he does remind me of dirk..but doesnt have nearly the ability to make moves to the basket or the offensive consistency....i think dirk was/is a better rebounder as well
Notice how I said a poor man's Dirk.
he'd be efficient and he'd have open shots...at the same time i dont think he would produce as much...and perhaps that is a better role for him...he wouldnt be a 20 PPG scorer on the bulls
It depends. If he hits a higher percentage of shots and gets more easy shots, he might still get 20 ppg or close to it.
although it does open up the floor(bargnani would be a stretch 4)...you take away rebounding and a bit of your inside game
Thats really questionable. As I've previously stated, Boozer brings a lot of rebounding redundancy. Also, if Bargnani is causing the defense to spread out, that could actually mean more rebounds for Noah and Deng. Since Boozer shoots around the basket more, that means there's a CF, PF boxing out and going against Noah as the shot goes up. This is a 2:1 advantage for the defense. If Bargnani drags a defender away, the ratio is 1:1 more.
i dont know if having a space 4 is going to help noah...it may help deng more but he doesnt have great handles....brewer i guess...rose definitely
See above. Also, consider that Noah's passing is really well utilized when he can hit guys slashing to the basket. Bargnani is a PF who is better than Boozer at slashing to the basket. This also complements the Bulls other players most of which can slash to the basket. Boozer's style of play bogs this down.
i think you did make a good point about having a stretch 4...i have been a big advocate about having outside shooting that could stretch the D...i just would rather have better outside shooting wings than a stretch 4..but certainly there are some positives here
The Bulls, more than a lot of teams, would benefit from spacing for several reasons. Rose, Deng, Brewer, Hamilton, Bargnani (hypothetically), Gibson, and Noah can all slash to the basket in varying degrees. The spacing would be huge.
at the end of the day....i dont see there being any deal here...and i still think bargnani is overrated
Lamar Odom was overrated before he was with the Lakers. Then they found the proper role for him. He was still maybe overrated but at least he was being used in an optimal way and was a lot less overrated.