Orlando in the News Again


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Aug 21, 2012
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The problem was it was a perfect storm. Small child the size of the animals they like to eat. Night time when they feed. Shallow water on the bank where they like to hang out. It fit every criteria for an attack. Also, if humans feed them they become fearless towards them. It was a super bad idea to have your kid in the water and you not watching the water. i promise that gator showed himself before he attacked. Im not trying to destroy these parents because they are going to have to live with something that will haunt them the rest of their lives and could possibly destroy them as people. Im just baffled that people can be oblivious to their surroundings. You can only guarantee your safety.
Good post. Serious.

The Hawk

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The fucking liability of most of this is Disney. There are ways of preventing predators from entering a lagoon or whatever and they didn't do it. People come from Nebraska? Guess what? There aren't many alligators in Nebraska. No way would these people understand some danger like what happened. **** Disney. This kids death was on them and no one else. Blame the Parents?? No fucking way. The father was nearby and tried like hell to get his kid freed. I feel great sorrow for that kid and his family and to blame the parents is insane.

The Hawk

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Quote Originally Posted by SilenceS View Post

They found the body of the toddler. The news story said he was wading in about a foot of water when the gator grabbed him.

You know what my issues is here now? Foot of water? The parents werent paying attention. You can see gators eyes. They shine in the dark. Its very noticeable. They dont go under water to attack. He probably just floated straight up to the toddler and snatched it.

Yeah that is the issue most of us have with this whole thing....

You two are fucking nuts. The parents are on a vacation at a fucking five star resort. They are probably having a nice time with their kid walking in ankle deep water. To blame these parents is as fucked up as it gets. They had no warning about alligators around that beach. Signs were not even posted for cripes sake. THey should have put barriers up for any gator to enter that lagoon or not make it accessible to the public. This wasn't the fucking Everglades. This was Disney World. I hope that Disney suffers a massive financial settlement with that couple!

The Hawk

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It's not really armchair parenting if you have kids, and lived in Florida. Common sense applies to having children, as a father of 3 kids under 10, I know every movement and every step my children take a everyday, cause ya know I pay attention to them.

That is just crap. Making judgements on two parents from Nebraska going to a five star resort? No sign posted about any danger? One foot of fucking water? A father trying to get the gator to release his kid? He is to blame? Bull fucking shit. BTW. You do not know every step that your kids take. No parent does. Life is full of dangers but at the same time, kids need to experience stuff on their own, Shit happens sometimes and this is example of it. Disney has the culpability in all of this. They could have put screens up to keep any predator out of the area.

The Hawk

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Hawk eyes aren't as good as Bigfoot eyes. :lol:

No they are not. Blaming the parents for this is not being clear sighted. That father tried his damn best to save his kid. No one could expect some damned alligator out there to grab his kid. What about kids wading in the surf in the ocean and grabbed by a shark? Are the parents to blame? Say the parent is two feet away from their kid and the shark grabs the kid. Is that the fucking fault of the parent? I think not. This is nowhere negligence any more than some damn car out of control and killing another person. It is life's realities.

The Hawk

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The problem was it was a perfect storm. Small child the size of the animals they like to eat. Night time when they feed. Shallow water on the bank where they like to hang out. It fit every criteria for an attack. Also, if humans feed them they become fearless towards them. It was a super bad idea to have your kid in the water and you not watching the water. i promise that gator showed himself before he attacked. Im not trying to destroy these parents because they are going to have to live with something that will haunt them the rest of their lives and could possibly destroy them as people. Im just baffled that people can be oblivious to their surroundings. You can only guarantee your safety.

You are a fucking idiot to blame the parents. There should not have been fucking alligators in that water in the first place and not even putting out warnings was asinine.. Disney did it because of its business model which probably didn't want to admit that there was a danger nor spend the money to put up alligator screens which they certainly could have. I hope they lose big time in the lawsuit that will follow. Disney is a piece of shit organization for starters and I hope that they pay and pay:(


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Aug 14, 2010
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Verbal ***** slapping going on in here. Lol.

I know when my son was two he was in hand whenever we were in public. He certainly didn't play in water without me present let alone at night in Florida.

That I said I feel terribly for those parents especially for the dad. Nobody should have to see their toddler dragged off by gator. I'd probably kill myself right then and there.

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Apr 16, 2013
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You are a fucking idiot to blame the parents. There should not have been fucking alligators in that water in the first place and not even putting out warnings was asinine.. Disney did it because of its business model which probably didn't want to admit that there was a danger nor spend the money to put up alligator screens which they certainly could have. I hope they lose big time in the lawsuit that will follow. Disney is a piece of shit organization for starters and I hope that they pay and pay:(

Well, I see you have never been to Disney World and your rants are comical. Ive stayed at the resort they were near. I have rented boats in many of their lagoons. Guess what? I have seen alligators before. Disney has removed thousands of alligators off their property. The swamp is not even a mile away from them and have connecting systems. It is almost impossible to keep them out. Just because you dont know your head from your asshole doesnt mean that other people shouldnt. These arent slow moving, dumb animals. They move at night and sleep or relax during the day. There was an alligator by my grandma's house that we called wildlife and fisheries on to remove. It took us 8 times of calling them before they could find him. Why? because they are not stupid and they can disappear with the best of them. To say there was no negligence of the parents, shows the lack of responsibility you probably take in your own life.


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Aug 21, 2012
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You are a fucking idiot to blame the parents. There should not have been fucking alligators in that water in the first place and not even putting out warnings was asinine.. Disney did it because of its business model which probably didn't want to admit that there was a danger nor spend the money to put up alligator screens which they certainly could have. I hope they lose big time in the lawsuit that will follow. Disney is a piece of shit organization for starters and I hope that they pay and pay:(

45 years and never an alligator incident with Disney. Did you know that Florida is home to over 1 million alligators. The parents are 100 percent to blame, who in the **** let's a 2 yr old child play in 1 foot of water in a lagoon in Florida at night, despite the sign that says NO SWIMMING STEEP DROP OFF. Have you stayed at a Disney resort, we'll I have many times, and even though I lived in Florida still was told at check in watch for Gators and do not feed Gators. The parents stupidity caused their 2 yr old child to die. Feel horrible that a kid died during circumstances it should have never been in, but the parents sentenced this kid to die, and they deserved to get drug through the mud.


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Jan 4, 2011
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Itt i have learned that alligators are slow moving, dumb animals that are not stupid and that the hawk has been irresponsible with his life

-- tapatalkin'!


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45 years and never an alligator incident with Disney. Did you know that Florida is home to over 1 million alligators. The parents are 100 percent to blame, who in the **** let's a 2 yr old child play in 1 foot of water in a lagoon in Florida at night, despite the sign that says NO SWIMMING STEEP DROP OFF. Have you stayed at a Disney resort, we'll I have many times, and even though I lived in Florida still was told at check in watch for Gators and do not feed Gators. The parents stupidity caused their 2 yr old child to die. Feel horrible that a kid died during circumstances it should have never been in, but the parents sentenced this kid to die, and they deserved to get drug through the mud.

It's not Hawks fault, it has to be impossible to see any signs with 1 eye patch much less 2.


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CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Quote Originally Posted by SilenceS View Post

They found the body of the toddler. The news story said he was wading in about a foot of water when the gator grabbed him.

You know what my issues is here now? Foot of water? The parents werent paying attention. You can see gators eyes. They shine in the dark. Its very noticeable. They dont go under water to attack. He probably just floated straight up to the toddler and snatched it.

You two are fucking nuts. The parents are on a vacation at a fucking five star resort. They are probably having a nice time with their kid walking in ankle deep water. To blame these parents is as fucked up as it gets. They had no warning about alligators around that beach. Signs were not even posted for cripes sake. THey should have put barriers up for any gator to enter that lagoon or not make it accessible to the public. This wasn't the fucking Everglades. This was Disney World. I hope that Disney suffers a massive financial settlement with that couple!

You sound like a bleeding heart Liberal fucktard.... the parents left their 2 year old child, unattended, in a lagoon, in Florida, at night when gators hunt.

This is 100% their fault.


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Aug 21, 2012
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To be honest I'm a person who is pretty aware of my surroundings. Life has taught me that. I don't think alligators would have been high on my concern list at a resort. However if they briefed it at check in or if it's a danger warning in the hotel book I would have seen it. I wouldn't let my kid in a lagoon because of the fear of stagnet water more than gators so my kid would be in the pool over the lagoon. I feel horrible for this family. I imagine nothing could make them feel worse or have more regret for that decision. It would be different had they been on a sidewalk of something and attacked... But in a lagoon at night is something I would not have allowed gators or not.


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CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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To be honest I'm a person who is pretty aware of my surroundings. Life has taught me that. I don't think alligators would have been high on my concern list at a resort. However if they briefed it at check in or if it's a danger warning in the hotel book I would have seen it. I wouldn't let my kid in a lagoon because of the fear of stagnet water more than gators so my kid would be in the pool over the lagoon. I feel horrible for this family. I imagine nothing could make them feel worse or have more regret for that decision. It would be different had they been on a sidewalk of something and attacked... But in a lagoon at night is something I would not have allowed gators or not.

I mean even if no gators.... what if the kid suddenly decided to go swimming? In a lagoon.... at night.

Even if they were at a fucking indoor pool, you wouldn't let a kid that small play in water alone out of the fear they could drown.

These parents made a mistake, and it cost their child his life.


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I mean even if no gators.... what if the kid suddenly decided to go swimming? In a lagoon.... at night.

Even if they were at a fucking indoor pool, you wouldn't let a kid that small play in water alone out of the fear they could drown.

These parents made a mistake, and it cost their child his life.

Dad fought the Gator so he wasn't alone... I just don't get why he was in a lagoon... under any circumstance.
Take the little man to the kiddy pool...


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Apr 16, 2013
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Dad fought the Gator so he wasn't alone... I just don't get why he was in a lagoon... under any circumstance.
Take the little man to the kiddy pool...

I don't know how much he fought it. If you flip out and poke and punch at the gators eyes. They usually will retreat. They don't like to fight there prey. That's why they drag them under and death roll. I wasn't there so maybe he did. I don't want to say any of that just for future reference of you ever are in a life or death situation with one. They aren't like crocodiles that want to take on anything

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CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Dad fought the Gator so he wasn't alone... I just don't get why he was in a lagoon... under any circumstance.
Take the little man to the kiddy pool...

He was far enough away that the gator dragged him into deeper waters before the Dad "jumped in" to fight the gator.

If the Dad was there when it attacked in 1 foot of water, he coulda dragged the gator and the kid on to shore and they could have pried the gator's mouth open or killed it to get it to let go of the kid.

The parents were nearby, but not in the immediate vicinity of the kid.... hence how the gator got the kid into deep enough water to drown him and deep enough water that the Dad couldn't wressle it back to land.

I see this problem in public everywhere I go... people have toddlers that can walk and talk and they just let them run loose.... some worse than others obviously.

They assumed a dark lagoon on Disney property was perfectly safe.... they were wrong.


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Apr 16, 2013
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I would like to know how big was the alligator.

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