Turned it off after 20 minutes.
It was like I was watching Independence Day all over again.
It surprises me that the Hollywood formula continues to recycle garbage movies like these, and people still fork over hard earned money to see the same story only told a fraction differently.
You've got to think of the majority of people going to see movies. When it comes to movies, flat out most movie goers have the attention span of a dog. Over the top action and stupid comedy is about all they can handle.
You can't really blame movie makers, they are giving the people what they go to see like any other business, its not so much an art form anymore as a cash cow.
What baffles me more than the big budget shit (because I know there is a market for it), is the B-movie tripe that someone actually paid money to fund. I will give alot of movies a shot on netflix, that are direct to dvd releases, and most of the time I find myself wondering who the hell in their right mind would fund this shit, its like who actually goes out and purchases these movies.