Orlando in the News Again


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They should put up signs that tell people "Florida is home to over 1 million alligators and they will try to eat your toddlers"

Your argument is bad, but this shtick is worse.

Let's look at what we know:

1. Nebraska family visiting Disney resort
2.Alligator population of over 1 million in Florida
3.A lagoon with underdeveloped areas around lagoon, with Marsh lands prime Gator habitat
5.Did I mention over 1 million Gators in Florida
6.Parents letting go son play in possibly 1 ft water deep at dusk
7.Gator snatched kid, dad tried to get son
8.I should have mentioned Florida is home to over 1 million alligators

If all of this is true, and everyone is expected to know this....then why bother even putting up No Swimming signs?

If you're taking the "they should've known about the gators" herp derp stance. Then surely there is no reason for Disney to even have No Swimming signs. So why did they?


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CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Your argument is bad, but this shtick is worse.

If all of this is true, and everyone is expected to know this....then why bother even putting up No Swimming signs?

If you're taking the "they should've known about the gators" herp derp stance. Then surely there is no reason for Disney to even have No Swimming signs. So why did they?

My argument is fine.

You seem to be a delusional fucktard, par for your posting career on CCS.


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Your argument is bad, but this shtick is worse.

If all of this is true, and everyone is expected to know this....then why bother even putting up No Swimming signs?

If you're taking the "they should've known about the gators" herp derp stance. Then surely there is no reason for Disney to even have No Swimming signs. So why did they?

They had a no swimming sign up, that is more than sufficient to let anyone (especially the parents) know not to play around in the area they designated not to swim in. This falls on the parents.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Houston, why don't you present your argument for why the parents are not at fault?

Do you even have one?


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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That evidence has been known for awhile, which is why these signs exist.


You speak of natural selection with cavemen. Well that also can be applied to companies. Some are smart enough to legally protect themselves, and some are not....

Yes they exist for specific instances where the company has deemed the risk significant. There has been no evidence that the risk at this resort was significant because as far as we know, this is the first time an alligator snatched a kid and that appears to be because most parents are smart enough to not allow their kids to play in the water at dark.

The Hawk

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Where did I say it was descriptive of the issue? I am saying that is irrelevant unless there is evidence of negligence. If there was a long history of gator attacks then a sign to that effect would be responsible. If not then I don't think Disney is required to explain every potential reason why one shouldn't swim.

This idea that I can just disregard a sign saying no swimming because it's not descriptive enough is stupid. As you point out there are a number of reasons why something might say no swimming. Are you suggesting a resort needs to have signs for each one.

No swimming dangerous tides

No swimming dangerous animals

No swimming dangerous bacteria

No swimming undertow

It's stupid. This sign essentially said no swimming because we fucking said so and these parents acted like a kid who decided that they will ignore their parents warnings because their parents didn't sit down and explain verbatim why they told them not to so something.

What I do not get from you guys is how self righteous and judgemental some of you are. It is silly for you to think that a No Swimming sign tells a person anything about the danger of some beast coming out of the water and attack you. Some of you are also making jokes about it. Whats that all about?

I see no swimming signs quite a bit along the ocean like I said. Is a person a bad parent if they allow their child to walk along the shore in say ankle deep water? That child in Florida was also not swimming was he? The parents weren't swimming were they? Also, you do not know how far that father was from his son, do you? Yet you make him out to be some kind of uncaring stupid asshole. Maybe he is but none of you know this as being a fact yet you judge. I think that it is completely unfair of you.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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What I do not get from you guys is how self righteous and judgemental some of you are. It is silly for you to think that a No Swimming sign tells a person anything about the danger of some beast coming out of the water and attack you. Some of you are also making jokes about it. Whats that all about?

I see no swimming signs quite a bit along the ocean like I said. Is a person a bad parent if they allow their child to walk along the shore in say ankle deep water? That child in Florida was also not swimming was he? The parents weren't swimming were they? Also, you do not know how far that father was from his son, do you? Yet you make him out to be some kind of uncaring stupid asshole. Maybe he is but none of you know this as being a fact yet you judge. I think that it is completely unfair of you.

I think it was irresponsible for them to allow their 2 year old child to play in a lagoon in Florida at night when gators hunt..... turns out I am right cause the kid died because a gator attacked and drowned him.

The Hawk

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How could this parents assume things were safe if they were told No Swimming? If they were unsure what No Swimming meant they could have asked the lifeguard on duty.

These parents willfully ignored the sign that alerted them to the fact things were not safe because they apparently assumed they knew better than Disney that No Swimming was not a serious threat.

What sort of parent just takes that kind of chance with their kids when there are staff all over the place to answer questions?

What lifeguard? Who was swimming? You think that you know exactly what went down at that resort? How? Present some evidence that we do not know but somehow you do?


CCS Enforcer
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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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What I do not get from you guys is how self righteous and judgemental some of you are. It is silly for you to think that a No Swimming sign tells a person anything about the danger of some beast coming out of the water and attack you. Some of you are also making jokes about it. Whats that all about?

I see no swimming signs quite a bit along the ocean like I said. Is a person a bad parent if they allow their child to walk along the shore in say ankle deep water? That child in Florida was also not swimming was he? The parents weren't swimming were they? Also, you do not know how far that father was from his son, do you? Yet you make him out to be some kind of uncaring stupid asshole. Maybe he is but none of you know this as being a fact yet you judge. I think that it is completely unfair of you.

Didn't the lifegaurd say the parents were not close to him. Fact is the parents fucked up didn't use a shred of common sense in this given situation, and some poor kid is dead cause of their parents stupidity

The Hawk

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Quote Originally Posted by Houston View Post

I'm pretty sure the 2 year old boy wasn't actually swimming by himself. There's a big difference between no swimming and stay out of the water completely.

No, there isn't.



CCS Enforcer
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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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I mean the pool was right there with a life gaurd, why not let your kid play in those conditions. Rather than a lagoon at dusk in Alligatorville


CCS Enforcer
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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Quote Originally Posted by Houston View Post

I'm pretty sure the 2 year old boy wasn't actually swimming by himself. There's a big difference between no swimming and stay out of the water completely.


Seriously Hawk, if you saw a sign that says NO SWIMMING, aren't you staying out of that water completely


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I mean the pool was right there with a life gaurd, why not let your kid play in those conditions. Rather than a lagoon at dusk in Alligatorville

Cuz if ur from Nebraska you are not expected to have any parental responsibility.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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What I do not get from you guys is how self righteous and judgemental some of you are. It is silly for you to think that a No Swimming sign tells a person anything about the danger of some beast coming out of the water and attack you. Some of you are also making jokes about it. Whats that all about?

I see no swimming signs quite a bit along the ocean like I said. Is a person a bad parent if they allow their child to walk along the shore in say ankle deep water? That child in Florida was also not swimming was he? The parents weren't swimming were they? Also, you do not know how far that father was from his son, do you? Yet you make him out to be some kind of uncaring stupid asshole. Maybe he is but none of you know this as being a fact yet you judge. I think that it is completely unfair of you.

I am not suggesting No Swimming means they should know an alligator might snatch their kid. I am saying No Swimming means they shouldn't have they kid near the water. Further, even if there were no sign at all, I am saying a parent shouldn't allow their kid to play by water in the dark.

I know he wasn't close enough to stop a gator for grabbing his son. I know he couldn't have been between his son and the deep water because if he was the alligator would have had to grab him and not his son.

Does that make him an asshole? No. I don't think I called him an asshole. I called his actions stupid because they were. One can be stupid without being an asshole.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Seriously Hawk, if you saw a sign that says NO SWIMMING, aren't you staying out of that water completely

The Hawk wears double eye patches, he can't read signs you asshole.

The Hawk

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Bro the signs were not specific enough.... if they said "Keep out of water, child might be eaten by gator" then MAYBE this isn't 110% Disney's fault.

Either way these Special person parents are in no way to blame for letting their child play in lagoon water in Florida at night when alligators hunt.... I mean cmon they are from Nebraska, they don't know any better.

So, how do you know the parents were Special person? Are Nebraskan people retards? I've read a lot of shit on this thread that looked like retards wrote it. IF the shoe fits, wear it.


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So, how do you know the parents were Special person? Are Nebraskan people retards? I've read a lot of shit on this thread that looked like retards wrote it. IF the shoe fits, wear it.

Do you need a sign in the bathroom to wipe your ass? Does it need to specify to wipe from front to back? Is it the bathrooms fault for causing your underwear to get crusty and a rash to appear on your cheeks? Do you typically venture into unknown waterways at night? Would you allow your child to venture into an unknown waterway at night?


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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So, how do you know the parents were Special person? Are Nebraskan people retards? I've read a lot of shit on this thread that looked like retards wrote it. IF the shoe fits, wear it.

Ima go with cause they let their 2 year old play in a lagoon, in Florida, at night, when alligators hunt and their 2 year old son was killed by an alligator in that lagoon.

That is why they are Special person.

Any further questions or can we conclude?


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Jan 4, 2011
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is it a nebraskan pastime to let 2-year olds play in standing water up there?


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Jul 13, 2011
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They had a no swimming sign up, that is more than sufficient to let anyone (especially the parents) know not to play around in the area they designated not to swim in. This falls on the parents.

1. No swimming ≠ No Playing Around in the Area.

Houston, why don't you present your argument for why the parents are not at fault?

I haven't presented an argument as for why the parents are not at fault, because I never took that stance. My current argument is clearly not how much the parents should've known, it's how much Disney World should've known. And it's not a zero-sum game.

You not being able to understand this is what I mean by "awful".
