So I decided to make some THC/CBD oil for a friend. All you at home cookers feel free to chime in if you see something incorrect or something you would do different.
1. Ground an ounce of White Widow into fairly small chunks.........spread on a cookie sheet and baked at 240 for 40 minutes. Activates the THC.
Then I purchased a bottle of 91% alcohol (I know using ethanol or Everclear is better but my town has but one grocery store.) I put a 1/3 cup salt in a jar and poured the alcohol over the salt and then agitated and mixed it. The salt will draw the water out of the alcohol and increase the level to 99% or better. After a 30 minute break I used a turkey baster to siphon off the alcohol into a mason jar. Then I poured the alcohol over the pot and agitated for about 2 minutes. I also used a spoon to mush the pot around.
After agitating I took a cheesecloth and spread it over a 13 inch baking dish and poured the liquid in making sure to squeeze every delicious drop into the pan
Then I set it outside and let nature do it's work. It took about 12 hours to get all the alcohol dried off leaving me with this
which I carefully scraped off every bit I could possibly get leaving me with this
Yes...the scraper was cleaned from top to bottom with alcohol before using. Then I fired up a pot of boiling water.

Added a bowl for the double boiler method and added my coconut oil.
I let that melt and then added my tar, sludge, reefer, whatever. Mixed it all up and let it blend well. Then I added an additional screening as I filled the mason jar.
Which then led to this.
Recommended dose is 2 or 3 drops. My wife put half a teaspoon in her coffee and had to stop drinking it halfway through. Also my friend (lightweight like me) took 2 drops and he said he was loaded over 3 hours. So it should last a while.
Was lots of fun. Now it is time to take all my old stuff and turn it into butter.