Probably more. I think steroids have been around well before the days of Canseco and McGwire.
Exactly what I'm getting at.
So I hope that there are teams that through time will be cleared of any suspicion.. because if its proven that just for example (one that you guys know of) 2005.. The Sox we're clean.. or very clean.. compared to Houston.. That's a larger achievement in itself.
That can be said for any post-season matchup in this era.. Which potentially could date back even 30 years or more..
I don't think we'll ever know the true usage.. There will probably be an amount of players that get off without having to answer to it.
I think dealing with the era we've been in.. (and in some cases still are in) It's hard to write off players just because they used.. It would be easy to do that if it was sparing usage. It's not from what we know.
That leads into the whole HoF thing which I'm sure as the Class of 2013 draws near will be a large topic.. and I'll leave that part of it for later.