Yeah. If the year Im thinking of, was the year that he hit .281, it was a soft .281. He stunk.
Listen, I've acknowledged many times how Aramis Ramirez's .281 is better than a lot of guys .310 in terms of impact. Murton is the antithesis to this.
I think the issue is that his power sucks for a corner outfield spot. If he were a center fielder this isn't a problem, but corner outfield has to hit for power to be valuable.
I think that year Lou probably used him as a fourth OF and pinch-hitter most of the time. He got a stretch of playing time around when Soriano blew out his leg.
He didn't hit for crazy power in 2006 either, but the on-base skill is pretty important. Problem is, again, he's a corner guy hitting with CF power.
Not that I want him back on the Cubs really, just saying he's not complete shit.