Unfortunatly, no matter what me or anyone else writes about Pippens greatness on the internet to convince people of the unspoken truth, some will never get the memo, especially here.
So in dedication to Pip, I have posted the best 3 part Pippen short film on the internet.
Video speaks louder than any words so enjoy and appreciate the greatness.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zyzx6ISXQGw]Scottie Pippen: Power and Grace Part II - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5mL1L57rtI]Scottie Pippen: Power and Grace Part III - YouTube[/ame]
This 3 part utube film best sums up what Pip was all about and its just a focus on his offensive game defense not included.
.Pippen was capable of scoring in just about every way Jordan could, when needed....And when needed, Pippen did just that.