Honestly if rebuilding so easy every bad team would do it. There is NO guarentee (cant spell) that rebuilding will work. I read article yesterday and wish i would have posted that 55% of the time teams rebuild it fails and they have to redo it again. I think its tough to keep asking Cub fans to be patient when they are already the joke of all Pro Sport Franchises. Cubs are big market and shouldnt be doing full rebuild. I understand they want to build minor league system up. Im all for that. BUT they should also be putting a competitive team on the MLB field also. I typed 5 guys they could have signed this FA and payroll be around 150 mil while only signing 1 guy to long term and they be competitive in this division. Also posted article yesterday showing Cubs 1 of 9 teams not to have anyone past 2015 payroll. So they could have afforded to pay Fielder to help them now and future. Rizzo yes is a nice prospect BUT we hear of great prospects failing all the time. Some blog wrote a article today posting the last 10 big SP trades and how only 1 legit MLB guy has come out of it and its Adam Jones. Yes there are about 5 top 100 prospects but again no idea what they do in MLB. So 95% of the time the guy your trading is alot better then what you get in return. Im not against building organization but i am against them not putting a legit MLB team on the field. I understand that small and even medium markets teams have to pick 1 way to go. Either go for it or Rebuild. Cubs are big market and should have the luxary of doing both. They can rebuild the farm by drafting the best players and not have to worry about them not signing cause of money. They can go out and bid the most for IFA. They should also put out a 150 mil + payroll. Also with this new MLB agreement rebuilding going to be even harder since there is cap on draft and IFA. So why not put some money into FA this year cause players they draft now and over the next couple of years are still 4-5 years away!!! So your telling me its ok that Cubs suck the next 4-5 years till these prospects start coming and with no promise they can play in MLB. So if they fail in 4-5 years they have to restart ALL OVER. Sorry but fans like my dad dont have that kind of time. So if it means that Cubs have to buy WS so be it. If someone told me Cubs would spend big and win WS in 2012 then suck for next 20 years i say or they could rebuild and in 5 years they MIGHT build a young good team that is productive over the next 20 years, i would take the 2012 WS NOW!! Its cause its been 103 years and im tired of being a fan of the laughing stock of all Pro Sports. That was a long rant and cant wait to get killed for it lol. I know my opinion is different then from most of you. I just dont know when it was ok for a big market team to be so bad. You think NYY would ever allow this? HELL NO
We are stuck with old geezer terrible contracts. Rebuilding assets is what is important right now. You need desirable pieces to make the splash trades. You need a roster spot to make a splash signing. You need a viable supporting cast to justify that splash signing.
It's about building depth and assets. The Cubs will spend but what is the point right now? Seriously, who are the Cubs going to get that makes us a contender right now? We don't have the pieces in the system to trade for anyone. And even if we traded the few assets we do have, we'd be screwed once again.
Part of the reason the Yankees are able always so successful is because they are able to spend, yes, but they also fill holes internally or make trades.
Comparing the situation in Chicago to New York is not viable comparison. They can run a baseball team. No one could make that claim in Chicago, until now.