Kaner in the middle of it again...


CCS Donator
Oct 25, 2010
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Demolished, No Longer Standing
Kane gets picked out more, but I know Richards and Carter were seen everywhere in Philly. I believe Phaneuf was seen a lot out in Calgary.

Being 23 as well, I guess I'm more biased to think it's not a big deal that he went to a college town and had fun with buddies (which involved getting hammered).

Until someone steps forward claiming to be the girl who was assaulted, or there is proof shown to the public then I don't give a shit what he does in the off season.

It isn't about his age, it is about the corporate image...I know, I know..it is hard to understand that the Hawks care about corporate image when they parade Bobby Hull to corporate events but I Still believe Kane's image is a problem for the organization. You guys must remember that Tallon and Pully are no longer running the organization...guys who were players and understand the guys going out and living it up. The Hawks have regular corporate guys running the show, ie. McD and Stanblo.

I'm normally a Kane apologist and Kane being judge by the public goes with the territory when he chose his profession...

Believe me when I say, I really do not have a problem with what Kane does with his free time but then again it ain't my organization.

the canadian dream

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May 15, 2010
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It is about the corporate image in the minds of guys like Mcdick and the lot. But things like this get a lot of attention in the hockey world because pro hockey (hell most levels of hockey) have histories of players with alchohol problems. And in the past those problems haven't been taken very seriously and have been laughed off.

Im not saying Kane does have a problem. That's not my place to say. And a few party pics certainly never lead me into a direction where I would say he or anyone would have a drinking problem. But when you play pro hockey and you are constantly having pics taken of you while you are drunk out of your skull then people are going to start thinking things...that's what people do...that's never going to change. Hockey players have a reputation. It sucks but that's the way it is.


Chief Blackcock
Jul 17, 2010
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No we aren't. I know you outside of here and consider you my friend. Overboard on what I typed, maybe a little. Then again someone who doesn't know the person, has never had a conversation with the person, going off of hear say and pictures, where the person is doing nothing wrong, calling him a dumb mother ******, yea I have a problem with that. If I didn't know the person I wouldn't. I clearly said I think he needs to make different choices, but again he's still a kid. Fame or not. I'll just hop out of the conversation now. And Mass, because I do know you, and do consider you a friend, GO **** YOURSELF! I'm now off to drive four hours to take my Mom to dinner for Mothers day. Hopefully AL won't go out drinking with buddies and have pictures taken of him, wait, he's no one, so it does't matter. Yikes!

sniff...are we friends?


RK, you do know Mother's Day isn't till Sunday right? You skimping out on her! haha... and go **** yourself too. I'm trying to decide if I want to go to the firehouse tonight for dinner or just keep it simple.

Yea but Sunday just wouldn't work so it was pre. Drove up there had dinner and drove back. 8 hours in the car for a 5 hour visit... LOL!


Dumbest shit I've ever seen. Lets trade Patrick Kane because he likes to party! All over the place, where the hell did that come from?

It's Jay, what do you expect?

I must have missed his blog on the front office, or Havi vs Q, or things that really mattered. Wait, that's why he's laughed at by the beat guys? Maybe they have a clue. Oh wait he's a big bad producer! I forgot, for the shittiest sport outlet in Chicago.


CCS Donator
Oct 25, 2010
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Demolished, No Longer Standing
And pictures say 1000 words and none of them are usually true, do you know how many pictures a day on the internet get taken out of context and used as an internet meme... actually I know you do cause you are very good at it yourself. I'm not saying he wasn't passed out on the bar but he could have just as easily had a different explanation. Maybe he was just tired and put his head down but his eyes were open... whatever, who cares, it's not a party till you fall asleep and rally. I didn't see in any of the pictures where he was stumbling all over the place? All these conclusions that people jump to over a 23 year old kid having a great time. Sure I'd like him to not have it all out there, but 95% of all people out in public these days have a camera on them. Its the way the world works now. And the ******* who are taking these pictures and sending them immediately to Deadspin ect and trying to make a buck are the real problem here, where is all the outrage over the invasion of privacy? Sure he posed for a couple, but there you have pictures of his back at a bar, him crossing the street, screwing around in a group of people... so basically you're saying, do go outside and have fun, people might take a picture of you. Better yet, don't go outside at all, not even to walk your dog.


Another deadspin special... again why is this news?

Big bad NFL player with a toy dog......


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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It's Jay, what do you expect?

I must have missed his blog on the front office, or Havi vs Q, or things that really mattered. Wait, that's why he's laughed at by the beat guys? Maybe they have a clue. Oh wait he's a big bad producer! I forgot, for the shittiest sport outlet in Chicago.

He did this one on the Haviland firing.


And I doubt that many of the beat writers were laughing when Zawaski scooped every one of them on the Toews concussion.


He did this one on the Haviland firing.


And I doubt that many of the beat writers were laughing when Zawaski scooped every one of them on the Toews concussion.

If you don't think they knew again your foolish. Then again Jim your the only one I know that defends Jay or that Shitty station he works for so hey!

Also says nothing about the complete crap he just typed there, which you say not one fucking thing about.


How ridiculous is that. "A 23 year old is not a college student" Gee , I don't know about you but none of my personal friends graduated college at 21. Im glad this asshole knew exactly what he wanted to do with the rest of his life at 18. I didn't graduate until I was 25.

Oh no that's Jay, a "quality blogger"...... Just unfortunately not famous enough to ever have anyone want to take a picture of him I suppose.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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If you don't think they knew again your foolish. Then again Jim your the only one I know that defends Jay or that Shitty station he works for so hey!

Also says nothing about the complete crap he just typed there, which you say not one fucking thing about.

If the beats knew about Toews concussion and didn't report it, then they suck at their jobs.


If the beats knew about Toews concussion and didn't report it, then they suck at their jobs.

or are afraid to lose them maybe. Jay would never have that problem because he's a fan, not a writer. That's the difference. He blogged speculation Jim. Beat writers for the most part don't do that. Unless of course they are looking for hits or a splash.

Wow I'm impressed. I scooped them on Savard being fired, woa..... After this article, Jay is a douche bag.

Those guys walk a fine line, if they don't they end up working out of state, ask Josh Mora. Quality Blogger? You read what he just wrote? give me a fucking break.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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or are afraid to lose them maybe. Jay would never have that problem because he's a fan, not a writer. That's the difference. He blogged speculation Jim. Beat writers for the most part don't do that. Unless of course they are looking for hits or a splash.

Wow I'm impressed. I scooped them on Savard being fired, woa..... After this article, Jay is a douche bag.

It was not speculation. He had two sources. And Jay has already stated that website hits don't benefit him.

Bloggers sometimes have as reliable or more reliable sources than credentialed reporters.

That was the case here.


It was not speculation. He had two sources. And Jay has already stated that website hits don't benefit him.

Bloggers sometimes have as reliable or more reliable sources than credentialed reporters.

That was the case here.

It was speculation. Just like my Savard will be fired before he was, was speculation. I had two sources as well. But thanks for telling me how it works since I probably know more insiders than Jay does and I don't work for the shittiest sports outlet in Chicago.

I'm glad you are here to defend him. And again the article in question above is complete shit. One of the worst things I've read in awhile.


CCS Donator
Oct 25, 2010
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Demolished, No Longer Standing
Regardless of who knows who and has the best scoop and it does not matter if some no name poster calls Kane a "Motherfucker."

I expect Kane's love ones and his friend to come to bat for him; that is what love ones and friends do and I and I know Kanes' loves ones and friends (real friends) are telling Kane "although we got your back"...."stop it and learn to be more discreet because you can avoid some of this non-sense by being more careful because it is not all about you. We end up going through it too and we have to answer for you."

I am not a believer that his partying will necessarily affect his game at this point...that isn't my worry...my reason for wanting him to stay out of the news for his partying are purely selfish. I want him him in a Hawks' uniform because he is my favorite player on the team..matter of fact he is the only top forward we can count on to play a full season. You see I do not want McD or Stanblo to get rid of one their most reliable player because they are concern of a image problem.

At some point; perception is going to win out when it comes to Kane and Hawks are going to pass the perception off to another team.

What it comes down to; it is still embarrassing for Kane, his family, the Hawks Organization, and his true friends.

It's is so ridiculous that it has come down to who has the better sources...JayZ (I am on RK side..can't stand the idiot) or the beat guys!


I'd agree with that. I think he needs to make better choices. Experiencial Education. Hopefully he learns before something really serious becomes of it. At this point, it's harmless, the off season, and who cares.

Right now in time the organization is probably not bothered by it much because it turns the focus to Kane rather than the shambles of the front office, from a team two years removed from the Stanley Cup.

Would they rather fans, media ect ect be talking about Kanes harmless antics, or the fact there is a clear rift in the organization started from almost near the top, and extending NOW to the players wearing the sweater. I'm guessing Kanes antics.


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Dec 31, 2011
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Here's my thoughts:

1) Why doesn't someone close to him - a friend or a teammate pull him aside and ***** slap him and say to wake up and stop putting himself in these situations? I would tell him enjoy yourself, bang chicks all day, but become a social drinker and not a drunk. The photo after photo of him passed out really says a lot and how he doesn't know when to cut off. These are the photos that get him in trouble and create the continued media/internet interest in following him. If he can make better decisions and stay relatively sober in social situations - the photos that do surface will be of him just taking photos with fans and not bombed out of his mind.

2) When Kane went through long scoring lapses this past season it did occur to me several times that the bar scene could be impacting his game. While I don't believe the choking incident and I certainly don't believe he was uttering anti-semitic comments, I'm also not naive enough to think he only does this hard partying and binge drinking in the offseason.

3) I'm wondering what Hawks brass is thinking about this situation. You had better believe they are watching this and discussing amongst themselves.


CCS Donator
Oct 25, 2010
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Demolished, No Longer Standing
Joke to break the ice:

Brendan Shanahan will probably suspend the girl from all NHL games for putting her neck in Patrick Kane's hands.

Shantz My Pants

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Dec 10, 2014
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Brendan Shanahan: "If Chicago Blackhawks Forward, Patrick Kane, did slam the females head into the glass, then there is no need for any potential punishment."
