Olt's HR was wind aided. Would have been an out on a normal day. He went 2 for 5. .400 BA no SO's. He is not taking walks yet. He needs to start seeing AB's vs RH pitching soon to continue his development.
Lake is explosive. Enough said. That HR was Sammy like.
Rizzo 4-5. I'll take that any day. He needs to be a hitter first vs a power hitter first.
I believe Hammel is better than Feldman was last year. Feldman didn't get it going for the first few times through until he gained control of his cutter. Hammel has looked solid from day 1. He is the 2nd best starter behind shark right now. 3 HR's given up on a wind out to left day and giving up only 3 runs. 1 BB that was not exploited. Only 3 hits. You can not look down on that performance.
Over all good game and Ricky needs to keep Olt and Lake in the line up more. VS's RH starters the team lacks HR power.
Congrats on Rizzo taking the ball the other way. With a Grand Canyon-esque sized whole on the left side of the diamond, and a pitcher throwing balls away, developing a short slap stroke will really help him in the long run. If they are going to just give you the left side, take it for crying out loud.
Junior Lakes HR was a blast as somebody mentioned above. He definitely got all of it.
Castro looks like he is seeing the ball well.
As far as Olt, I like they way he took the ball to right field with a nice stroke, but the jury is still out on whether he can catch up to fastballs. His stroke seems to be a little long and slow through the zone. His best asset would be taking the ball the other way, and then turn on a hanger and drive it out to the left center power alley's.
I know I get pummeled for this but I will go on record as saying that Renteria is the right manager for a young squad. He appears to really work well with them and I saw a lot of looseness on the bench. My only beef is that he came close to really letting Pitt back in the game when he left Hammel in there. Hammel had pitched well enough and late enough to warrant throwing the specialists in the game but I think he will learn that in time.