Official Chicago Sports Talk Radio Thread


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Apr 19, 2010
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Your opinion, and still doesn't justify B and B's childish, unprovoked attacks on Murph during their show. Its like B and B took a page from your posting style here.

Actually, it was Murph that started calling out B&B on his show, all because of something Steve Stone said on B&B.


v. 2.0: Fully Modded
CCS Hall of Fame '19
May 4, 2010
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I made this thread to be the successful marriage of two things I despise...the ineptness of the Bears organization and the awfulness that is Chicago sports radio. Feel free to add any stupid comments you may have heard about the Bears.

Here is the comment I heard yesterday...

Show: Boers & Bernstein

Commenter: Dan Bernstein

Comment/Argument: The reprehensible Bernstein said "The Bears could be 7-1 at this point!", and then proceeded to belabor this point in his usual slap-dash manner by saying the Bears could have beaten the Redskins and Seahawks. He even argued with callers about this. How insightful!

Counter-argument: You can do this "what if" scenario with virtually any NFL team since many of the NFL games end up being pretty close. I could just as easily say the Bears could be 2-6 at this point, losing to the Lions, Bills, & Packers. If you actually went in-depth on this, the very least you would say is that the Bears should be 4-4 since the Lions were robbed, and more likely they should be 3-5 since they didn't really do anything against the Packers but were the beneficiaries of 175 yards in penalties. Anyone thinking "the Bears could be 7-1!" is a statement of substance probably has a screw loose.

Why do you listen to a show you hate? The same reason you post at VSN and posted at MM? :smug:

Bu tin all seriousness why? You hate Bernnstein, hate Boers etc(I'm not really sure why) Yet you listen to them...


v. 2.0: Fully Modded
CCS Hall of Fame '19
May 4, 2010
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Too bad you didn't listen to him more.

Murph was fucking terrible.

WSCR's morning and early afternoon lineup is and has been God awful for years.

I at least enjoy B and B and think it's an entertaining show.

Mully, Hanley, Murph, North, McNeil, Speegs, etc are/were just all fucking terrible.


v. 2.0: Fully Modded
CCS Hall of Fame '19
May 4, 2010
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Chicago radio, in general, pretty much sucks.


B and B is pretty much the POS that smells the least.

I typically like Bernstein more than Boers just because he tends to at least try and crtically think through arguments . He still says stupid shit from time to time but honestly if your job was to speak on the air for 4-5 hours a day you'd say some stupid or wrong shit too that would come back to bite you in the ass.

In the end it's entertainment. I'm entertained by B and B because they are most times not Special person or annoying IMO. The same can't be said for the rest of the Chicago sports talk line up.

Gustavus Adolphus

CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 15, 2010
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My favorite teams
  1. Chicago White Sox
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Nebraska Cornhuskers
  2. Villanova Wildcats

B and B is pretty much the POS that smells the least.

I typically like Bernstein more than Boers just because he tends to at least try and crtically think through arguments . He still says stupid shit from time to time but honestly if your job was to speak on the air for 4-5 hours a day you'd say some stupid or wrong shit too that would come back to bite you in the ass.

In the end it's entertainment. I'm entertained by B and B because they are most times not Special person or annoying IMO. The same can't be said for the rest of the Chicago sports talk line up.
I'm not just limiting this to sports radio in Chicago either. I'm talking music and other talk radio in Chicago. It is all just awful.


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Apr 19, 2010
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Thats nice. When was that? Like 5 years ago? Its funny/pathetic that you are defending two worthless sports radio guys as if they are your family members, instead of the classless asscunts that they are.

Right, because relaying the details of what actually happened (and what was widely discussed on that station if only through bits and pieces), is totally taking my love of two radio personalities to unprecedented levels. Come on, Senser, now you're really starting to stretch.


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Apr 19, 2010
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I'm not just limiting this to sports radio in Chicago either. I'm talking music and other talk radio in Chicago. It is all just awful.

Except for 643 Sports, right? RIGHT??!?!?!?! Ask Dump.


v. 2.0: Fully Modded
CCS Hall of Fame '19
May 4, 2010
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What else am I supposed to listen to? They at least say things that are worth discussing, even if they are wrong most of the time. Its like comparing Lefty34 to least Lefty34 generates some type of reaction/response.

B & B = pseudo-intellectuals who try to treat sports as some type of moral compass yet at the same time complain about the lack of morality in sports.

Afternoon Saloon = rotting, dead carcass that is beginning to smell

Fair enough.

I guess I'm more on the side of liking them then disliking them but fair enough.


v. 2.0: Fully Modded
CCS Hall of Fame '19
May 4, 2010
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I'm not just limiting this to sports radio in Chicago either. I'm talking music and other talk radio in Chicago. It is all just awful.

Honestly..I've never been to a city that has good sports talk or regular talk radio.


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Apr 19, 2010
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I don't get it, why do you always have to have to add "34" onto my name when you are discussing me? I mean, I get that it's proper and all, but I'm pretty sure you could just type "Lefty" and everyone would know to whom you are referring. I dunno, just seems like an unnecessary inconvenience to have to go all the way up to the top of the keyboard to hit "34". Just sayin.


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Apr 19, 2010
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No, I'm saying that defending B & B when their actions are indefensible is taking your love of two radio hacks to unprecedented levels. I'm not denying that Murph "called out" B & B on his show...I am saying that 'his show' went off the air years ago, no one really cares about Murph, and the fact that B & B badmouth Murph at least once a week on their show is unprofessional and pathetic. B & B should be bigger than that, but, of course, they aren't.

Wait a minute, "badmouth Murph"? You make it sound as though they periodically come back from break and devote a whole segment to detailing exactly why Murph sucks. More often than not one of them will do the little Murph voice and they'll chuckle, do it some more, then move on. Very rarely do they ever mention Murph by name, and when they do (which is, again, pretty rarely) Boers will get in his usual "not far enough" crack and they'll move on to something else. They aren't nearly as bloodthirsty as you make them out to be.

As for their unprofessional antics, they've made their careers out of being unprofessional. It's what they do. Calling out callers, lambasting guests, making ball jokes, intentionally misreading and overselling ad copy, those are all things you just don't do as a radio host, or at least you're taught not to do those things. So to knock them for a lack of professionalism when their whole careers have been based on such a lack is, well, pretty fucking stupid on your part.


v. 2.0: Fully Modded
CCS Hall of Fame '19
May 4, 2010
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You asked me why I dislike B & B...I'll ask you the same...why do you like them?

Fair question...

In all honesty I find them entertaining. Nowit could be I find them entertaining due to the crap they are surrounded by so in relative terms to the other clowns on WSCR or Sporting News Radio or ESPN they are the ones I like the best but that doesn't necessarily make them good. Kind of like saying Grossman was the best QB on the Bears for most of his time there but that doesn't mean he was any damn good.

Honestly I'm not a huge "fan" of Boers. About the only time I find him fun is when he talks about old stories from when he would cover the Bulls. If Boers left the show tomorrow I wouldn't really be all that disappointed.

I'm more of a "fan" (using the term very loosley) of Bernstein. I agree he can go overboard sometimes in a quite a few ways but when he really wants to sit down and make a point IMO it's usually well thought out and well explained..even if I don't agree with it. He's an intelligent guy and I can at least on the most basic level respect that. Do I agree with everything he says or does or how he acts at times? No. But him and Boers have a good "back and forth" and good chemistry and it makes the show entertaining for me.

I also like how they don't let meatballs call in and just have their way. I know some of the calls are fed to them because they know it will generate a shouting match or heated discussion but I'd rather have B and B at least make callers try to critically think before they call in rather than take the route Murph, Mully, Hanley, Rozner etc take and let any idiot call in and say what they want and not meet much resistance.

Add to that I think that B and B have a good support staff so to speak. I think Holmes, Matty, and Goff do a nice job as well and I like how Matty and Goff will sometimes call B and B on their BS.

Like I said earlier for me it's all about entertainment value and enjoying myself. I find I'm able to do that with this show above others. Yeah sometimes the jokes are immature etc but I equate it with going to a Will Ferrell movie. You don't go there to see breathtaking cinema. You go to laugh your ass off and be entertained for a few hours.


CCS Donator
Apr 24, 2010
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seems like a war in every thread today between people. ****.


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Apr 19, 2010
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I'm not really debating whether or not B & B "badmouth Murph", because it isn't up for debate...its a fact. What I am debating is that you are once again going overboard to defend the actions of these two boobs...which, in a way, also isn't up for debate...its a fact.

Yeah, because you totally weren't making an argument based on the degree to which they badmouth Murph or anything. Wait a minute....

Rory Fuckface Sparrow said:
Agree that Murph handled callers much better than B and B (who couldn't, I guess). Its funny to me that at least once a week B and B will make reference to Murph as being this horrible person, while not recognizing the fact that nearly every call to the B and B show ends up with Dan Bernstein yelling at the person.

That's referencing the degree to which you say B&B belittle Murph, which I am telling you is not the case. If you want to backtrack and say "all I meant was that they badmouth Murph", then fine, I can't disagree with that, but that is 1) pretty fucking simplistic (though not surprising in the least coming from a stupid **** such as yourself) and 2) pretty fucking irrelevant, because with no indication as to the degree to which they "badmouth" Murph, it is stupid to make the grandiose claims about their level of professionalism, and that said badmouthing wasn't warranted or acceptable. Now, you can say that "unprofessionalism is never warranted under any circumstances", but that would be yet another utterly simplistic view of things (though, again, not surprising coming from you).

Great logic. By the same token, anyone who knocks Hitler for exterminating the Jews is "pretty fucking stupid", because Hitler made his political career out of hatred for Jews.

Well, you're leaving a key component out, this should read "...anyone who knocks Hitler's political career for exterminating the Jews is 'pretty fucking stupid'...." Which, in the sense of judging political stature and rise to power, would be the case for someone making such an argument. In the context of politics, Hitler was a fantastic success, making a grab for power on a popular concept and turning Germany into the world's second-best regional power in relatively short order.

You can't judge someone's political career in a moral context (they're not mutually exclusive, necessarily, but they're far from the same), that's pretty shitty logic in and of itself. Whereas judging someone's success in the entertainment industry by their level of professionalism (which you have done) is an equally shitty argument. Care to try again?


New member
Apr 19, 2010
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seems like a war in every thread today between people. ****.

No, this is what Senser does. He picks one person with which to arbitrarily feud, then concisely (his words, though is a concise end begotten from arbitrary means not an arbitrary action?) takes the complete opposite side of whatever that person says on the forum, no matter how much stretching or how many straw men are needed to continue on. Case in point, when 643 Sports starting writing stuff for Bleacher Report, we would occasionally post some of our articles on VSN. One baseball article was posted by FedEx (though it was written by me on BR), and a lot of the people in the thread created looked favorably on the article, including Senser, posting things like "good job", "good read", etc. Then, when I posted in the thread making it known that I was the one that wrote it, Senser immediately returned to the thread with things like "the article sucks, you're fucking stupid" and so on (not an exact quote, I'm paraphrasing from memory), a complete reversal in what he had said previously, all because he learned that I was the one that wrote the piece.

This is what Rush, in his infinite genius, wanted: Senser to come here to keep me under control by doing what he believes is the exact same thing I do. Which, as anyone with half a brain will tell you, is decidedly not the case. I tell people they're being stupid because they are, I can point to specific posts and points made with specific contradictory notions based in fact. Senser, on the other hand, twists and bends the truth (as well as the arguments of others) in whatever way he can to achieve his ends. Ultimately, he is just an unintelligent, pitiful attempt at what I am (rather intelligent and not-so-pitiful).


v. 2.0: Fully Modded
CCS Hall of Fame '19
May 4, 2010
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Why do you let him get to you so much?
