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CCS Donator
Jul 17, 2012
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Again - if you read the info, the syrup is for calories. When you do a clense/liquid diet you still need to maintain your caloric intake.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
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I misspoke about the toxins - it's a SYSTEM FLUSH.

A system flush of what? What's beneficial about it at all?? Answer, nothing, it's terrible for you, and Special person.

Again, this isn't for everybody. On a side note: you should research before you start bad-mouthing people.

Why in the fuck would you assume I haven't? I've been studying nutritional literature for years. You think you're the first dope to try and convince other people a master cleanse is worth a shit?

Talking to people the way you did makes you look less intellegent about things than you probably are.

No, it doesn't. I can call people Special person and still be intelligent.


CCS Donator
Jul 17, 2012
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Well that makes it sound so appealing!

Believe me, it takes a lot of self restraint and dedication. I really don't like recommending it to people because most people fail doing it and that is counter productive to someones psyche when it comes to stuff like this.


v. 2.0: Fully Modded
CCS Hall of Fame '19
May 4, 2010
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Just started running again. More for my weight that anything right now. I used to run for fun when I ran the 1600 in HS, but that's been years, and years ago. I have always been skinny until about 5 years ago when I started hitting the whisky pretty hard...I went from about 160 to my heaviest of 224.4 - which was this past New Years.

Well...after a good 2 week master cleanse, and VERY limited drinking, I am down to 195 and hitting the treadmill pretty hard right now. Eventually I will get back outside, but I live in the mountains and it's pretty rough terrain around here.

Baby steps.

WTF is a master cleanse?
One of the worst things you can do to your body.

I have two friends who do it. Lose 10 pounds then put all the wight back on because all they lost was water weight really.
False...if you know how to do it right. It's NOT about losing weight - it's about ridding your system of toxins and shit.

Did you even read it? Your words show your lack of intellect. You keep eating your processed foods and drinking your soda, coffee, alcohol, "muscle mass builder" and whatever other drugs you enjoy - and I'll do things the way I see best for my body.
What snake oil salesman floated you this bill of goods?

Your system isn't "cleansed". You're actually doing more harm than good...especially long term.

You know what takes actual discipline? Not buying into some fad/fake diet/cleanse and going on a calorie and nutrient controlled diet. The master cleanse did shit for you. You would have gotten better and healthier results by just cleaning up your diet..not by drinking nothing but lemonade for just over a week.


CCS Donator
Jul 17, 2012
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A system flush of what? What's beneficial about it at all?? Answer, nothing, it's terrible for you, and Special person.

Why in the fuck would you assume I haven't? I've been studying nutritional literature for years. You think you're the first dope to try and convince other people a master cleanse is worth a shit?

No, it doesn't. I can call people Special person and still be intelligent.

So you look at all I said and nothing else. I'm not explaining myself again. Please go read what I posted and you'll understand what the lemon does, what the cayenne is for, what the syrup is for, and what the salt water FLUSH is for (there's a hint for you).


v. 2.0: Fully Modded
CCS Hall of Fame '19
May 4, 2010
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I misspoke about the toxins - it's a SYSTEM FLUSH. Again, this isn't for everybody. On a side note: you should research before you start bad-mouthing people. Talking to people the way you did makes you look less intellegent about things than you probably are.

Here is some light reading for you:

What Do You Eat on the Master Cleanse?:The Master Cleanse is a liquid diet. It involves drinking 6 to 12 glasses a day of a lemonade concoction containing lemon juice, maple syrup, water, and a little cayenne pepper. The total daily intake is roughly equivalent to the juice of 3 to 6 lemons per day and 3/4 to 1 1/2 cups of maple syrup per day. See a sample of a Master Cleanse recipe.

Other than the lemonade drink, a herbal laxative and a salt water drink are recommended as part of the daily regimen. Colonics and enemas are not recommended on the Master Cleanse.

Why These Ingredients?:
According to the book, lemons and maple syrup are used because they are readily available and are a rich source vitamins and minerals. Lemons are also considered a cleansing, healing food in alternative medicine. While lemon juice and maple syrup do contain some vitamins and minerals, however, many other foods have the same or more amount of vitamins and minerals. For example, one of the supposed benefits of the lemons is the potassium, but one banana contains about the same amount of potassium as all of the lemon juice consumed each day on the Master Cleanse. Also, maple syrup is high in sugar.

How Long Does the Master Cleanse Last?:
The book recommends people go on the diet for 10 days or more, and says that the maximum duration is 40 days. It suggests people can go on the Master Cleanse three to four times a year. Most nutritionists and health professionals advise against prolonged fasting (more than several days), particularly as a way to lose weight.

What Happens After the Master Cleanse?:
After the cleanse is over, there is a recommended procedure for breaking the fast. The first day after the cleanse, only orange juice is allowed. The second day involves more orange juice and possibly vegetable soup. On day three, vegetables, salads, and fruit are allowed. Normal eating is usually resumed on the fourth day.

How Do People Feel on the Master Cleanse?:Many testimonials are on the Internet by people claiming that the Master Cleanse has diminished their symptoms. Some say they have better energy and mental clarity during and after the cleanse. For others, there is a spiritual or psychological effect, which may have a positive effect on health. Some people, however, feel dizzy, faint, or extremely hungry and say that the Master Cleanse is difficult. Loose stools and diarrhea are common on the diet, due mainly to the herbal laxative and saltwater drink. Frequent bowel movements are encouraged on the diet because they are believed to aid in the elimination of toxins.

What are the Potential Safety Concerns?:
Most nutritionists advise against a prolonged fast or liquid diet. One of the most common concerns is the lack of nutrients, protein, and calories in the diet. Having 6 glasses of the lemonade beverage provides 650 or so calories. According to the book, weight loss of 2 pounds per day is typical. One of the potential side effects of rapid weight loss is the formation of gallstones. The book mentions a person who passed gallstones on the 24th day on the Master Cleanse that "he didn't know he had." The gallstones were likely due to the diet itself.

None of what you posted here answered any of his questions.


CCS Donator
Jul 17, 2012
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One of the worst things you can do to your body.

I have two friends who do it. Lose 10 pounds then put all the wight back on because all they lost was water weight really.

What snake oil salesman floated you this bill of goods?

Your system isn't "cleansed". You're actually doing more harm than good...especially long term.

You know what takes actual discipline? Not buying into some fad/fake diet/cleanse and going on a calorie and nutrient controlled diet. The master cleanse did shit for you. You would have gotten better and healthier results by just cleaning up your diet..not by drinking nothing but lemonade for just over a week.

I didn't buy anything.

I did it for 14 days and I have been off of it for 2 1/2 months and I am still losing weight becuase it I feel 10 times better (and lighter :D). I have since became more active because I feel better and I will never do the cleanse again. I have lost a total of 30 pounds since January with this, running, weights, and eating properly.


v. 2.0: Fully Modded
CCS Hall of Fame '19
May 4, 2010
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So you look at all I said and nothing else. I'm not explaining myself again. Please go read what I posted and you'll understand what the lemon does, what the cayenne is for, what the syrup is for, and what the salt water FLUSH is for (there's a hint for you).

You're doing nothing but hurting yourself. Can't wait to watch you put on weight and injury yourself running because you decided to weaken yourself doing this BS.

BRB, going to stave myself for 10 days then start working out!

For the record anyone reading this thread:

Do not do a Master Cleanse, it's a waste of time and lemonade. It's also unhealthy.


v. 2.0: Fully Modded
CCS Hall of Fame '19
May 4, 2010
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I didn't buy anything.

I did it for 14 days and I have been off of it for 2 1/2 months and I am still losing weight becuase it I feel 10 times better (and lighter :D). I have since became more active because I feel better and I will never do the cleanse again. I have lost a total of 30 pounds since January with this, running, weights, and eating properly.
That's what caused you to lose the weight derp master. Not the cleanse.

Sure it did - please reread.

It actually didn't.

Please post actual information. Not something you copy and pasted from the Master Cleanse site. That's not "peer reviewed scientific research".

You failed man.


CCS Donator
Jul 17, 2012
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That's what caused you to lose the weight derp master. Not the cleanse.

EXACTLY. It's just that I needed a jump start to get going - being 41 that tends to happen. Once I stopped the cleanse, I went right into building my body up and getting it in shape. I am now at 195 pounds and couldn't be happier.

To each his own I guess.


v. 2.0: Fully Modded
CCS Hall of Fame '19
May 4, 2010
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Ok. So the cleanse did shit for you.

Thanks for admitting it.

It's just that I needed a jump start to get going - being 41 that tends to happen.
I would think a 41 year old would be smarter.

Starving yourself and drinking lemonade and maple syrup like buddy the fucking elf for two weeks isn't a good idea.


CCS Donator
Jul 17, 2012
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It actually didn't.

Please post actual information. Not something you copy and pasted from the Master Cleanse site. That's not "peer reviewed scientific research".

You failed man.

He asked about what lemons do - it answers that. He asked how this flushes your system it answers that. Scientific research? No, I never said that.

But with the processed, Big Mac, obese society we live in - whatever gives someone that push for a healthier lifestyle - I say go for it.


CCS Donator
Jul 17, 2012
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Ok. So the cleanse did shit for you.

Thanks for admitting it.

I would think a 41 year old would be smarter.

Starving yourself and drinking lemonade and maple syrup like buddy the fucking elf for two weeks isn't a good idea.

The cleanse DID work for me - I lost 15+ pounds of years of PROCESSED SHIT build up in my body - literal SHIT. It cleaned my intestines and colon from top to bottom.

Is having a limited vocabulary here a prerequisite for signing up here? You should talk to people like they are people.


v. 2.0: Fully Modded
CCS Hall of Fame '19
May 4, 2010
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He asked about what lemons do - it answers that. He asked how this flushes your system it answers that. Scientific research? No, I never said that.
But with the processed, Big Mac, obese society we live in - whatever gives someone that push for a healthier lifestyle - I say go for it.
BTW, I've lost nearly 90 pounds eating processed foods.

Rosetta would blow me for a box of chicken nuggets and a liter of Dr. Pepper and he's the most "in shape" person I know.

Sounds like you bought into a bunch of bullshit over the evils of processed foods.

This is what he told you to do

Please describe to me the biological process in which lemonade "detoxes" your body, and what exact toxins are being removed.

Please cite peer reviewed scientific research.

He asked you to cite research for your claims. All you did was state claims.

You failed.

Try again.

Gustavus Adolphus

CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 15, 2010
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My favorite teams
  1. Chicago White Sox
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Nebraska Cornhuskers
  2. Villanova Wildcats
I yo yo like crazy with my weight. I'm currently on the upswing. Probably due to laziness.


v. 2.0: Fully Modded
CCS Hall of Fame '19
May 4, 2010
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The cleanse DID work for me
No it didn't.

I lost 15+ pounds of years of PROCESSED SHIT build up in my body - literal SHIT. It cleaned my intestines and colon from top to bottom.
You could have done that with fiber...while still maintaining a normal healthy diet...and BTW, it didn't "cleanse you". You just starved yourself.


CCS Donator
Jul 17, 2012
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BTW, I've lost nearly 90 pounds eating processed foods.

Rosetta would blow me for a box of chicken nuggets and a liter of Dr. Pepper and he's the most "in shape" person I know.

Sounds like you bought into a bunch of bullshit over the evils of processed foods.

This is what he told you to do

He asked you to cite research for your claims. All you did was state claims.

You failed.

Try again.

I said above that there isn't scientific research approving it - quite the contraty. I did my research and I still did it - it gave me that mental push I needed.

Dr. Pepper? You might as well suck down motor oil.


CCS Donator
Jul 17, 2012
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I yo yo like crazy with my weight. I'm currently on the upswing. Probably due to laziness.

As I mentioned above - I don't recommend the cleanse to anyone. You just need to find what works for you. I did the cleanse and it "jump started" me into a better, healthier life style. From there I got into running, weights, and a better diet (mostly raw veggies with rice and chicken and LOTS of water).
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