They could have easily afforded to acquire Kinsler or Fielder via trade.
I quite seriously doubt this. The tigers wanted a legit 2B so they could replace Infante. Darwin Barney is not that. What other than Shark would have the Rangers wanted for Kinsler?
I mean it really comes down to this. Can they spend money? Sure. But that only wins 5-10 wins to teams. They still have to draft well or FA mean nothing. Can you draft well while spending money? Perhaps. There's not a very big sample size under the new CBA. Cubs den had a look at top 100 prospects since the new CBA. I wish I could find the particular article because it was informative. But basically the gist of it was even a great drafting team like the cardinals haven't had top 100 prospects that were drafted after the new CBA and that most of the players who have risen to that level were from teams drafting high. I wont count out the ability for a team to do it because there are some really smart people out there. However, it should be orders of magnitude easier to do it from the top of the draft.
I can understand why people want FAs. But at the end of the day they make a bad team average. That's an important distinction because I did not say good. Let me throw out an example. Let's say they went wild and spent on Ellsbury and Choo. And let's say they meet the dodgers in the playoffs. You're talking about Shark, Wood and Jackson vs Kershaw, Grienke and I guess Beckett. Similarly, they are still a level above offensively. The dodgers should win that series 80% of the time. So what exactly did you accomplish by spending that money? Made the team slightly more watchable but you aren't giving fans what they truly want.
Personally, I'm fine with signing FA but they need to contribute to being a good team rather than just being a .500 team. That's why someone like Tanaka made sense. To further this, I think people are missing the aspect of prospects as trade chips. Most quality players never hit FA anymore. Some occasionally do come up for trade however. I'm hoping that is part of this front office's plan. If them not spending money on Ellsbury means they get a better prospect to trade for someone like Cargo then I'm fine with it.
But there in lies the issue that some rightfully have. They are more just cycling players right now rather than acquiring new talent at the major league level. I personally understand it because they haven't had the parts to go for it. But at some point they need to start to go for it. I'm hoping this year they can start to do that at the trade deadline rather than just an entire sell off.