*OFFICIAL* Offseason Rumors, Signings, and Shenanigans


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Aug 14, 2010
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So 1 more than McCown. He also had a few coaching jobs in college which are a few more than McCown who has zero.

So almost like his resume is vastly superior to McCown so anyone trying to use him to justify McCown is delusional.
You are so fucking delusional.

You throw out shit and try to make some strange point.

I am not trying to justify McCown. I am saying that there is no set way of saying that someone can be good. It does not require 10 years of coaching to become a good coach. Some people are just not made for coaching.

How many years of coaching did Rod Marinelli have before he tanked in Detroit?

He had 10 years of NFL coaching before he became the Lions coach. Those 10 years did not seem to be very useful.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Yes, I am serious and now fuck off.

My bad, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that you were just trolling. If you are serious then your argument is really stupid.

Why did Illinois lie to Lovie?


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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You are so fucking delusional.

You throw out shit and try to make some strange point.

I am not trying to justify McCown. I am saying that there is no set way of saying that someone can be good. It does not require 10 years of coaching to become a good coach. Some people are just not made for coaching.

How many years of coaching did Rod Marinelli have before he tanked in Detroit?

He had 10 years of NFL coaching before he became the Lions coach. Those 10 years did not seem to be very useful.

Yes you were trying to justify McCown.
No but you should have some noteworthy on your resume. Y’all keep crying that the Rooney Rule was unfair because the most qualified people should get the position but Mccown has nothing. His only qualifications was being white at the right time

Madden had zero coaching experience when he became the Raiders head coach. Al Davis saw something in him the very first time he met him and eventually, he made Madden the Raiders HC.

Maybe McCown has the IT factor to be a successful HC like Madden was? Probably not, but maybe?
We were debating the fact McCown had zero fucking experience in college and the NFL and you responded by claiming so did Madden when in fact Madden had 9 years of coaching experience.

We all know that it is entirely possible that McCown could be a great HC despite the lack of experience. However, the point has always been that it is an issue when he is getting opportunities that others who are eminently more qualified on paper are not getting. That is the point.

Technically some guy that only finished HS and works in the plant in a low level position may be a better Manager than me if given the chance but it would still look fucking horrible if he was hired instead of me when I have a college degree in the field I am interviewing for and have spent the last 10 years working in the plant in various jobs that are more relevant to the manager job I am applying for.

That has always been the point. If he is so fucking good then man the fuck up and get an assistant coaches job in the NFL and work your way up like everyone else. He was interviewed last year. Anyone serious about wanting to be a HC takes that experience parlays it into an Asst Coach job in the NFL so the next time around the have something on their resume to cite. But McCown just wants to fuck around coaching HS and just wait for his privilege to kick in and for him to get HC interviews because he is buddy buddy with Jack Easterby. You want to talk disrespect, it is disrespectful to all the people that grind it out working their way up for this guy to just float in and get a chance because of said privilege.

Mighty Joe Young

Living in Troll's Heads Rent-Free for Decades
Feb 8, 2021
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Looks like Brandon was taking credit for other accounts on Twitter getting it in before he did.

Got too big for his britches and exposed himself worse than @Anytime23 at a boy scout convention. ?


Boding Well
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Apr 17, 2010
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Looks like Brandon was taking credit for other accounts on Twitter getting it in before he did.

Got too big for his britches and exposed himself worse than @Anytime23 at a boy scout convention. ?
Sorry i cant see this post because i have you on ignore.

BTW i'm very excited for Adidas new campaign aimed at your demo.


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2021
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1. Sure when you prove that they weren't going to hire him. Otherwise what we are left with is the fact there is more evidence they were going to hire him than there is to the contrary.

2. I already answered this question. I think it is clear Lovie was not the choice until after the lawsuit. There is evidence they would have hired McCown and there is evidence they would have hired Flores as both were reported as finalists prior to the lawsuit. The 3rd guy was Gannon. The distinction here is that while I may believe more in the story that McCown was the choice, Flores is under no such obligation and he has info regarding his conversations that I do not have. So either position is supportable hence why I always said my claim was the lawsuit drove the Texans to hire Lovie. I have never claimed Flores as 100% the choice or McCown as 100% the choice. I have seen no credible evidence that Lovie was a serious contender prior to the lawsuit and you have provided no such evidence.

P.S. Before you say it, Caserio is not a credible source because given the pending lawsuit he would put the Texans and the NFL in legal jeopardy if he admitted he only hired Lovie because of the lawsuit. So the only way we get to the truth is if Flores' case makes it to discovery and he can request all the Texans documents related to the job search.
If the folks you keep engaging in this discussion after what 50 back & forth don't get it yet they never will, you have more patience than me to keep responding.


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2021
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No, they should not hire him because he hasn't fucking coached in the NFL before. You were the same dude claiming you didn't want Leftwich because he had only been an OC 3 years most of that with Brady and now you are defending a dude being a HC with zero actual Head Coach experience. Dude hasn't even been a high school HC.

No one spoke on Deion because no one here probably gives a fuck about whatever college he is HC of. I don't even know their name nor do I care.
Jackson state or another HBC.


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2010
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Yes you were trying to justify McCown.

We were debating the fact McCown had zero fucking experience in college and the NFL and you responded by claiming so did Madden when in fact Madden had 9 years of coaching experience.

We all know that it is entirely possible that McCown could be a great HC despite the lack of experience. However, the point has always been that it is an issue when he is getting opportunities that others who are eminently more qualified on paper are not getting. That is the point.

Technically some guy that only finished HS and works in the plant in a low level position may be a better Manager than me if given the chance but it would still look fucking horrible if he was hired instead of me when I have a college degree in the field I am interviewing for and have spent the last 10 years working in the plant in various jobs that are more relevant to the manager job I am applying for.

That has always been the point. If he is so fucking good then man the fuck up and get an assistant coaches job in the NFL and work your way up like everyone else. He was interviewed last year. Anyone serious about wanting to be a HC takes that experience parlays it into an Asst Coach job in the NFL so the next time around the have something on their resume to cite. But McCown just wants to fuck around coaching HS and just wait for his privilege to kick in and for him to get HC interviews because he is buddy buddy with Jack Easterby. You want to talk disrespect, it is disrespectful to all the people that grind it out working their way up for this guy to just float in and get a chance because of said privilege.
Now fuck off, asshole


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2010
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My bad, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that you were just trolling. If you are serious then your argument is really stupid.

Why did Illinois lie to Lovie?
Illinois did not lie to Lovie. Lovie lied to Illinois and everybody else, seeing the he stated that Illinois was his last job (his words, not mine) and then he continued with other jobs.


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Aug 16, 2013
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If I did not know otherwise, based on the whining and race talk about Josh McCown I would think Houston hired him instead of Lovie Smith. People are bitching about something that didn't happen.
