Right now the zombie apocalypse breaks out....


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Chicago would be god awful, as I've already described.

But how does it spread? Like a virus? Or is this more like a divine intervention that has a portion of the population all over the world simultaneously turning into zombies and spreading the disease? In your scenario, is Chicago Ground zero?


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Even if the zombies freeze... you are living on a boat on Lake Michigan.... it would not be fun for like 4-5 months out of the year.

And then you have to deal with nasty storms during the warm months... if anything happens to your or your boat, you are done.

A boat on Lake Michigan would not be without serious challenges.

Storms are not that much of an issue if you are in a larger boat within sight of the shore... you can always head in if it gets hideous.
As for winter- if they slow to a crawl or go dormant, at that point the land is open to me... why would I stay on the water?

for my money, in the scenario you originally painted... zombies boiling out right where you are... If I were in downtown chicago the water seems the absolute best chance for survival.

50-60 miles of land based dense population on choked roadways to get back to my home area seems like a death sentence.
Hitting water and heading for less population is risky, but far better than certain death on the roads.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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But how does it spread? Like a virus? Or is this more like a divine intervention that has a portion of the population all over the world simultaneously turning into zombies and spreading the disease? In your scenario, is Chicago Ground zero?

In Romero movies it is never explained.

If we want to be practical... it is some form of infection, obviously.

If all hell breaks loose it would either have to be an attack of some kind (bioweapon) or the dam breaks so-to-speak wherever you are.

I always envision the zombie apocalypse taking weeks or even months to take shape... more and more incidents would happen and the govt would try to contain it and cover it up.

Then one day something goes wrong... hospital is overrun... it starts spreading from there and snowballs because the govt can't contain it and local LEOs have no clue what they should be doing to contain it.

Suddenly you have streets filled with zombies, bitten people, and panic.

Maybe it is just one city at first and they try to contain that city.... then it happens in another city or town.... cracks in the dam... resources spread too thin.

In the scenario I imagine you are in a city or town (I presume most of us live in cities/towns) and in that area shit goes cray... how it goes for you would depend heavily on whether your city/town is one of the first cracks in the dam or one of the last...


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Storms are not that much of an issue if you are in a larger boat within sight of the shore... you can always head in if it gets hideous.
As for winter- if they slow to a crawl or go dormant, at that point the land is open to me... why would I stay on the water?

for my money, in the scenario you originally painted... zombies boiling out right where you are... If I were in downtown chicago the water seems the absolute best chance for survival.

50-60 miles of land based dense population on choked roadways to get back to my home area seems like a death sentence.
Hitting water and heading for less population is risky, but far better than certain death on the roads.

Any boat can capsize in bad weather... or take on water and kill your engine.

And if you decide to head to shore, now you are contending with zombies during the storm.

I was going off your plan to hide on the water to stay safe.... that would not be practical during winter.

I think immediate 30-60 day survival on a boat makes sense, but then you look to ditch the boat and find a more permanent location on land.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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In Romero movies it is never explained.

If we want to be practical... it is some form of infection, obviously.

If all hell breaks loose it would either have to be an attack of some kind (bioweapon) or the dam breaks so-to-speak wherever you are.

I always envision the zombie apocalypse taking weeks or even months to take shape... more and more incidents would happen and the govt would try to contain it and cover it up.

Then one day something goes wrong... hospital is overrun... it starts spreading from there and snowballs because the govt can't contain it and local LEOs have no clue what they should be doing to contain it.

Suddenly you have streets filled with zombies, bitten people, and panic.

Maybe it is just one city at first and they try to contain that city.... then it happens in another city or town.... cracks in the dam... resources spread too thin.

In the scenario I imagine you are in a city or town (I presume most of us live in cities/towns) and in that area shit goes cray... how it goes for you would depend heavily on whether your city/town is one of the first cracks in the dam or one of the last...

Assuming Chicago is ground zero, and the infection is spread by bite/contact, I have a little more time then y'all. Not trying to be difficult, but one has to know the parameters to answer the question correctly. If zombies are popping up everywhere at the same time all over the world, that is a whole different can of worms, and could only be explained by airborne bio/weapon or divine intervention of some sort. I think each would have a different response by myself tbh.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Assuming Chicago is ground zero, and the infection is spread by bite/contact, I have a little more time then y'all. Not trying to be difficult, but one has to know the parameters to answer the question correctly. If zombies are popping up everywhere at the same time all over the world, that is a whole different can of worms, and could only be explained by airborne bio/weapon or divine intervention of some sort. I think each would have a different response by myself tbh.

Well in my OP my intent was for you to imagine, wherever you were in that moment.... the dam breaks and you are in the middle of a shitshow zombie apocalypse.

Penny Traitor

Staff member
Aug 21, 2012
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The longer I thought about it, the more this thread got to me. I am not afraid to say I would be completely screwed.

Dead in under a week??? I give it an 80% probability.

I live in city of Chicago itself. Meaning, I suddenly have to worry about the potential of seven million zombies in a twenty mile radius. I do live just blocks from the lake...so it will be less of a full 360 attack in the early days.

I have no firearms or anything even remotely resembling a firearm. I do have many sharp things and a few rolls of heavy duty tape...so all is not lost.

(Plus you know I am wrapping my baseball bat with barbed-wire because...come on...way dope)

I have no emergency anything when it comes to food and water. My kitchen could sustain me and the wife for a month a best and even that would take some serious creativity. Early looting would be vital as there is a ton of little bodega stores in an eight block radius of me that is already 80% dry and canned goods anyhow.

I actually have hiking gear that could be useful...especially if I can somehow escape the city, but it would take a lot of digging through a lot of boxes and hope I can find at least half the stuff I believe I still have. I got to think that the first 60 days...barricading myself would be easier than trying to escape a major city during the initial panic. Then move north. Somewhere with lots of snow to turn the fastest zombie into a drunken 19 year old girl in heels and spend the rest of my days pining for things like heat, running water and the internet.

(but really likely dead in the first 72 hours)


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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The longer I thought about it, the more this thread got to me. I am not afraid to say I would be completely screwed.

Dead in under a week??? I give it an 80% probability.

I live in city of Chicago itself. Meaning, I suddenly have to worry about the potential of seven million zombies in a twenty mile radius. I do live just blocks from the lake...so it will be less of a full 360 attack in the early days.

I have no firearms or anything even remotely resembling a firearm. I do have many sharp things and a few rolls of heavy duty tape...so all is not lost.

(Plus you know I am wrapping my baseball bat with barbed-wire because...come on...way dope)

I have no emergency anything when it comes to food and water. My kitchen could sustain me and the wife for a month a best and even that would take some serious creativity. Early looting would be vital as there is a ton of little bodega stores in an eight block radius of me that is already 80% dry and canned goods anyhow.

I actually have hiking gear that could be useful...especially if I can somehow escape the city, but it would take a lot of digging through a lot of boxes and hope I can find at least half the stuff I believe I still have. I got to think that the first 60 days...barricading myself would be easier than trying to escape a major city during the initial panic. Then move north. Somewhere with lots of snow to turn the fastest zombie into a drunken 19 year old girl in heels and spend the rest of my days pining for things like heat, running water and the internet.

(but really likely dead in the first 72 hours)

You city guys hav it infinitely tougher than us country guys.
My town is 1200 people. For me to get cornered and bit at home would be absolute idiocy and lack of attention on my part... but you guys would be waist deep in zombies... with exponential multiplication.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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You city guys hav it infinitely tougher than us country guys.
My town is 1200 people. For me to get cornered and bit at home would be absolute idiocy and lack of attention on my part... but you guys would be waist deep in zombies... with exponential multiplication.

I would just put on riot gear like Glenn and shove my way thru them, cuz ya know... zombies are all weak like toddlers.

Lol that scene still cracks me up


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Any boat can capsize in bad weather... or take on water and kill your engine.

And if you decide to head to shore, now you are contending with zombies during the storm.

I was going off your plan to hide on the water to stay safe.... that would not be practical during winter.

I think immediate 30-60 day survival on a boat makes sense, but then you look to ditch the boat and find a more permanent location on land.

the permanent location on land was something this thread led me to think about... Yes, a compound with a HUGE field of vision cleared out and the debris used for a wall would be the most convenient... but I started to wander off the beaten path and wondered what would be some interesting unique long term solutions?

Thought number one was a cruise ship at port... best case anchored in a harbor. tons of canned food and almost impossible to assault if you have a decent defense system and a few people.

Then I wondered about hunting down an unpopulated oil platform in the gulf- boat to the mississippi for fresh water, built in lodging... maybe a helicoptor on the deck that you could learn to fly. (also an option on the cruise ship)

I think the most fun one I considered was finding a cross country passenger train. If you could find one on a several hundred mile section of clear track, unhook most of the cars, you might be able to spend a few months going back and forth at about 5-10 mph..enough to keep the zombies at bay and push a car out of the way but not enough to seriously tax the fuel reserves.
You might get lucky and be able to end at a yard where you can load it with fuel and water and head back out.
with a sleeper car and kitchen car, it would be a nice place to live.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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the permanent location on land was something this thread led me to think about... Yes, a compound with a HUGE field of vision cleared out and the debris used for a wall would be the most convenient... but I started to wander off the beaten path and wondered what would be some interesting unique long term solutions?

Thought number one was a cruise ship at port... best case anchored in a harbor. tons of canned food and almost impossible to assault if you have a decent defense system and a few people.

Then I wondered about hunting down an unpopulated oil platform in the gulf- boat to the mississippi for fresh water, built in lodging... maybe a helicoptor on the deck that you could learn to fly. (also an option on the cruise ship)

I think the most fun one I considered was finding a cross country passenger train. If you could find one on a several hundred mile section of clear track, unhook most of the cars, you might be able to spend a few months going back and forth at about 5-10 mph..enough to keep the zombies at bay and push a car out of the way but not enough to seriously tax the fuel reserves.
You might get lucky and be able to end at a yard where you can load it with fuel and water and head back out.
with a sleeper car and kitchen car, it would be a nice place to live.

Trains would be tough.... passenger trains tend to contain passengers who could/would be zombies, at least some of them.

And then you have the fact you have no control over the tracks/switching.... that is all done remotely.... unless you know how to do manual train switches and know exactly which track you need to be on... not impossible, but very difficult if zombies are running around.

Oil rig is interesting.... that Deepwater Horizon was actually a mobile drilling rig, could try to get one of those.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2012
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I would just put on riot gear like Glenn and shove my way thru them, cuz ya know... zombies are all weak like toddlers.

Lol that scene still cracks me up

Go to the sewers bro.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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I am sticking with the boat plan, first stop would be manitou island off of the leelanau pennisula. From there I either stay, or formulate a game plan. Island has a lighthouse that could serve as a lookout tower, plenty of fresh water (lake michigan) and a decent whitetail dear population, as well as fish. It does have some tourism in the summer, but as this is happening right now, the park isn't open yet and thus no one is there.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Boats are a bad idea. Everything breaks down in a week and the coast guard become pirates raiding everything on the water. They are trained and well armed with gun ships. Your food, water, fuel will be priceless.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Boats are a bad idea. Everything breaks down in a week and the coast guard become pirates raiding everything on the water. They are trained and well armed with gun ships. Your food, water, fuel will be priceless.

Bah, you just summed up what it would be like in any zombie secure place, land or water.


Three if by air
Staff member
Jun 25, 2010
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Next to the beef gristle mill
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Bulls
What if only the pigeons could become zombies, and they fed off human braaaaaains.... ?


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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What if only the pigeons could become zombies, and they fed off human braaaaaains.... ?

Then finally, everyone would understand.... how I feel.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Boats are a bad idea. Everything breaks down in a week and the coast guard become pirates raiding everything on the water. They are trained and well armed with gun ships. Your food, water, fuel will be priceless.

That is why I think a boat would be best on a fresh water lake... food and water are abundant and fuel is not neccessary if you can sail.

I am still mystified as to why in the walking dead world they never thought to make a run at lake lanier- islands, miles of peninsulas, plenty of fish, shorelines for wildlife to come and drink...
Choose the right location and you may never witness another zombie again, let alone have to watch out for them 24/7.
