Right now the zombie apocalypse breaks out....


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Not sure you realize how many people work in a given building.

Mine has 40 floors at probably like 150-200 people per floor.... 6000-8000 people in my building and it isn't anywhere near the largest downtown.

Food/water would prohibit you from just holding up... we could easily just hole up in our office.... the main way up is the elevator bank, or you gotta walk a shitload of stairs.... barricade our office entrance... even if you didn't, unlikely the elevators keep running.... unlikely the zombies climb 40 flights... those stair doors lock unless the staff trigger an emergency.

Problem is the water wouldn't run forever.... now you have 150-200 people pissing and shitting with no running water.

There is food in our office for maybe 1 day...

If the entire building emptied out and my entire floor bailed except say me and 10 people.... the building has maybe enough food/water for 10 people for like 30-60 days... if you scavenge every fucking floor for every snack, every bottle of water, all the sink/toilet water.

Think about what downtown Chicago looked like for the Cubs parade.... now amplify by like 50 and no police.... you wouldn't be able to go outside to scavenge.... the streets would be packed with them.... you probably couldn't get out if you had a tank, it would eventually get stuck... only way out would be helicopter from the roof.

Well, with staying put, It is kind of dependent on a lions share of people panicking and taking off immediately.
I would imagine taking off running would be instinct number 1 for many. "get out! Get to my family!"

I personally would not run out willy nilly if zombies were haunting the streets, would rather fashion some ghetto armor and move smart.

Here is the question though- how fast do they turn? Where do they come from?

if 20 come rolling out of a bus and start the spread.... I look out the window and see it happening... The first thing I will do is look to see how quickly the victims rise.
if it is a 5-10 minute window or longer, then I am taking may chances to be mobile and gtfo.
I dont have to be the fastest one on the street, just faster than most.

If there are 10 humans to one zombie, I am hauling ass. 5 to 1, I am staying mobile but cautious.

Shit changes if I am in the burbs. staying mobile no matter what. Zombie rules dictate they follow you blindly, s the smart move is trap them in fenced yards.
open the gate, wait for them to come in, hop the fence. give em a few hours and they may figure out how to walk back the way they came.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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If a zombie stepped on the third rail of the L, would it get fried?

that is actually a big question I have had while watching walking dead- Why hasnt anyone tried to tase them?

I would imagine it would **** up their motor functions even if they dont feel pain. tase em and stab em- without becoming a greasy sweaty mess like rick.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2012
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I have people weapons and ammo so my first move would be to take over a super center. Raid the water and pharmacy batteries etc.

After that .............


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I have people weapons and ammo so my first move would be to take over a super center. Raid the water and pharmacy batteries etc.

After that .............

This isn't "What would be your ideal zombie apocalypse plan"?

It is, right this second... where are you... what situation are you in... what do you think would happen?

You might have guns, but if you are sitting in your cubicle at work, they won't do you much good.


Three if by air
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Jun 25, 2010
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Next to the beef gristle mill
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Bulls
What if the zombies were super slow, but the only thing that actually killed them off, was shooting them in the face with your semen? How long would you survive.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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What if the zombies were super slow, but the only thing that actually killed them off, was shooting them in the face with your semen? How long would you survive.

12 hours, maybe 14 if ghost loads counted.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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So- nobody would try the zombie gut suit?

I am skeptical on that- especially in the walking dead world.

Seriously... I get hungry and tear in to beef jerky, it is not uncommon to pop a handful with the silica packet in my mouth and give it a good 2 or 3 bites before realizing it is in there.
I would imagine zombies are less attentive (barely) than I am when hungry. Wouldnt you think they would be taking trial bites of everything?

It is established that only the brain stem is alive, so the biological imperative to eat is automatic.
Or, it could be a scent thing...the smell might be so hideous that they can smell it immediately... but then wouldnt a giant herd overlook real food due to the density of the overwhelming stench?


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2012
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This isn't "What would be your ideal zombie apocalypse plan"?

It is, right this second... where are you... what situation are you in... what do you think would happen?

You might have guns, but if you are sitting in your cubicle at work, they won't do you much good.

Then the first thing need to make it home and get word out to my people to do the same. And the others that can’t need to put a team together to get them

Then proceed to raid the super center lol

At this moment I’m at work and all I have is a handgun and only one extra mag. A pickup truck. And I’m half hour away from home

Have to assume cars stalled out cause of a panic so getting stuck on freeway would be a bad idea take side roads that way you can drive off road if you have to. I have a half tank full of gas probably not a good idea to try to get more fuel alone so would probably save that for when I form a raiding party. I won’t help any dead weight that I work with but anyone who can hold their own I would offer them to come with me.

I give my chances of making it home around 60%. One of my bros probably 25%. Other bro 90%. My sis 20%. Friends varries.

But once you have your people in one location have to raid those super centers!


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Then the first thing need to make it home and get word out to my people to do the same. And the others that can’t need to put a team together to get them

Then proceed to raid the super center lol

At this moment I’m at work and all I have is a handgun and only one extra mag. A pickup truck. And I’m half hour away from home

Have to assume cars stalled out cause of a panic so getting stuck on freeway would be a bad idea take side roads that way you can drive off road if you have to. I have a half tank full of gas probably not a good idea to try to get more fuel alone so would probably save that for when I form a raiding party. I won’t help any dead weight that I work with but anyone who can hold their own I would offer them to come with me.

I give my chances of making it home around 60%. One of my bros probably 25%. Other bro 90%. My sis 20%. Friends varries.

But once you have your people in one location have to raid those super centers!

The super centers will be overrun with people... Hit the food pantries and distribution warehouses- steal that shit by the semi-full rather than fighting for a cart full.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2012
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The super centers will be overrun with people... Hit the food pantries and distribution warehouses- steal that shit by the semi-full rather than fighting for a cart full.

Main concerns are the pharmaceuticals! You know I probably have that covered. My cousin is a pharmacist five min from my house. He can get their on foot with all the possible meds we need.

What a depressing ass scenario though. Would rather have a red dawn thing happen at least there is a solution. Zombie shit just sucks things don’t get better


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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I cant believe nobody downtown has come up with the most obvious solution. head east. steal a boat.
Most boats can be hotwired by anyone with 2 hands and trial and error.
many will be stocked with survival rations.
Cruise the shore and find a safe area to come out and get food and gas and head right back out.
Fishing if you need it, plenty of water, and keeping zombies away is cake- if one does manage to float out to you, you will know 10 minutes before hand. Even if you are sleeping, you will feel it if he tries to climb up- at that point, leisurely grab the anchor and bust his head open.
Besides that, with larger boats, you can just pull up the ladder- a fit human with a working brain has trouble scaling the side of the larger vessels.

You could reasonably live your whole life like that, and make forays on to land whenever you felt safe enough.

SHit- that was my first thought when I watched the first episode of walking dead... You are in atlanta!! hit lake Lanier! Fresh water, Fish, and too deep to walk in!"


Huevos Rancheros
Mar 11, 2015
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The super centers will be overrun with people... Hit the food pantries and distribution warehouses- steal that shit by the semi-full rather than fighting for a cart full.
The only time I hit a super center is if I'm staying home, and it's not the grocery store it's the Lowe's for about ten sheets of plywood and a couple boxes of nails/screws.

In that situation my usage of firearms would be as minimal as possible. No noise if at all possible.

One of the first things I would also do is fill every plastic tub I can find with water as long as it's coming out of the tap.

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk


We’re all mad here
Aug 20, 2012
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Denver, Co
If shit kicks off during the week I’d be ok, I think. The building I work in is a huge shop that’s pretty fenced off from the rest of the city. I’m pretty sure if I can prepare a little bit I could take out all of my co-worker zombies with what I have in my tool box. There are a few vending machines so I’d be able to get some sort of sustenance for a few days. If the power is still on and water supply hasn’t been contaminated yet I could scrounge up some containers to stockpile clean water. Getting back to my family won’t be a problem, we have some pretty heavy duty trucks that I can pack up with supplies to try to find the rest of my family. The biggest barrier will be who and whatever is on the road between us because I work ~20 miles from my house. Fortunately my wife’s job, daughters school, & sons daycare are all very close so getting home is the biggest hurdle. After I’ve (hopefully) rounded up friends and family I can formulate a game plan for staying alive. First stop will be to any and all book stores and libraries to gather up all of the self-sufficiency guides I can find. I’m sure I could figure out how to survive but that’s a huge hedge on my success. Next stop will be for any weapons/ammo to keep me/us safe. Then it’s on to anywhere that’s away from any large-ish towns to find a reasonably large farm or ranch that could be easily defended. And if I’ve made it that far, I begin to live my new life. Oh, I also start to bang away at all of the women I meet. Got to repopulate the world and all...


Aug 21, 2012
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I work from home in a very secluded suburb of Denver. My wife works 5 minutes from our house and kids go to school 5 minutes away.

I own several guns and very defensible house.

I'd be good for a while.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Imagine it breaks out like World War Z or Dawn of the Dead.... things just break down and zombies start running amok.

Wherever you are, whatever condition you are in, whomever is around you, etc....

What do you do?

How do you try to survive?

Be honest.... do you think you would survive the day?

Can they swim?


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Can they swim?

No, but they can walk, so they would end up at the bottom of bodies of water and walk to shore where possible.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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No, but they can walk, so they would end up at the bottom of bodies of water and walk to shore where possible.

Seems to me they would float, so what your saying isn't possible. Even if they did sink, they couldn't see shit.

Can someone explain to me the difference between the two diff zombie types?

I really struggle with the idea of it all. I prefer the post apocalyptic mutants like in I am legend.
