Mora's blog and McPimp


Sep 28, 2010
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Somewhere in Indiana
Am I that bad of a member here? Just because I see things differently - whether it's politics or hockey related matters. For the record I've never engaged in any personal attacks here and have never named called anyone. Someone could make the case that I used the word Democraps but I don't think that compares to the times I have to hear a couple people tell me to go ef myself.

Post whatever you want, Darth.

I've never told you to go **** yourself.

You're at the mercy of the boards for what content you post.



Post whatever you want, Darth.

I've never told you to go **** yourself.

You're at the mercy of the boards for what content you post.


I have not told him to go **** himself either.

I did how ever call him an idiot. Sue me.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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BlackhawkPaul said:
You sure about that?

The NHL seems to be a league full of hubris.

Perhaps I should restate that. When people do bad things to others, it usually comes back to bite them in the ass. (think Madoff) For those who participated in the attempted sabotage of another man's career, should life and their bad shit come back to smack them, I won't be feeling a bit sorry for them.


Perhaps I should restate that. When people do bad things to others, it usually comes back to bite them in the ass. (think Madoff) For those who participated in the attempted sabotage of another man's career, should life and their bad shit come back to smack them, I won't be feeling a bit sorry for them.

Karma and if you look up I suggested Fluffle might want to check on how the Stan and Hawks transpired before making even more fool of himself. Since he knew him and all I ASSumed he knew the story on both Stan LEAVING AA and then coming to the Hawks.

I was really guessing he didn't know shit and that the only way he knew Stan was to say HI in the elevator, if that.

I also believe what you were referring to is Karma. But has a cancer survivor I'm sure Karma has hit him in about the worst way possible and he over came it.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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My favorite teams
  1. Portland Timbers
  1. Chicago Blackhawks

And I say this - why would McD do this when he could have fired Tallon at any time he wanted to? All he had to say is 'we are making a change for philisophical differences in direction of the team'. GMs are fired all the time and people would have figured it out that the 2 men didn't get along - it wasn't a big deal. Why this elaborate scheme behind the scenes? No one has provided anything to show that happened.


Because hockey is one of many businesses that are based on relationships to outside elements--in this case other teams. McD is not a hockey guy--and IMHO he will never be a hockey guy--he is a marketing guy with very little, if any hockey knowledge. Talon, on the other hand has a buttload (or 2.4375 shit-tons, if you're on the metric system) of hockey knowledge. Further, amongst GM's and the like, it's been nferred that he is well liked.

So, the president fires him for no reason other than a personality dispute--a guy with more hockey knowledge in his anal sphincter than McD has in his whole body--a guy also well-liked around the league. How many teams with hockey guys who liked Tallon are going to work with McD and whatever yes-men he hires on? How man would try to bend him over a barrel?

McD is not stupid. At least in this way it could be said that he tried to make it look to all of the other teams that Tallon made a critical mistake and was not fired because he wasn't a yes man.

Granted, I can't back this up--I'm as much in the know about things like this as Ecklund, but it's the most plausible explaination to me.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Karma and if you look up I suggested Fluffle might want to check on how the Stan and Hawks transpired before making even more fool of himself. Since he knew him and all I ASSumed he knew the story on both Stan LEAVING AA and then coming to the Hawks.

I was really guessing he didn't know shit and that the only way he knew Stan was to say HI in the elevator, if that.

I also believe what you were referring to is Karma. But has a cancer survivor I'm sure Karma has hit him in about the worst way possible and he over came it.

I keep forgetting that they have people hired to respond to message boards and articles. I think it's funny that the O Boards has an entire thread dedicated to INH. This site must pose a real threat to McMonkey and his minions.


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
Paul, how about providing some facts and logic to back that up? All I'm hearing is this:

- McD intentionally held back the contracts in a conspiracy to fire Tallon

- the written job description of Stan says he's in charge of the QOs

And I say this - why would McD do this when he could have fired Tallon at any time he wanted to? All he had to say is 'we are making a change for philisophical differences in direction of the team'. GMs are fired all the time and people would have figured it out that the 2 men didn't get along - it wasn't a big deal. Why this elaborate scheme behind the scenes? No one has provided anything to show that happened.

As for Stan's job description - fine it was Stan's job to handle the QOs. But why wouldn't you hold Tallon responsible at all here? He's still the boss and this is a huge piece in his department that he's ultimately responsible for.

Fluff, philosophical differences aint enough to fire the the guy that built your team to a powerhouse. The fans would have ate McDonough alive for it. If there are philosophical differences with the GM and the President and your team goes to the WCF for the first time in a long time (dont remember exactly how long). Guess what the President better change his god damn philosophy because the other guy is getting the job done rather well.

So McDonough had to generate a fireable offense. the QOs being that offense. He needed an excuse that would hold some water.


New member
May 14, 2010
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Ha! If Ron was fired for misspelling words he would have been fired about 4000 times.


RK must be his naughty secretary.

My boss is a she.

Although I will say I worked for a guy worth about 4 Billion for several years. His executives NEVER would have handled something as JM did. Never. Then again he's worth 4 bil for a reason. I would also probably know as I was in Management for about 5 of my 15 years with the Company.


New member
May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
My boss is a she.

Although I will say I worked for a guy worth about 4 Billion for several years. His executives NEVER would have handled something as JM did. Never. Then again he's worth 4 bil for a reason. I would also probably know as I was in Management for about 5 of my 15 years with the Company.

Okay you're still her naughty secretary.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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My favorite teams
  1. Portland Timbers
  1. Chicago Blackhawks


New member
Aug 12, 2010
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I'm sorry but you are an idiot. Plain and simple.

The entire scenario was a SET UP! Funny there was never a problem with these offers in the PREVIOUS fucking 5 years. You know when the STANLEY CUP TEAM YOU FUCKING WATCHED WIN IT WAS BEING BUILT.

I can't read the dumb shit you type anymore. I'm putting you on fucking ignore until your stupidity gets you kicked the **** off of this site.

You are the reason most of us came here.

This post will make people hate me on this board, I think everyone already does, but reading all this non-sense is just crazy.

The above post is the most ludicrous post I have ever read. First of all, RK, your going to ignore him because he has a different opinion then you on how the qualifying offers got botched?

RK, from reading all your posts, I know for a fact that you do not know what happened with the QO getting messed up, and the fact that you act like you do, makes little no sense to me. I am not calling you a liar, maybe your misinformed, i dont know. But let me clear some things up. Before I begin, I would like to say I think it is horrible how Dale was let go, but I don't take it personally, like some of you on here

First off, I worked in the NHL for 10 years, there isn't a universl Asst. GM job description, so anyone who says " its always the Asst. GMs job to mail the qualifying offers is stupid and has no idea what they are talking about. It is a red herring argument, plain and simple. All hockey ops departments operate different ways. It was not McDonoughs, Tallon, or Stans fault.

Second of all, I know a handful of people inside the Blackhawks organ-I-zation, and I can promise you, the QO offers were not botched on purpose. the fact that so many people are 100% sure because they have "heard from their sources" is ridiculous, if this was the case, this would be a national story and it would've happened a while ago, if it was a true story, how would you guys be the only ones who have heard of it? gimme a break.

A lot of you guys on this message board want to hate the new regime so much, you guys want it to be true to justify the hate that you have towards McDonough, Blunk, Bowman, etc.

I will repeat, anyone who thinks the Blackhawks deliberately messed up the offers so they can fire Tallon are complete morons. If you can call someone an idiot for thinking McDonough or Stan was responsible for the offer messup, I can call you a moron for thinking otherwise. Because I know for a fact, you don't.
