I want to get a remote thermometer. It's not too big of a deal smoking something quick, but when you're doing something that takes 10+ hrs it would be nice to be able to walk away a bit and still keep an eye on temp stability. Any of you used one of those?
You're Being Paged...
The coolest remote thermometers come with a wireless pager that can have a range of up to 100 feet. The display unit transmits the temperature information to the pager so you can spend less time at the smoker and more time fixing the side dishes…or sleeping.
Basic remote thermometers display the temperature of the meat (in Fahrenheit or Celsius), and may also have the function of an alarm that beeps when a preset temperature is reached.
Features on other models might include both high and low temperature alarms, a clock, dual probe monitoring capability, timer functions, and remote pagers. Some are even programmable for the type of meat (beef, pork, chicken etc.) and level of doneness desired (rare, medium rare, medium etc.) Pretty handy if you haven't memorized the meat doneness chart!
I want one of the dual probe ones. One temp for the inside of the smoker, and another for the internal meat temp. How cool is it to be able to walk away and have an alarm go off on your pager if your grill temp dips below 185 or goes above 225 (or whatever range you cook in). Cool shit!