Tyree Wilson looked really good this year, and physically, you can't ask for a better specimen. I just feel like guys with his size and skillset don't have a lot of recent history of success in the NFL. You have to go back to like Ed "Too Tall" Jones for a successful guy with Wilson's body type. Jones obviously is a HOF (I think), but the current NFL game is predicated on speed, bend and change of direction skills and I'm not sure Wilson has enough to be more than a 6-8 sack guy at the NFL level.
6-8 sack guy is fine. But do you want that out of a top 10 pick? 4 of the top 10 in sacks (and 5 of the top 9 edge guys) this year weighed less than 250. And I know it's more to an edge guy than just sacks and Wilson will likely be a strong run defender with some flexibility to go inside, but I don't love him as a top 10 pick.