The way I've looked at things if we dump Huet to the ahl, we've got approx 6.2 million to sign hammer, niemi, a backup, a entire 4th line and a 6th dmen.
If they get the fourth line at league minimum (500,000) and the 6th dman that's 2 mil
that leaves 4.2 million aprrox to resign hammer, a backup and niemi.
I have no idea how much those two are going to command at this point.
I'm sure like everybody else, I'm not overly bothered like other seasons since we won the cup. To be honest if a couple people have to moved like Vertseeg, so be it. I'd rather not have to move Buff or Versteeg. It's more me being curious at this point than being concerned lol.
My one concern is how you find money for both hammer and seabrook.