For sure.
My issue is when people buy a car with paddle shifters and kid themselves by thinking they are driving on a track most of the time. Raceboy posers that likely are a real danger to other drivers on the road, it's basically all the Type-R kids of the 90s all grown up(kids that slapped cherry bomb exhausts and nonsense stickers on their cars with stripes as kids, but still get wet while watching naws CGI on fast and furious). I have a similar opinion of people who buy huge SUVs for when they do big shopping(at least their justification), yet, they only utilize the storage twice a year and then complain that more people don't use solar power.
Then you have SUVs with paddle shifters and non-functioning hood scoops.... can't win I guess.
At least if you want to kid yourself and drive recklessly with a proper stick, you will learn quick when those quick first 20k miles or so come up, and you already need to change the clutch and whatever bearings from resting your hand on the shifter.