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Do you want your sig changed to Ares Sucks!
Dis looks like a perfect place for the kid to go play while I watch a movie. Look it has water for them to drown in and a bunch of bushes where animals that want to eat him can lurk. What's wrong with dat?
I think it was irresponsible for them to allow their 2 year old child to play in a lagoon in Florida at night when gators hunt..... turns out I am right cause the kid died because a gator attacked and drowned him.
Seriously Hawk, if you saw a sign that says NO SWIMMING, aren't you staying out of that water completely
I sure as heck have walked along the beach in ankle deep water out here all of the time with no swimming signs posted. This family was not swimming in the water. Nobody has shown anything of the kind. I just do not see how that resort could not post simple warning signs to protect the tourists is all. I think that probably some penny counter decided to save a few bucks or some exec decided to not SCARE the tourists by the use of proper warning signs never thinking that something like this could ever happen.
Hawks if your at this resort with your grandkids, and it's dusk there is a pool close by. You come across this lagoon, and see a sign that says NO SWIMMING, are you going to let your grandkids play in the shallow water?
So if this were movie night and the kid was wading in the water, and the parents had to jump in the water when he was snatched, what is the likely scenario? More than likely the parents were busy watching the movie, the kid was playing in the water, the alligator thought he was food and grabbed him and then the parents jumped in to try and rescue him.
If instead the Dad was in the water with the kid, he wouldn't have had to jump in. If he were in between the kid and the deep water, the alligator would have had to grab the Dad.
And this article notes that there was a lifeguard. The above also has pictures of the area where the attack took place. Does that look like some relatively safe area for a kid to be wading in the water while he parents watch a movie? Look at all the weeds and grass on the edge of the water and look at the photos of how this place looks at dark. I wouldn't fucking want to be walking around the water at night if I was an adult much less have my kind playing in the water where there are weeds, grass, or growth that look like everglade type shit. Also look at the map of the resort and how fucking big this lagoon is. Like are you fucking with me? The shit is massive and you think it's cool for a kid to be playing near that shit at night? Give me a break.
Lmfao really Hawks
Has any of that actually happened, or nah?
Has that ever happened or nah?
The Hawk wears double eye patches, he can't read signs you asshole.
I just not familiar with that place as in is there any kind of a drop-off where a kid would be in danger of going into deep water. If this was truly a "beach" then it might be different. If I had known that there were gators in that lagoon certainly not. Also, I would be pretty close to my grandkids in any circumstance.
Do you need a sign in the bathroom to wipe your ass? Does it need to specify to wipe from front to back? Is it the bathrooms fault for causing your underwear to get crusty and a rash to appear on your cheeks? Do you typically venture into unknown waterways at night? Would you allow your child to venture into an unknown waterway at night?
Ima go with cause they let their 2 year old play in a lagoon, in Florida, at night, when alligators hunt and their 2 year old son was killed by an alligator in that lagoon.
That is why they are Special person.
Any further questions or can we conclude?
how did Ares change your signature? When did he become a mod
Dis looks like a perfect place for the kid to go play while I watch a movie. Look it has water for them to drown in and a bunch of bushes where animals that want to eat him can lurk. What's wrong with dat?