McGraw: Decent chance the Bulls will re-sign Ben G


Mr Metta World Peace
May 10, 2010
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Re:McGraw: Decent chance the Bulls will re-sign Be

well before rose came to town, he was the only possible way that we'd have a player on fire at the end of games that could win it for us

i think that's where the mindset came from.


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Mar 29, 2009
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Re:McGraw: Decent chance the Bulls will re-sign Be

houheffna wrote:
I have no concrete ideas as to how to improve the team

Maybe you should find somewhere else to post then. We like to think for ourselves around here and come up with our own analysis and ideas. Not repeat what Boers and Bernstein say who don't know shit about basketball.


Apr 22, 2009
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Re:McGraw: Decent chance the Bulls will re-sign Be

Manic Devourer wrote:
I never said that Gordon should strictly be a catch and shoot player, but he should avoid trying to go one on one so early in the shot clock too often during games. Are you saying that you haven't seen games where he gets the ball with 20 seconds on the shot clock dribbling between his legs, and trapping himself on the baseline with nowhere to go before he hoist up a bad shot?

I see early shots as the price you pay for a player being confident and aggresive. You can't just ask a player to reign themselves in and expect it to not affect the rest of their game. Take a look at Tyrus, in playing more "in control" on defense to reduce his fouls his shotblocking went way down as well. I suspect if you ask Gordon to take fewer quick shots he'd also start hesitating to take good shots too.

At the end of the day if a player is a net positive I think you live with the good and the bad. Not every play where Gordon gets the ball early ends well, but enough do that you can live with those that don't.


Mr Metta World Peace
May 10, 2010
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Re:McGraw: Decent chance the Bulls will re-sign Be

he doesn't take that many bad shots. remember larry hughes??? (shudder)


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Mar 13, 2009
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Re:McGraw: Decent chance the Bulls will re-sign Be

J-Mart wrote:
houheffna wrote:
I have no concrete ideas as to how to improve the team

Maybe you should find somewhere else to post then. We like to think for ourselves around here and come up with our own analysis and ideas. Not repeat what Boers and Bernstein say who don't know shit about basketball.

Please no insulting other users, you can disagree with someone without insulting them, there's no use in ever doing so as nothing good will ever come out of it.


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Mar 13, 2009
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houheffna wrote:
He is a ball hog and Nocioni hinted as much after he left.

How is he a ball hog? 16 shots a game for a 20 point scorer is a ball hog? Do you not want a 20 point scorer on the team? As I said, there is not a single player in the NBA. Not one. 0 players. Who outscored Gordon last year and took fewer shots.

So you're basically saying that there is some player who's less of a ball hog, but shoots more often than Gordon to get his points, or you're saying you don't want a scorer as good as Gordon on the Bulls, and that no one should score more than him now or in the future on the team.

How do you fix the team? Do a better job of drafting, be more consistent, those aren't cliches, they are fact.

The Bulls have done a good job drafting. Outside of Tyrus Thomas, they've gotten among the best players available with each of their selections under John Paxson's reign as GM.

Don't pass up Aldridge and guys who have what the Bulls needed to get players that make sportscenter plays. Bring in a coach that emphasizes defense. Offense is nice, its glamorous, but defense is what wins in the playoffs.

There were a lot of reasons to like Aldridge, but Tyrus had as good a scoring rate in college as Aldridge and was considered a much better defender. He had far better athleticism, rebounding rates, block rates, steal rates, and in most statistical indicators absolutely destroyed Aldridge as a prospect.

The Bulls had a stellar defense despite BG not because of him. He got his butt handed to him by the Pistons because he could not guard either Billups or Hamilton.

So you are agreeing that having Gordon as your starting 2 guard doesn't preclude you from playing great defense, given that the Bulls did it for three years.

Hamilton is a championship all-star 2 guard who could play defense. Period. Stats are stats.

If you replaced Rip Hamilton with Ben Gordon in his prime do you think the Pistons wouldn't have won that title? I think that's a ridiculous statement. Where would the Pistons be if Rip Hamilton had to be their best player? They'd be where they are right now with 39 wins.

Like Vin Scully said "Statistics are used much like a drunk uses a lamp post: for support, not illumination."

So much for BG and his 16 shots. If he goes 7 for 16 instead of 7 for 23, the Bulls may have won game 7 against Boston.

So? If any one of a number of players played better at any point the Bulls would have won the series.

I have no concrete ideas as to how to improve the team, that is a question for Sam Smith or KC Johnson. I just know this team plays bad basketball and I know what mistakes were made in the past, and they should not be repeated.

No offense, but if you have no concrete ideas on what would be good then why enter a discussion about how the Bulls should do XYZ with Gordon/Hinrich/whomever. Your moves just throw good players off the team, if you have no follow up move to replace them with better players then how do you expect the team to get to championship level?

This is why Lawrence Holmes went Celtic green on Bulls fans. Bulls fans cannot settle, if you think Gordon is a legitimate starting 2 guard on a team that is contending...then we will have to agree to disagree.

As I pointed out, Ben Gordon is VASTLY better than the majority of "2nd best" guards on NBA title teams or legitimate contenders. If you believe Rose is good enough to be the best guard on a title team then Ben Gordon is absolutely good enough to be the second best guard.

I guess it's just me Boers and Bernstein on this one. I actually agree with them.

I don't listen to B&B a lot, but the times I have they've struck me as your typical sports radio guys who like to complain about everything using hindsight and have no solutions to present, only problems.

Presenting problems using the benefit of hindsight isn't a real talent, nor is indicative of an ability to solve those problems or avoid problems in the future. They're among the radio guys I pretty much can't listen to, because they have nothing useful to say. They just like to tear things down.

Much like your plan of throwing away good players without any plan on how to build up. I'm not against Gordon/Hinrich/anyone leaving this Bulls team. However, unless you have a plan as to how the player leaving ultimately improves the team then you there's no reason to believe that your plan of throwing a guy off the team is good.


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Mar 29, 2009
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This theory for fixing the Bulls (get rid of guys because they're not "good enough") reminds me a lot of my brother-in-law, who decided to quit his job last November because it wasn't a "good enough" job. 6 months later he's still looking for a "good enough" job while my sister supports them and they're savings slowly dwindles away. But hey, he's available for that "good" job whenever it shows up!

Much better for the Bulls to keep the guys they've got (barring outrageous contract demands), thus staying competitive while continuing to look for chances to improve, than to dump guys just to make the space and money available for someone better ahead of time and be stuck with a crap team waiting for "the day" that someone better finally shows up.


Ignoring Idiots
May 6, 2009
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Re:McGraw: Decent chance the Bulls will re-sign Be

J-Mart, I am a little surprised you would take that tone, its unnecessary.

I think the people that run the podcast are very intelligent and knowledgeable about the Bulls and the NBA. I just wrote Mr. Thonus a note this morning and pointed out what a great job he is doing with the college scouting, and what a service it is to me, a mere fan. I appreciate and respect everyone's opinion on here. I am not here to offend anyone. I do find it silly to degrade people for having an opinion, especially on a forum.

Where I do disagree with Boers and Bernstein is that they tend to call people Special person and are highly critical of anyone that disagrees with them. It is irritating. The reason I am here is to talk with people and not get angry, just to debate about a team that I assume we all have a love for.

Mr. Thonus you are right, what you are saying about me is what MLK said about Malcolm X. I point out the problems but I don't have solutions. Its like a car, I can tell you where the leak is, but someone who knows what they are doing would have to stop that leak. However, I don't believe the team goes to the dogs if they lose Gordon. You only say that about great players.

I wouldn't dismiss Terry Boers as just a radio guy no more than I would dismiss you as a podcast guy. I respect your opinion as much as I do Boers, though I find you a bit more tactful to say the least. He does have years of experience covering the NBA.

Sometimes it takes fine tuning, I have said in the past that if you keep Del Negro, you should probably keep Ben, because Del Negro does not really care about defense. If you were to get a high level coach with a high defensive IQ, Gordon is very expendable, especially with Salmons on the team.

Mr. Thonus, I take it you trust Paxson/Foreman with the two picks in the upcoming draft? I am a bit concerned but hopeful.

For those of you who cannot see this team winning with Gordon, I have two words for you: Adrian Dantley.

The top 5 2 Guard lists I see are a bit skewed. How anyone can put Gordon above Michael Redd is beyond me....


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Mar 13, 2009
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Re:McGraw: Decent chance the Bulls will re-sign Be

Your Mr. Thonus thing cracks me up, I appreciate the respect, but it's funny to me because I convince everyone to just call me Doug, even all my daughter's friends (which surprisingly pisses off a lot of parents because they feel all adults should be referred to as "Mr." or "Mrs." whatever). Anyway..

Don't get me wrong, I agree with your concerns about the Bulls being stuck in mediocrity potentially. I agree that we need more top line talent on the team. I also agree that you can only have so many overpaid guys and that you have to distribute your money in such a way that you can afford to pay the top line talent.

Much of what I believe you mean as your core beliefs I agree with overall. The theory is very sound, but once you get down to the details of attracting that talent where I think things are difficult, as you said, you're not sure how to do that. Neither am I, and neither is anyone on the Bulls. The reason is, there is no concrete way to do it. The Bulls won't have a draft pick in the "sure thing" range again in the near future unless something goes horribly wrong.

They can't count on trading for an elite player because teams never like to trade those guys unless something goes wrong, and the Bulls don't have the type of young assets that would be especially attractive.

They can't count on FA because it will be hard to generate enough cap room to sign a guy like that, and if they do, he still is likely to go elsewhere.

It's basically a situation where it's just really hard to get to the "consistently contending with a legit chance to win any given year" status. It requires a lot of luck, and the Bulls will have to hope for some.

In the mean time, I think they're more likely to generate some luck by keeping their best players and having them as trade assets than letting them go and having salary cap flexibility as a trade asset or FA asset. I would still be willing to go the salary cap route this summer if you don't see extensions for the big guns though.

However, I do think chemistry wise, you have to kick someone off the team this summer of: Rose, Hinrich, Gordon, Salmons, Deng.

It's not going to be Rose (too good / young / potential filled etc..).
It's not going to be Deng (too bad of a contract).

That leaves you with Hinrich, Gordon, or Salmons. I would probably boot Salmons first of that list actually, because he's the oldest, has the worst track record, and is the least likely to help you as a trade asset or on court piece in the future even though he has the best contract right now.


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Mar 13, 2009
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Re:McGraw: Decent chance the Bulls will re-sign Be

Mr. Thonus, I take it you trust Paxson/Foreman with the two picks in the upcoming draft? I am a bit concerned but hopeful.

And yes, I generally trust Paxson with the draft. I give him a do-over on Tyrus, because I think people don't really understand how good a prospect Tyrus was because he hasn't developed. However, if you look at most indicators that typically show NBA success, Tyrus absolutely dominates in them. Even so, I understand the dislike for him as a prospect because I wasn't on board with him either.

However, every other pick Paxson has made has been a quality player among the best options available at his draft selection, and even Tyrus hasn't been a complete bust. I think he'll likely be a starting caliber player and better than all the guys around him except Gay, Roy, and Aldridge (though I think he can still match up evenly with Aldridge before he's done and possibly Gay).


Ignoring Idiots
May 6, 2009
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Re:McGraw: Decent chance the Bulls will re-sign Be

Okay, here is my list of 2Guards

1. Kobe
2. DWade
3. Brandon Roy
4. Manu Ginobili
5. Tracy McGrady
6. Joe Johnson
7. Ray Allen
8. Andre Iguodala
9. Vince Carter
10. Michael Redd
11. Ben Gordon/Kelvin Martin (Martin is a better scorer)

That's the bottom line 'cause Houheffna said so!!!


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Mar 29, 2009
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Re:McGraw: Decent chance the Bulls will re-sign Be

houheffna wrote:
J-Mart, I am a little surprised you would take that tone, its unnecessary.

I apologize, I as many on the board have a hatred for B&B for all reasons that have been mentioned in numerous threads. When their names come up, especially in Gordon discussions, it sets a nerve for me. IMO they have very low knowledge of the Bulls and the NBA in general and I am willing to bet they don't even watch a majority of the games. As many have mentioned in the past Bulls analysis from the radio sucks in Chicago. At least I assume we all listen to Doug, Kush and Fred so we are getting good analysis of our team we all have a passion for.


Ignoring Idiots
May 6, 2009
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Re:McGraw: Decent chance the Bulls will re-sign Be


Its all good. I am opinionated, you are going to disagree with me I promise. But I believe we have one thing in common, we both love the Bulls.

Just read the Steve Rosenbloom column. Love what he had to say, made perfect sense. BG did shoot himself out of Chicago.


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Mar 29, 2009
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Re:McGraw: Decent chance the Bulls will re-sign Be

houheffna wrote:
Okay, here is my list of 2Guards

1. Kobe
2. DWade
3. Brandon Roy
4. Manu Ginobili
5. Tracy McGrady
6. Joe Johnson
7. Ray Allen
8. Andre Iguodala
9. Vince Carter
10. Michael Redd
11. Ben Gordon/Kelvin Martin (Martin is a better scorer)

That's the bottom line 'cause Houheffna said so!!!

Funny cause I would argue that any of those guards above could be the starting 2 guard on a championship team. Or is there really a big drop off from Redd?

I don't agree with your ordering really, I would take Gordon over, McGrady (useless if he can't see the court), Allen (Age), Carter (Age) and Redd personally. I also don't consider Iggy a 2 guard, maybe thats just me though.


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Apr 3, 2009
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New York, New York
Re:McGraw: Decent chance the Bulls will re-sign Be

In the NBA their are 2 ways to contend for a championship:

1: Have two of the top 15 players in the league or
2: Find solid guys at every postition and 1 top 10 player.

The Bulls have 1 top 10 potential player now but they don't have another. Like Doug said it will be hard for them to get another great player so you have to fill the roster with solid players. Yes it is a problem having an undersized 2 guard but we have good length off the bench and he is an efficient scorer. Until we can bring in a second superstar type player we should keep the roster as it is, it is a pretty good solid team if they keep playing together.
If we lose Gordon the team will not be as good next year even if Rose, Noah, Thomas are better. I don't want to take a step back after that great playoff series, we have to keep improving.

Oh I think people call Gordon a ball hog because once he starts a move or gets in an isolation situation he is not passing the ball. Yes he only takes 16 shots a game and I don't mind that he takes bad shots because he makes bad shots too. But I don't jump on people who call him a ball hog because you should be able to easily see why someone would come to that conclusion. He can shoot a good percentage and only 16 shots and still hog the ball in certain situations (proves he doesn't take all of the teams shots like a Kobay or Arenas) they have nothing to do with one another in this case. Ray Allen imo was superior slightly to Gordon in that series because he rarely takes a bad shot, in the end of the game Allen (like Mr. Jordan) can pass the ball when making a move and he gets double teamed. Go back to the film and check how many times Ben got an assist on an iso or after he started a drive to the basket. Maybe he has a few in the 1st quarter but in the 4th they might as well put all 5 guys on him, which Boston almost did and he didn't pass once.

??? ??????

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Apr 2, 2009
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Columbia, MO
Re:McGraw: Decent chance the Bulls will re-sign Be

Hendu0520 wrote:
In the NBA their are 2 ways to contend for a championship:

1: Have two of the top 15 players in the league or
2: Find solid guys at every postition and 1 top 10 player.

The Bulls have 1 top 10 potential player now but they don't have another. Like Doug said it will be hard for them to get another great player so you have to fill the roster with solid players. Yes it is a problem having an undersized 2 guard but we have good length off the bench and he is an efficient scorer. Until we can bring in a second superstar type player we should keep the roster as it is, it is a pretty good solid team if they keep playing together.
If we lose Gordon the team will not be as good next year even if Rose, Noah, Thomas are better. I don't want to take a step back after that great playoff series, we have to keep improving.

Oh I think people call Gordon a ball hog because once he starts a move or gets in an isolation situation he is not passing the ball. Yes he only takes 16 shots a game and I don't mind that he takes bad shots because he makes bad shots too. But I don't jump on people who call him a ball hog because you should be able to easily see why someone would come to that conclusion. He can shoot a good percentage and only 16 shots and still hog the ball in certain situations they have nothing to do with one another. Ray Allen imo was superior slightly to Gordon in that series because he rarely takes a bad shot, in the end of the game Allen (like Mr. Jordan) can pass the ball when making a move and he gets double teamed. Go back to the film and check how many times Ben got an assist on an iso or after he started a drive to the basket. Maybe he has a few in the 1st quarter but in the 4th they might as well put all 5 guys on him, which Boston almost did and he didn't pass once.

And Gordon is a top 10 NBA player in the clutch fwiw. So at the end of games, as long as Rose develops, it will be like having two superstars on the floor.


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Apr 3, 2009
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New York, New York
Re:McGraw: Decent chance the Bulls will re-sign Be

??? ?????? wrote:
Hendu0520 wrote:
In the NBA their are 2 ways to contend for a championship:

1: Have two of the top 15 players in the league or
2: Find solid guys at every postition and 1 top 10 player.

The Bulls have 1 top 10 potential player now but they don't have another. Like Doug said it will be hard for them to get another great player so you have to fill the roster with solid players. Yes it is a problem having an undersized 2 guard but we have good length off the bench and he is an efficient scorer. Until we can bring in a second superstar type player we should keep the roster as it is, it is a pretty good solid team if they keep playing together.
If we lose Gordon the team will not be as good next year even if Rose, Noah, Thomas are better. I don't want to take a step back after that great playoff series, we have to keep improving.

Oh I think people call Gordon a ball hog because once he starts a move or gets in an isolation situation he is not passing the ball. Yes he only takes 16 shots a game and I don't mind that he takes bad shots because he makes bad shots too. But I don't jump on people who call him a ball hog because you should be able to easily see why someone would come to that conclusion. He can shoot a good percentage and only 16 shots and still hog the ball in certain situations they have nothing to do with one another. Ray Allen imo was superior slightly to Gordon in that series because he rarely takes a bad shot, in the end of the game Allen (like Mr. Jordan) can pass the ball when making a move and he gets double teamed. Go back to the film and check how many times Ben got an assist on an iso or after he started a drive to the basket. Maybe he has a few in the 1st quarter but in the 4th they might as well put all 5 guys on him, which Boston almost did and he didn't pass once.

And Gordon is a top 10 NBA player in the clutch fwiw. So at the end of games, as long as Rose develops, it will be like having two superstars on the floor.

Thats a great point your right, without the inside help I don't know if we are truely a contender next year even if we keep the team together fully. I think we finish 3rd or 4th and give Orlando a run for their money but they aren't the top tier Cavs and Celtics we still really couldn't beat them. (Celtics healthy of course, we should have won that series)


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Apr 3, 2009
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New York, New York
Re:McGraw: Decent chance the Bulls will re-sign Be

And I think someone had a thread about this before but I agreed that Rose/Gordon is probably the best tandem of guards in the league next year and was one of the best this year.


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Mar 13, 2009
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Re:McGraw: Decent chance the Bulls will re-sign Be

houheffna wrote:
Okay, here is my list of 2Guards

1. Kobe
2. DWade
3. Brandon Roy
4. Manu Ginobili
5. Tracy McGrady
6. Joe Johnson
7. Ray Allen
8. Andre Iguodala
9. Vince Carter
10. Michael Redd
11. Ben Gordon/Kelvin Martin (Martin is a better scorer)

That's the bottom line 'cause Houheffna said so!!!

At this point, Tracy McGrady is worse than Ben Gordon. There's a good chance he will never play a healthy game of basketball in the NBA again. I'm not sure if you understand how serious microfracture surgery is, but it's probably the worst surgery an NBA player ever gets. He won't be ready to play until the end of next season, and likely won't play well then either.

Joe Johnson was discussed at great detail, but he doesn't give you as good of scoring efficiency or scoring volume that Ben Gordon did this year. He's big but he still doesn't rebound. He has more assists, but we wouldn't want him playing on the ball next to Rose as he would actually hurt Rose's possessions far more than Gordon is.

Andre Iguodala is more effective as a SF than a SG, he doesn't have 3 point range, so he wouldn't spread the floor for Rose. He also wouldn't be as effective of a scorer off the ball as Gordon though he'd give you far better defense. I think he's a similar caliber guard, but if you consider him the best guy on the 76ers then you have to note that Gordon has done far more on the Bulls as the best guy than Iguodala has on the 76ers.

Ray Allen basically is Ben Gordon except older and with better teammates. Michael Redd basically is Ben Gordon except always injured. Both make 15+ million per year average on their last deals by the way.

Vince Carter was clearly better at one point, but not anymore, he's also not a more efficient scorer or a greater volume scorer this year than Gordon. He has horrible work ethic and character on top of that and is declining rapidly due to age.

As a side note, when discussing how you build a team and trying to keep money open and get a good amount of talent per dollar.

The only one of those players who averaged less than 9 million per year on their extension was Ginobili. If you remove him and Brandon Roy (because Roy is still on his rookie deal and will likely get a max extension) then every other player on that list was a max salary player except Kevin Martin (11 million per year) and Andre Iguodala (9 million per year).

You're putting Gordon up on a list of guys who basically averaged 15+ million per season while Gordon was willing to sign for 9 million this past summer. If you can get Gordon for 9 relative to these guys at 15+ it's an absolutely no brainer except for Kobe/Wade maybe Roy. The rest of those guys aren't worth nearly double the salary even if you don't believe my counter points on Gordon.


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Mar 13, 2009
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Re:McGraw: Decent chance the Bulls will re-sign Be

Oh I think people call Gordon a ball hog because once he starts a move or gets in an isolation situation he is not passing the ball. Yes he only takes 16 shots a game and I don't mind that he takes bad shots because he makes bad shots too. But I don't jump on people who call him a ball hog because you should be able to easily see why someone would come to that conclusion. He can shoot a good percentage and only 16 shots and still hog the ball in certain situations (proves he doesn't take all of the teams shots like a Kobay or Arenas) they have nothing to do with one another in this case. Ray Allen imo was superior slightly to Gordon in that series because he rarely takes a bad shot, in the end of the game Allen (like Mr. Jordan) can pass the ball when making a move and he gets double teamed. Go back to the film and check how many times Ben got an assist on an iso or after he started a drive to the basket. Maybe he has a few in the 1st quarter but in the 4th they might as well put all 5 guys on him, which Boston almost did and he didn't pass once.

Ray Allen had a lower assist rate than Ben Gordon this year, so I don't see how you can argue that he passes the ball more or better. Ray Allen is what Ben Gordon would be if he had 2 guys better than him on the same team and another guy just as good.
