the rules have changed...instigator rule for instance... How many teams have goons who specifically go out there to demolish the opponent? It was their only skill so it didn't hurt as much when they got a penalty and you took out the opponents better player . I can and will argue that fights can be used as a tool to gain momentum... It is less important todays NHL and the playoffs, but if it gets you home ice advantage in regular season hockey. I won't be calling it Idiotic.
Its a tool that can be used as it needs to be, when it needs to be... and it's damn entertaining.
This addresses none of these questions:
Then why when the games matter the most does it go away almost completely?
Shouldn't the Stanley Cup Finals be FULL of fights with guys trying to "change the game" for their team?
Sorry, you can't argue that fighting is important to the game of hockey when at the times when the games matter the most...fighting is virtually non-existent.
If fights are a tool to gain momentum why are the playoffs basically devoid of them?