The money is great! Fricken amazing... for him and for his family and possibly generations to come.
But it is NOT just about the money.
The money represents that the Jets are 100% COMMITMENTED to him. The absolute worst thing for JF would have been to sign with the Steelers and have coach Tomlin bench him because of the pressure on Tomlin in Pittsburgh to maintain his winning record and/or make the playoffs. Pitt fans are growing restless with him and Tomlin, despite what he might say, knows it. Justin, holding a clip board for another year or two, would likely have been a career killer.
JF's leash will be super long with the Jets - dam near endless. JF is "the man" there, no question, which also means they will be devising an offense to fit his needs -- specifically tailored to him. Moreover, for them to pay JF that kind of money likely means they see something others dont -- and will be tapping into that. Add in his familiarity with their top receiver, Garret Wilson, and the Jets having the makings of being an amazing career destination for JF.
Last thing, Coach Glenn represents a new regime. The pressure won't be as great there as it in Pittsburgh to "win now" because Coach Glenn is new. I mean, Coach Glenn will have pressure but generally people will assume turning that moribund franchise around will take at least 2 years. In Pittsburgh, Tomlin has to win NOW! Meaning JF would have had to win NOW or likely hit the bench.
Last thing.... COMFORT means a lot to the development of a QB. This is truly an underrated component in the development of a QB. JF has never had that. He has always been coached to "play tight", win now, save jobs, don't turn the ball over, tight, tight, tight.... same thing the Bears did with Caleb last year. JF has never had people 100% committed to him like he has now. That will allow him to play freer and let his true talents show. Add to that all reports about the one thing that JF loves in people is LOYALTY..... and all reports say Coach Glenn is an extremely LOYAL person.... "a players coach" if you will. All of this leads to COMFORT.
The comfort and commitment that the Jets offered simply could not be matched. That comfort and commitment will likely lead to JF playing football at his highest level.... possibly his highest level ever!