Well, I see you have never been to Disney World and your rants are comical. Ive stayed at the resort they were near. I have rented boats in many of their lagoons. Guess what? I have seen alligators before. Disney has removed thousands of alligators off their property. The swamp is not even a mile away from them and have connecting systems. It is almost impossible to keep them out. Just because you dont know your head from your asshole doesnt mean that other people shouldnt. These arent slow moving, dumb animals. They move at night and sleep or relax during the day. There was an alligator by my grandma's house that we called wildlife and fisheries on to remove. It took us 8 times of calling them before they could find him. Why? because they are not stupid and they can disappear with the best of them. To say there was no negligence of the parents, shows the lack of responsibility you probably take in your own life.