Orlando in the News Again

The Hawk

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Well generally speaking, the same people that ignore "no swimming" signs are the same people that are likely to avoid "beware of gator" signs. In both instances, the issue is this sense that someone is just being overly cautious to cover their ass and that there isn't anything actually any serious threat.

I would have to disagree with the bold. The people that had the most control to prevent something like this from happening are the parents that ignored the no swimming sign and allowed their kid to splash about in the water at night with apparently no adult in close enough proximity to prevent tragedy.

Once again, a no swimming sign is not descriptive of the danger in that Lagoon. Take the ocean beach areas for example. You can see signs that say, for example. NO SWIMMING, DANGEROUS TIDES......NO SWIMMING, POLLUTED AREA.........NO SWIMMING SHARK INFESTED AREA......... SWIM AT YOUR OWN RISK, NO LIFEGUARDS ON DUTY. Stuff like that.

What that resort should have posted was something like.....STAY AWAY FROM THE WATER, DANGEROUS ANIMALS IN LAGOON WITH A RENDERING OF A GATOR ON THE SIGN.

The Hawk

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Whatever you say Crocodile Dundee.

Actually, I did some research into it and the experts said that only small gators and crocs can really scale a tree to any extent but as they get bigger there appendages are not strong enough to pull their massive bodies up.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Actually, I did some research into it and the experts said that only small gators and crocs can really scale a tree to any extent but as they get bigger there appendages are not strong enough to pull their massive bodies up.

How big you think a croc or gator needs to be to kill a 2 year old?

The Hawk

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Jan 21, 2014
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If I could assess the blame. I would do 0 percent Gator 1 percent Disney, 99 percent the parents for the epic fail of letting your kid play in a lagoon at night in Florida, when there is a pool right there. Throw in the fact another dumbass parent took a pic of their kid in that same lagoon. It's quite shocking this is the only time a gator has attacked.

I would have to know more about what the signage was and what other warnings were made known to those unfamiliar with the area in question. I mentioned before my experience in Hilton Head and there were warning signs all around the golf course and condo areas. Disney resorts attracts tons of people from areas that have no dangerous animals in the water so I would not be surprised a bit if a couple from Nebraska just assumed things were safe around them It is entirely plausible.

You live in that area and know what the possible danger is. But there are more people that do not, right?


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I would have to know more about what the signage was and what other warnings were made known to those unfamiliar with the area in question. I mentioned before my experience in Hilton Head and there were warning signs all around the golf course and condo areas. Disney resorts attracts tons of people from areas that have no dangerous animals in the water so I would not be surprised a bit if a couple from Nebraska just assumed things were safe around them It is entirely plausible.

You live in that area and know what the possible danger is. But there are more people that do not, right?

I have an aunt and uncle who are frequent Disney visitors.... the staff warns people about gators.... there are parts of the resort where people watch the gators from walkways and junk..... and for fucks sake, its Florida.... it is gator central.

The "We're from Nebraska we had no idea alligators could be lurking in a lagoon in Florida" excuse is really fucking weak.

The Hawk

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Quote Originally Posted by The Hawk View Post

Actually, I did some research into it and the experts said that only small gators and crocs can really scale a tree to any extent but as they get bigger there appendages are not strong enough to pull their massive bodies up.

How big you think a croc or gator needs to be to kill a 2 year old?

I don't know. Maybe 4 feet or so? The thing is that I think if the gator thought it was being attacked, maybe it would kill the child and I believe it could. But I kind of doubt that a gator that small would try to intentionally attack a small child for food. I could be wrong. Maybe a small dog or cat, birds, frogs, fish, etc would be more on its menu.

The Hawk

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I have an aunt and uncle who are frequent Disney visitors.... the staff warns people about gators.... there are parts of the resort where people watch the gators from walkways and junk..... and for fucks sake, its Florida.... it is gator central.

The "We're from Nebraska we had no idea alligators could be lurking in a lagoon in Florida" excuse is really fucking weak.

Your opinion. Not necessarily correct. Point is. Disney is liable, period for its failure to provide a safe resort for its visitors. When you think about it, the only possible way to not be liable is if they maybe asked the tourists to sign a waiver of responsibility for the resort if a tourist got hurt or killed by a wild animal at their resort. It wouldn't be out of the question for a resort or recreation facility to ask a patron to sign such a thing. Hell, even amusement park rider see signs warning the possible danger inherent in some of their rides as in heart attacks, danger to pregnant women what with the seat belt, etc. They also have height restrictions for a lot of rides.

AGain, you are way too judgemental about what the parents did or didn't know as if you were there yourself. Neither of us have any clue if the parents were negligent.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Your opinion. Not necessarily correct. Point is. Disney is liable, period for its failure to provide a safe resort for its visitors. When you think about it, the only possible way to not be liable is if they maybe asked the tourists to sign a waiver of responsibility for the resort if a tourist got hurt or killed by a wild animal at their resort. It wouldn't be out of the question for a resort or recreation facility to ask a patron to sign such a thing. Hell, even amusement park rider see signs warning the possible danger inherent in some of their rides as in heart attacks, danger to pregnant women what with the seat belt, etc. They also have height restrictions for a lot of rides.

AGain, you are way too judgemental about what the parents did or didn't know as if you were there yourself. Neither of us have any clue if the parents were negligent.

Their kid was drowned by an alligator in a lagoon in Florida at night and they were too far away to save him.... I have all I need to know.

Disney might very well be considered liable, I am not arguing legally here.

I place the blame for this incident on the child's parents, I don't care what signs were or were not present.... I don't care how much Disney did or did not try to keep alligators out of that particular lagoon..... a 2 year old child was splashing in the water of a lagoon after dark by himself, he was attacked and killed by an alligator because his parents didn't keep him out of the water and were not close enough to protect him from the alligator.... that is on them.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Once again, a no swimming sign is not descriptive of the danger in that Lagoon. Take the ocean beach areas for example. You can see signs that say, for example. NO SWIMMING, DANGEROUS TIDES......NO SWIMMING, POLLUTED AREA.........NO SWIMMING SHARK INFESTED AREA......... SWIM AT YOUR OWN RISK, NO LIFEGUARDS ON DUTY. Stuff like that.

What that resort should have posted was something like.....STAY AWAY FROM THE WATER, DANGEROUS ANIMALS IN LAGOON WITH A RENDERING OF A GATOR ON THE SIGN.

Where did I say it was descriptive of the issue? I am saying that is irrelevant unless there is evidence of negligence. If there was a long history of gator attacks then a sign to that effect would be responsible. If not then I don't think Disney is required to explain every potential reason why one shouldn't swim.

This idea that I can just disregard a sign saying no swimming because it's not descriptive enough is stupid. As you point out there are a number of reasons why something might say no swimming. Are you suggesting a resort needs to have signs for each one.

No swimming dangerous tides

No swimming dangerous animals

No swimming dangerous bacteria

No swimming undertow

It's stupid. This sign essentially said no swimming because we fucking said so and these parents acted like a kid who decided that they will ignore their parents warnings because their parents didn't sit down and explain verbatim why they told them not to so something.


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Apr 16, 2013
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Actually, I did some research into it and the experts said that only small gators and crocs can really scale a tree to any extent but as they get bigger there appendages are not strong enough to pull their massive bodies up.

Thats the size gator they are saying took the kid. That is a 4 to 7 foot gator. lol


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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I would have to know more about what the signage was and what other warnings were made known to those unfamiliar with the area in question. I mentioned before my experience in Hilton Head and there were warning signs all around the golf course and condo areas. Disney resorts attracts tons of people from areas that have no dangerous animals in the water so I would not be surprised a bit if a couple from Nebraska just assumed things were safe around them It is entirely plausible.

You live in that area and know what the possible danger is. But there are more people that do not, right?

How could this parents assume things were safe if they were told No Swimming? If they were unsure what No Swimming meant they could have asked the lifeguard on duty.

These parents willfully ignored the sign that alerted them to the fact things were not safe because they apparently assumed they knew better than Disney that No Swimming was not a serious threat.

What sort of parent just takes that kind of chance with their kids when there are staff all over the place to answer questions?


CCS Donator
Aug 21, 2012
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Shouldn't you be busy banning posters in the Cubs forum?


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Jul 13, 2011
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This idea that I can just disregard a sign saying no swimming because it's not descriptive enough is stupid. As you point out there are a number of reasons why something might say no swimming. Are you suggesting a resort needs to have signs for each one.

No swimming dangerous tides

No swimming dangerous animals

No swimming dangerous bacteria

No swimming undertow

It's stupid. This sign essentially said no swimming because we fucking said so and these parents acted like a kid who decided that they will ignore their parents warnings because their parents didn't sit down and explain verbatim why they told them not to so something.

I'm pretty sure the 2 year old boy wasn't actually swimming by himself. There's a big difference between no swimming and stay out of the water completely.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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You really need someone to explain to you how signs are put up? It generally involves a hammer, a wooden post, and a Mexican...

Find us an instructional gif or video for Houston or **** off.... some of us don't understand how a sign is put up.
