyone for the O's from here. You all jumped over for your own reasons that I can respect. For me NHTA is the primary reason I come here, as I usually too late to add anything of relevance to Hawk Talk.

In Closing

  • There are "idiots", "weak posters", "jack asses", "**** sticks", and "knee-jerkers" on every board. As much as anyone would like to feel otherwise. It is Biscuit's Natural Law of Message Board Posters Theroem.
  • Don't be one of them if you want to be a respected poster, and a poster that is read.
  • Civility, dialogue, and supporting information is king (or Queen for the lay-dees)


No one gives a shit about the officials.

There is constant chat among the Mods here and an entire "hidden" forum the rest of the board can not see for such. Nothing was done without consideration of the "whole" first.

Again it all boils down to relationships and personalities. You can not have your cake and eat it to. There ARE going to be those that dislike others and in most instances where neither should be banned or warned. It's fucking LIFE, deal with it.

Everything else is pretty good though. Oh and you weren't late in the thread, you've been reading it all along.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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No one gives a shit about the officials.

There is constant chat among the Mods here and an entire "hidden" forum the rest of the board can not see for such. Nothing was done without consideration of the "whole" first.

Again it all boils down to relationships and personalities. You can not have your cake and eat it to. There ARE going to be those that dislike others and in most instances where neither should be banned or warned. It's fucking LIFE, deal with it.

Everything else is pretty good though. Oh and you weren't late in the thread, you've been reading it all along.

I know no one gives a shit about the O's, and that is why I said I am not try to recruit. Just clarifiying some misconceptions. Interestingly, some posters here show up on the O's more than occasionally

And I know there is the private thread for the mods (remember after this current incarnation that I could see that thread for a brief bit). Besides it is the norm for any message board.

Yes I have been reading when I have had the few chances this week (weeks leading into and first several weeks of the semester = 12-16hr workdays and weekends), so I am late in the thread in terms of posting.


I know no one gives a shit about the O's, and that is why I said I am not try to recruit. Just clarifiying some misconceptions. Interestingly, some posters here show up on the O's more than occasionally

And I know there is the private thread for the mods (remember after this current incarnation that I could see that thread for a brief bit). Besides it is the norm for any message board.

Yes I have been reading when I have had the few chances this week (weeks leading into and first several weeks of the semester = 12-16hr workdays and weekends), so I am late in the thread in terms of posting.

Ive probably been there 6-7 times in the last few months. Mostly to see if there is anythng interesting going on. Not to change the thread or redirect but it is 100% kiss the Hawks organizations ass. Period. You type McSnake you'll be cencored. Even though it's a public figure. The sucking of that guys **** by people that work in this organization is fucking sick. And it rolls right there as well.


New member
May 14, 2010
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Ok so it wasnt me then, whew? (I dont specifically ever remember doing it to your daughter, but since I have "gotten fresh" , in jest, with 90% of this boards female members, I assumed it was me).


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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I can understand Tbird's stance. I get why is a bit angry.

BTW, saw an ad for the new Stratovarious album. NICE!

So, perhaps here are some changes to the rules that can be enacted.

1. Back up your argument. Go ahead and say Seabrook sucks, but follow that up with a reason. Stats related. If he fucked your girlfriend or gave your uncle a brown bagpipe, yeah sure, you'll be mad, but that isn't the reason we are here. We are here to talk about hockey. In Hawktalk, about the Hawks in general. In NHL/hockey talk, about hockey in general. In NHTA, whatever we want.

2. If someone disagrees with you, let 'em. It ain't gonna hurt you. Provides stats in response.

3. Let other fans be fans. I noticed that fans of other teams who may have some good knowledge and insight, are run out of here. It's a shame. A while ago there was a poster named HolmstromScreens. That poster was a great hockey mind, but because they were a Detroit fan, was just run right the **** outta here. I want more hockey acumen, as that's how I learned a lot about this game. Why would anyone not want to learn all they could about hockey? That baffles me.

4. NHTA is a great place. You really get a good feel for people there. Their sense of humor, their beliefs, and so on. It is a great mingling place. That's where most of us got to know each other on the O boards. Hell, and here.

You know what's great about all this bitching and complaining? It is gonna make us stronger in the long run. I don't care if there are people going back to the O boards and saying we are fighting. Know why? Cause this shit would fly on there. That's what makes this place so great. What I am hearing from everyone, like PJ, maryo, eruns and such is that they like this place, and want it to be around and to be a great place to go. And invite others. What's wrong with that?

These are all valid points, and I would love for these rules to all be able to happen, but they all seem to deal with how members treat members. How exactly do you purpose we institute these without the Mods getting even more power hungry to enforce them.


New member
May 15, 2010
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yer ma's pants
These are all valid points, and I would love for these rules to all be able to happen, but they all seem to deal with how members treat members. How exactly do you purpose we institute these without the Mods getting even more power hungry to enforce them.

I don't know. I know you can't really tell people how to act. I get that. I just think the if the rule or whatever is back it up with a stats, it may make for a better discussion? really, I dunno.

Perhaps maybe a bit more transparency? In this thread it has been said that there were many discussions, many warnings and so on. We the regular douches don't know what's going on. Perhaps had we known it would have been different?

I don't have the solutions. No one does. The above probably won't solve shit. But shit, they are ideas.


New member
May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
I don't know. I know you can't really tell people how to act. I get that. I just think the if the rule or whatever is back it up with a stats, it may make for a better discussion? really, I dunno.

Perhaps maybe a bit more transparency? In this thread it has been said that there were many discussions, many warnings and so on. We the regular douches don't know what's going on. Perhaps had we known it would have been different?

I don't have the solutions. No one does. The above probably won't solve shit. But shit, they are ideas.

I think your ideas are great and I am glad you took the time to say them. I always told my troops or the people that I manage over that you shouldn't ***** unless you have some solutions to go with your complaints. If you complain it means you want things to change, so what are your ideas? Right?


New member
Dec 17, 2010
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One more thing.....being the asshole that I am, I certainly should have mentioned this along with my bitching. While I was lying in the hospital about 40 lbs lighter, my wife came in with an awesome Tony-O hoody. I asked her what was up with that and she told me it was from you guys.......I'll NEVER forget that.


Fire Waldron
Oct 31, 2014
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One more thing.....being the asshole that I am, I certainly should have mentioned this along with my bitching. While I was lying in the hospital about 40 lbs lighter, my wife came in with an awesome Tony-O hoody. I asked her what was up with that and she told me it was from you guys.......I'll NEVER forget that.

I hope you're doing better and have kicked that cancer bug for good. I've lost a few close relatives to cancer recently and it is a terrible, terrible disease.

**** cancer.

By the way, anyone talked to Klemm lately? I miss that guy...


New member
May 16, 2010
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Southside, Chicago
Well the reason I haven't been on much is due to me being busy as shit this last year. It is that coupled with the fact that even though I generally come on the site everyday, there's never any action going on. Threads in Hawk Talk take weeks to move down the page as opposed to previous season. There is just little to no traffic it seems. I also attribute that to the fact that we won the cup and for me, I feel completely satisfied with the Hawks, if I miss a game I get over it pretty quick. Since the lockout though, I missed little to no games, listened to home games on the radio of a shitty ass team, would stay up to watch the replays and if we lost to Nashville I'd be in a heap. Now that we won there a sense of peace to this mediocre type season. I don't know if it makes any sense, but thats why I'm not on here much anymore.

Also, the Hawks were the first championship I experienced....


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Back in Jax
It's better to have a pain-in the-ass poster like Fluff, then to compromise free expression by banning him.

No one has been able to give one concrete reason why he was banned.

What EXACTLY did he do that would be considered trolling?

This whole "trolling" definition is as elusive as Sasquatch.

No one can define it, but everyone seems to think Fluff is guilty of it.

I agree on your "trolling" definition. Hell, Fluff may not have backed up his opinions with what anyone would consider fact, but that's the beauty of a message board IMO. Who the **** made me the collegiate paper writer where I have to back up everything I believe in with some form of concrete proof? With all the athiests and liberals on this board that would be just downright impossible. Conservatives who believe in God are a minority on this board and there have been a few who have simply stopped posting because of the backlash they get at the mere mention of a belief or opinion that goes against what the heathen society of today requires. I'm kinda 50/50. I understand that if a topic doesn't interest me, or I fear some backlash I will simply not read it or post on it.


New member
May 15, 2010
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yer ma's pants
I agree on your "trolling" definition. Hell, Fluff may not have backed up his opinions with what anyone would consider fact, but that's the beauty of a message board IMO. Who the **** made me the collegiate paper writer where I have to back up everything I believe in with some form of concrete proof? With all the athiests and liberals on this board that would be just downright impossible. Conservatives who believe in God are a minority on this board and there have been a few who have simply stopped posting because of the backlash they get at the mere mention of a belief or opinion that goes against what the heathen society of today requires. I'm kinda 50/50. I understand that if a topic doesn't interest me, or I fear some backlash I will simply not read it or post on it.

When I said back up your opinion with stats/proof, I was more referring to the hockey talk areas. NHTA is an entirely different area, as we talk about everything and anything here, much of which is theoretical.


CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Uptown baby!
When I said back up your opinion with stats/proof, I was more referring to the hockey talk areas. NHTA is an entirely different area, as we talk about everything and anything here, much of which is theoretical.

Jako, I am saddened that you only pimp out NHTA with a strong hand---FYE is just as much a nickel bag ho that needs some lovin' too ya know.


CCS Donator
Oct 19, 2013
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Wish You Were Here

I missed alot this weekend.

My vote is for less moderation and thicker skin.
