So to be clear the reason you don't want Pena around next year is because he doesn't put up the RBI numbers you want, hits poorly in RISP and all of his numbers except BB and OBP are similar to Soriano this year?
Or am I adding things at this point...
It's part of the reason. It's also part of the reason I want Soriano gone. It's part of the reason why I'm on the fence with ARam.
Pena needs to hit.. period. He needs to come through as a run producer... period. That's his job. He needs to drive in runs. I applaud him for how he takes walks, I really do. But, his job isn't to take walks when there are RBI opportunities. His job is to get hits that drive in those runs.
Everyone has a purpose on the team. Why does Barney suck? Because he only has a .319 OBP... and rarely attempts a steal. He has the speed to steal, he just doesn't try. However, Pierre had the speed to steal as well... but carried a shitty OBP. That's why he sucked... and he cost way more than he was worth.
Why did Fuki suck, despite being the team leader in OBP overall while with the team? He was hired to be a run producer... and never topped 13 HR or 58 RBI.
ARam sucks because of his laissez faire attitude. He puts up good numbers, but he has always had the talent and skill to do quite a bit more. He just doesn't put the effort in. This in mind, I wouldn't ***** about him coming back... with a slight pay cut.
DLee sucked because he fell apart in his last 3 years with the team.
Theriot sucked because he carried a shitty OBP in all but 2008. He also made some of the dumbest running mistakes I've ever seen.
Soriano sucks because he loafs most of the time. Also, he's too streaky, and K's too often. He also almost refuses to take a walk. The book on him... get him with 2 strikes and throw it up around his head... easy K. The guy was hired to be something close to a 40-40 guy... yet he hasn't done anything remotely like his career season before signing with the Cubs.
It depends on your job. If you are a table-setter (Pierre, Theriot, Grudz, Castro, Barney, Campana, etc.) you have to have at least a decent OBP (above. 350), you need to do things to get yourself into scoring position (steal, take the extra base on a hit when you can, go first to third often, etc.). You also need to carry a good BA (.280+). And... you have to score runs. Fuki turned out to be a decent table-setter. Problem is, he was paid to be a run-producer.
If you are a run-producer (ARam, Pena, Byrd, Soriano, Soto,), you need to be able to slug. This doesn't always mean you have to hit HR, doubles do wonders as well. HR are better. To do both is perfect. You have to carry a good BA with RISP. You have to drive in runs when the opportunity comes your way. OBP is nice to have here, especially since the big run producers tend to get pitched around and intentionally walked from time to time. It also helps setup the guys behind you. However, carrying a .220 or so BA will rarely do... no matter what your OBP is. Why? It means you're not picking up hits. Why does this matter? Because walks rarely drive anyone home. Pena sucks because he was hired to be a run-producer... and fails at it.
Also, one more negative aspect about Pena's walks (proving this is a case-by-case issue) about a quarter of his K's come with full counts... and almost all of those (28 of 37) have been looking for the walk.. rather than defending the plate or looking for the hit.