Polian on the cost of JG today


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Dec 12, 2011
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The only person missing that is remy.

That is why it has to be this year.

If I am Jimmy's agent, and he got tagged I would have him sign the tag and throw all the pens out.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Another thing to remember is that we feel they want to move him and that may just not be so. If they don't get a great offer, they may be content to have that competent backup for one more year. It's not like they are desperate to improve and need 2nd round picks to do it. BB does move guys early while he can still get something for them but he's not penny wise and dollar foolish. How interested he actually is in moving JG will have a lot to do with Brissett's progress.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
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That is why it has to be this year.

If I am Jimmy's agent, and he got tagged I would have him sign the tag and throw all the pens out.

Except that Jimmy wants to play. I do agree that this is the right time if they are going to move him. The bait has been set. Now they just need a bit of patience.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Dec 12, 2011
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Except that Jimmy wants to play. I do agree that this is the right time if they are going to move him. The bait has been set. Now they just need a bit of patience.

Then he plays on the tag with the Bears or 49ers, of course both will probably have moved on by 2018.

Financially it makes the most sense to play on the tag for at least a year. Especially considering we have not seen a QB get a "career threatening injury" on the tag.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
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I don't think that trade happens. No assurances for extensions can be made once the tag is signed. I suppose a trust situation could happen and some verbal agreement made but it would be non binding. It would be exactly like the Cousins situation right now. The parties may like each other more but relationships change so it's a big risk.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Dec 12, 2011
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Mike Sando has a piece on ESPN Insider that talks about the different potential trade packages.

If someone has it they could post it?

Also Mary Kay Cabot in Cleveland says she thinks that the Browns give up 1[12] for him if pushed, if that is the case pack up and move on to the draft.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
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They'll be pushed and maybe add a little sugar.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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The reason they aren't backed into a corner is that there is value in keeping Garoppolo around. The Patriots don't have to trade him.

All of this is independent of your plan which has the Patriots putting a franchise tag on a backup QB in an effort to trade him, which, again, is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. By franchising JG, the Patriots have created a situation where they can neither hold on to him nor trade him.

This makes no sense. There is no proof they wouldn't be able to trade him because he could still negotiate a deal with the team trading for him. Nor is this my plan. I was merely pointing out the Pats were not backed into a corner because the poster said they were.

LOL at this. Garoppolo's contract ends after 2017. Not sure what you mean with the caveat "most likely"...do you understand how NFL contracts work? The 'reserve clause' was abolished over 40 years ago. Once a player's contract expires, he is no longer property of that team. I'm not sure what recourse the Patriots would have next year if they didn't franchise tag Garoppolo...its difficult to get another NFL team willing to trade with you for a player you do not own the rights to.

I said most likely because because there's a possibility that Brady simply retires after next year as there have been reports that some believe he will. Or that he gets injured.

This goes against your own argument. If you are allowing that the Patriots will put a franchise tag on a backup QB AND that another NFL team is willing to trade for a player who is on an expiring contract, then why would next year be their last chance to trade JG? If, in 2018 the Patriots franchise tag JG and cannot trade him, why couldn't they merely franchise again JG in 2019? Cost/cap space is not a factor in your original argument, nor is the fact that JG is on an expiring contract, so what would be so different in 2019 compared to 2018?

Using your logic, the Patriots will never be 'backed into a corner' with JG because they could simply apply the franchise tag to JG every year until they get rid of him.

The original argument was based on the idea that they had no intent of keeping JG. I stated very clearly that they just need the cap space to be able to apply the tag but that ultimately they would end up trading him because they wouldn't actually have a desire to retain him for that year and pay him 25 million.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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What is being missed is no team is trading for him to play under the tag. If he is tagged, a team would compensate NWE with picks and have an already worked out deal to replace the tag. The new team is compensating NWE for the rights to negotiate under the tag just as they can until July 15th of the league year, they would be consummating what would be an already agreed upon contract before the trade ever happened.

The cap hit would be just whatever the new contract entails. The franchise tag # is zero concern or roadblock for any team wanting to trade for him, the only team with risk by franchising him is NWE. If they tag him and cant find a suitable partner , they are on the hook for the cap hit.

Exactly, I don't know why people would assume that you can't just negotiate a new deal with him while he is on the franchise tag. The only issue the 25 million poses is that you need to have the cap space to make the trade but under either scenario you would then be signing him to a new deal.

Yes that is my argument and has been the whole time.. you came up with an absurd scenario of tagging him and then trying to trade him.. No team is going to give up anything to trade for a guy on a franchise tag when they can just wait for him to be cut. Due to the 40-45mil tied up in Qbs

Now if they let JG walk next year they can get a compensatory pick at the end of round 3-7

So if they want high draft picks this is the year.. I have said that all along and have said it again.

Can you quote your post where you said this previously. I can't find it.

The only person missing that is remy.

I'm not missing that at all. No one claimed he would play under the tag. I said the Pats can franchise and trade him. I already stated in post 180 to Rory that the team trading him could sign him to a long term deal so there was never any suggestion that JG would play under the tag.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Ah yes. We have now officially entered the remy-vortex..."I'm not advocating what I am saying or even saying its likely...I am merely saying that there is a 0.01% chance of this happening..."

No you are being dense. The reason why I don't think it is likely is because I don't think BB actually think JG is a Pro Bowl talent at QB. The basis for my argument is that BB will trade JG this year to get maximum value because he is doesn't view him as a franchise QB. If he actually thought JG was a franchise type QB then he would keep the dude this year for insurance and then get what he could for him next year as at that point next year, keeping him around would be cost prohibitive unless Brady retired. It's not cost prohibitive now because they can keep him for 1.1 million.

That doesn't address my point, which was if you are allowing that the Patriots will put a franchise tag on a backup QB AND that another NFL team is willing to trade for a player who is on an expiring contract, then why would next year be their last chance to trade JG? If, in 2018 the Patriots franchise tag JG and cannot trade him, why couldn't they merely franchise again JG in 2019? Cost/cap space is not a factor in your original argument, nor is the fact that JG is on an expiring contract, so what would be so different in 2019 compared to 2018?

Using your logic, the Patriots will never be 'backed into a corner' with JG because they could simply apply the franchise tag to JG every year until they get rid of him.

They would be backed into a corner after next year because keeping him would be cost prohibitive unless Brady retired. My scenario never suggested they would actually be willing to pay him 25 million next year to be a back-up. My scenario was that they would have enough cap space to initially franchise him and then trade him because they would have no intent to actually keep him at 25 million.

You are coming up with a completely different scenario where they would be willing to pay him 25 million as a backup which I never stated. The whole point here is that they don't have to trade him this year at 1.1 million but that next year they wouldn't want to pay him 25 million so instead they would franchise tag and then trade him.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Holy hell. If Garoppolo is given a franchise tag deal where he is guaranteed to make $25M in one year, what incentive would Garoppolo have to sign a new deal BEFORE July 15th with a new team? That would be astronomically stupid...even more stupid than what you had previously said about the Patriots applying the franchise tag as a means to trade Garoppolo.

I would assume that Garoppolo would accept the $25M/1yr contract, and then any long-term deal negotiated with the new team would begin after the expiration of the $25M/1yr contract.

For the umpteenth time, do you understand how NFL contracts work? Kirk Cousins ring a bell?

I think that would be negotiated prior to the trade don't you think. The reason why he would accept a long term deal is because if he fucking bombs or gets injured under the 1 year 25 million dollar deal then his value drops.

By accepting a long term deal now, he protects himself against the downside risk. Like are you stupid. Do you know understand that in just about all major sports, some players accept a long term deal for less yearly salary precisely because it's more guaranteed money and hence provides for long term security against injury and poor play?

There is a reason why players generally don't like playing under the Franchise tag because they are fearful of having down year or an injury resulting in them missing out on the big long term deal with more guaranteed money.


Aug 21, 2012
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While it is technically possible that the Pats will tag JG you really can't count this as an option. If they tag JG they would have 50 million locked up in QBs......JG would make more money than Brady........

No one sane would even consider this. It isn't a viable option and the Pats will not do this and the rest of the league knows this....it isn't an option, erase it.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Dec 12, 2011
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I think that would be negotiated prior to the trade don't you think. The reason why he would accept a long term deal is because if he fucking bombs or gets injured under the 1 year 25 million dollar deal then his value drops.

By accepting a long term deal now, he protects himself against the downside risk. Like are you stupid. Do you know understand that in just about all major sports, some players accept a long term deal for less yearly salary precisely because it's more guaranteed money and hence provides for long term security against injury and poor play?

There is a reason why players generally don't like playing under the Franchise tag because they are fearful of having down year or an injury resulting in them missing out on the big long term deal with more guaranteed money.

At many positions players do accept less money for more guarantees and security. The problem is at the QB position the tag money is so huge that it has less of an impact.

Accept a long term deal-make 13 million more guaranteed [Osweiler 38 million]

Wait and get tagged twice or sign a new deal-make a minimum 30 million more guaranteed [tagged twice]

Injuries do not matter, when was the last time we saw a QB get hurt and not get a new deal? Brees mutilated his throwing shoulder and still got paid by NO.

It does not matter if he bombs, if a team gave up premium picks for him they are not giving up on him after 1 season. He is at a minimum getting tagged twice and making 55 million guaranteed over 2 years.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Dec 12, 2011
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Jimmy's most exposed is in 2017. He is making 1.1 million and he has nothing really in the bank. If you get him this season he is motivated to sign a long term deal so he does not have to risk himself for 1.1 million.

Put a guaranteed 25 million in his bank account and he is in a position of strength and in a position to take more risks.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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What on earth are you talking about? The only way the Patriots could 'rescind' a franchise tag is if Garoppolo refuses to sign the $25M/1yr offer sheet. If they franchise tag Garoppolo and Garoppolo signs the contract, the Patriots are stuck with him at $25M/1yr unless they can trade him. Again, your myriad of scenarios all involve the same outlandish factors....Garoppolo being unwilling to play for $25M/1yr, Garoppolo willingly voiding a $25M/1yr deal, NFL teams willing to trade for a player who is currently on a franchise tag...


Pats franchise Matt Cassell. He gets traded to the Chiefs and they sign him to a long term deal. The Pats have literally already done this before.

Accept a long term deal-make 13 million more guaranteed

Wait and get tagged twice or sign a new deal-make a minimum 30 million more guaranteed

Injuries do not matter, when was the last time we saw a QB get hurt and not get a new deal? Brees mutilated his throwing shoulder and still got paid by NO.

It does not matter if he bombs, if a team gave up premium picks for him they are not giving up on him after 1 season. He is at a minimum getting tagged twice and making 55 million guaranteed over 2 years.

Not sure how you decided it would be 13 million more guaranteed.

Second, Brees got injured after a Pro Bowl season. JG hasn't had any sustained success in the NFL so an injury in 2018 would affect his value more than Brees who had success prior to injury.

It does matter if he bombs because his value goes down period since he is largely unproven in the NFL.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Dec 12, 2011
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The ideal financial scenario for Jimmy is

2017: Hide on NE's bench with no/little risk

2018: Get tagged and traded [25 million guaranteed]

2019: Get tagged again [30 million guaranteed]

2020: Sign Long Term Deal [50 million guaranteed]

105 million guaranteed dollars over 3 years. This is what Cousins is going to do.

Now an injury could derail that, but I cannot think of the last QB that suffered that career altering of an injury. We see QBs get paid after multiple ACL tears, shoulder surgeries, someone is going to give Romo starter money after multiple back and collarbone surgeries.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Dec 12, 2011
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Pats franchise Matt Cassell. He gets traded to the Chiefs and they sign him to a long term deal. The Pats have literally already done this before.

They tagged Cassel for 15 million and about 11% of the salary cap of 125 million at the time.

They would tag Jimmy at 25 million or about 17% of the salary cap.

Jimmy could very easily sign an extension, like Cassel did, but financially he should just play on the tag. He would be making 13 million more guaranteed dollars to give up 3 years of control over the situation.

Osweiler made 38 million over 2 years.

Getting tagged twice would pay Jimmy 55 million.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2012
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Can you quote your post where you said this previously. I can't find it.

As i have said the tag will lower his value

Who the hell would trade for him if he gets franchised? All they have to do is wait for him to be cut.. there is no way that the pats are going to carry 40mil for 2 Qbs ..


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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The ideal financial scenario for Jimmy is

2017: Hide on NE's bench with no/little risk

2018: Get tagged and traded [25 million guaranteed]

2019: Get tagged again [30 million guaranteed]

2020: Sign Long Term Deal [50 million guaranteed]

105 million guaranteed dollars over 3 years. This is what Cousins is going to do.

Now an injury could derail that, but I cannot think of the last QB that suffered that career altering of an injury. We see QBs get paid after multiple ACL tears, shoulder surgeries, someone is going to give Romo starter money after multiple back and collarbone surgeries.

Again all of the QBs you are referring to had success prior to injury. JG is not those QBs because he literally has played 1.5 games in the NFL precisely because he got injured in his second game. Another injury as he playing under the franchise tag and his value declines because you would have a injury prone dude with no sustained success in the NFL. Trying to compare that to Brees or Romo is dumb because those guys actually had seasons where they excelled prior to injury not 1.5 games.

JG's agent would be stupid to let JG play under the franchise tag given the uncertainty around whether he is actually a good QB or not and this is without considering the fact said agent would be passing on the commissions he would get from a long term deal.

Cousins can gamble on himself because he had 30 games in the NFL coming into this year. 30 > 1.5 games.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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As i have said the tag will lower his value

No you implied that no one would trade for him which is I think is inaccurate. See Matt Cassell for reference.
