Must win for Cutler to remain a Bear


Dissed membered
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I don't think Cutler has to win this game. But I think he has to play well.

Guess what Cutler's QBR was last game against the Eagles? 73.8

Seriously, that's pretty sad. Eagles were no great Defense. And McCown was over 100 through 6 games. Cutler wasn't playing the Trestman Offense correctly. If Cutler plays another poor game, let's say, less than QBR 85, and we lose the game, I just don't see how Cutler can be viewed as the QB to take us to the Superbowl. If that's what happens, he may be resigned, but they have to plan on replacing him ASAP.

If Cutler's QBR is over 100, playing the Trestman Offense correctly, and we lose, I'd say Cutler is looking good to be resigned and the plan for our Superbowl run next year.
While I'm on record as saying he sucked last week, he could have done everything you just said he needed to and we still lose that Eagles game. Josh looked kinda crappy in his short stint as well. They had our number. I also want to see Jay make better choices and take more of whats given. The Eagles had no reason to bring up the safeties and give our WRs more room. Hit a few of those unders in stride and things may have looked better later. I say may because it may have made no difference with the lead they had. They may have just let us play small ball all game.

Run the ball

CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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I saw it as a complete turd of a game, but I also expect more out of the single most important position on the team. I would continue, but then your reply will be about goofballs/meatballs/idiots and aggravation rather than actual football conversation, so I'll pass.

That sig also seriously slows down any reading of threads your involved in.


White Guy
Aug 21, 2010
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I saw it as a complete turd of a game, but I also expect more out of the single most important position on the team. I would continue, but then your reply will be about goofballs/meatballs/idiots and aggravation rather than actual football conversation, so I'll pass.

That sig also seriously slows down any reading of threads your involved in.

You asked the question RTB. You turn stuff into Forte vs Cutler, not me. I have no interest in a Cutler vs Forte debate, it's silly.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Get a better PC and internet service, RTB. Everybody was disappointed in Jay. It's a given and accepted yet the only thing you harp on in what was a complete melt down. Forte played as bad as anyone, the D was a disaster in all phases and the blocking sucked.


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The OP
First Ciutler needed an oline, then he needed receivers, then he needed a decent o coach, now he needs a good defense.......when is Cutler ever going to strap this team on his back and carry them on his own.....I suspect never because he is nothing more than an average QB.......and when he is in games that are big he tends to be way less then average.

Cutler needed a defense was actually the first argument.

Why must I be Saad? Via Tapatalk

Run the ball

CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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You asked the question RTB. You turn stuff into Forte vs Cutler, not me. I have no interest in a Cutler vs Forte debate, it's silly.

Yet as a Bears fan, that's your sig, lol

You're also confusing myself with others, I don't really participate in Cutler vs Forte threads. One is near elite the other not even close, so why bother.
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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Sure is a lot of frustration in here this morning.


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nope but this is one of the games. One that football people look at and say what is this guy really worth

Run the ball

CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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Get a better PC and internet service, RTB. Everybody was disappointed in Jay. It's a given and accepted yet the only thing you harp on in what was a complete melt down. Forte played as bad as anyone, the D was a disaster in all phases and the blocking sucked.

Unfortunately it's my iPhone, it doesn't like all the video sigs.

Im harping on the most important guy, the guy that even if everyone plays better, it's still up to him to be the difference maker. It will be like that for every remaining game this year. That might not be fair, but it is what it is.

Or if a block gets missed, he needs to make a play, that's what "stars" and "winners" do with the spotlight on and that's what the Bears are going to need for a victory.

Hoping for a bunch of turnovers or scores from the D to be the difference will only set yourself up for disappointment IMO.

No more "deer in the headlights" syndrome, this is for all the marbles.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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I don't disagree with the importance of the QB but sometimes when you see that your RB has the block and move your attention elsewhere only to get pounded, maybe even your passer rating isn't ALL your fault, even if you did play poorly. If a couple of his nicely thrown long balls turned out better he could even have had an average passer rating. In my mind it would still have been a poor outing but I doubt there's many here that think we have a different result with Josh.

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Aug 20, 2012
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Quote Originally Posted by Sculpt View Post
I don't think Cutler has to win this game. But I think he has to play well.

Guess what Cutler's QBR was last game against the Eagles? 73.8

Seriously, that's pretty sad. Eagles were no great Defense. And McCown was over 100 through 6 games. Cutler wasn't playing the Trestman Offense correctly. If Cutler plays another poor game, let's say, less than QBR 85, and we lose the game, I just don't see how Cutler can be viewed as the QB to take us to the Superbowl. If that's what happens, he may be resigned, but they have to plan on replacing him ASAP.

If Cutler's QBR is over 100, playing the Trestman Offense correctly, and we lose, I'd say Cutler is looking good to be resigned and the plan for our Superbowl run next year.
While I'm on record as saying he sucked last week, he could have done everything you just said he needed to and we still lose that Eagles game. Josh looked kinda crappy in his short stint as well. They had our number. I also want to see Jay make better choices and take more of whats given. The Eagles had no reason to bring up the safeties and give our WRs more room. Hit a few of those unders in stride and things may have looked better later. I say may because it may have made no difference with the lead they had. They may have just let us play small ball all game.
It's true, Cutler could have played the Trestman WCO of short passes, taking what the Defense is giving, and not throwing too high (it didn't bother me he was rusty, but wished Marshall could play those better), scrambled and/or threw away a couple of those sacks -- and we still might have lost the game. I'd been fine with that. If Cutler scored on every drive, like McCown did against the Cowboys, we might have lost, but it might have given the Defense a moral lift, and we would have been in position to win if the ball bounced our way.

Nobody logical wants to say Cutler was the reason we lost, but he was the reason we only scored 11 points. Even with our top ranked Defense last year, we would lost this game. Our 2012 wouldn't have kept the Eagles to less than 11 points.

I've watched enough Bears games to know Cutler wasn't completing the Trest Offense correctly last game. That's the only thing that bothers me. Cutler played the Trest Offense well in earlier weeks. It really sucks to see he regressed. I was hoping the change was permanent.


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Aug 24, 2013
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The real problem with McCown, is what the fan would feel after he has one bad game. Something we have not seen and therefore some of us assume McCown will never have a bad game.

It would be McCown and he showed no signs of being a scrub going forward. He also has less wear and tear on his body.

run and shoot

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A lot depends on how well Cutler pays against the Packers. At home, with the season on the line is the precise reason we have someone like Jay Cutler. If he can't at least keep us in the game then there will be an outcry from the fans to get rid of him.

He is past the point of potential anymore. I don't care how much potential the guy has. He is 30 years old and he shouldn't be a potential player for Chicago anymore, especially after five years in a Bears uniform. He is being paid for what he can do, right now, right here. Despite what is without a doubt the best receiving corps in Bears history, and arguably the best in the NFL right now he is still posting mediocre numbers. I'll cut slack on the Philly game, that was a pooch screw of epic proportions by just about every player on the team but this game is the reason we brought in someone like Jay.

If he can't peform at a high level in these situations then there is a problem with him, as a player. Even if we lose he has to play well, he has to have a 3-1 TD/INT ratio in this game. He can't make medocre secondaries look like all pros and he can't keep making bad decisions after bad decisions. He is too old, too well paid and truthfully, should be too mature as a player to continue to do that.

If he goes out and has another performance like he did against Philly then he will be gone. If he can't beat out a journeyman at QB then he needs to go. I am sure there are any number of QBs out there than can do what he is doing right now with this offense.

I've been a defender of Jay for a number of years. This was his year, the one where he could prove that the trust given to him was warrented. Honestly, has he shown that this trust is justified?

Wow...good hard hitting post.

run and shoot

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If the Bears were inlove with someone coming out of this year's draft then I could see the possibility of moving on, but it seems way too risky to get rid of a good quarterback when you look at what the browns, jets, bills, raiders have been going through for years just looking for a somewhat good quarterback. Could you imagine if the Bears did let go of Jay and he went on to be a great quarterback while the Bears still haven't found one? Those circumstances would ruin Emery's career and I just don't think he is willing to take that risk. know what if the guy does better somewhere else GREAT & GOOD LUCK. He's not getting it done here.


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If Cutler wants to end the talk, he has to win today. He has to play well from the start. These types of games define you as a player.

run and shoot

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I'm sure the staff has already made up it's mind before the Green Bay game. He is also the best QB we have had since Luckman. He did beat out a journeyman QB if you are referring to McCown. Most experts believe he will be re-signed and that it's just about what his payday will be at this point. Jay is frustrating for sure.

you that little clip in ur sig where Forte is falling....THERE'S jays career here.

run and shoot

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I haven't heard how many of those sacks were because Jay audibled out of a play to go to a middle or deep pass.

I do agree that the score early on took the Bears out of any gameplan that they put together but 14 points isn't insurmountable. In all honesty I get the impression that much of the problems with the Bears passing offense can at times be attributed to Cutler's offensive mindset. He reminds me of Brett Favre, both good and bad in this respect. Cutler still has that fuckit and chuckit mentality about him which can get him, and this team, into some real trouble. I am not sure that it is the fact that McCown reads defenses better, I seriously wonder if Cutler is so confident in his ability that he attempts throws that a QB like McCown would never attempt. When McCown does go deep it works because teams don't necessarily expect it but Cutler is a known gunslinger so teams are ready for it.

If we sign him, and I do think we probably will, we might as well resign ourselves to the Brett Favre type games from him. It will be exciting some days, other times flat out frustrating but I guess it won't be boring.

Thing about Farve is he won more games than jay and the guy ended up in the SB. McCown plays plays within himself ( same way with Jim McMahan).
jays problem is he can't read "D" well enuff to utilize all the guys on the field. jay forces the to Marshall way too much.
