Schefter on Trubisky injury


Get rich, or try dying
Aug 21, 2012
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Charlotte, NC
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No, they really are hypersensitive. Embarrassingly so. Sorry you can't see it. The mere mention that a team whose dominant and more talented unit is its defense can get by an inferior opponent with a backup QB who knows the system and can run it fairly smoothly, was enough to get them on the defensive, because they take absolutely everything as a slight of DSM.

Maybe other people got irritated that Trubisky was critiqued. I thought it was a dumb thing to say, because while Trubisky had a couple of picks that I was not happy about, he made plays. He converted 3rd downs against a team that doesn't give up 1st downs. And because of his play, his receivers play, and the defense balling out, we were able to win that game.

Give credit where credit is due. Trubisky's stat line didn't look impressive that game. But what you take away from that game in regards to Trubisky was not his passing yards and INTs. That's nitpicky shit imo.


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Oct 29, 2017
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Madison, WI
No, they really are hypersensitive. Embarrassingly so. Sorry you can't see it. The mere mention that a team whose dominant and more talented unit is its defense can get by an inferior opponent with a backup QB who knows the system and can run it fairly smoothly, was enough to get them on the defensive, because they take absolutely everything as a slight of DSM.

Hypersensitive like claiming Mitch wasn't an NFL Quarterback after seeing him play a few pre-season games? Cause you declared it dude.

If Daniel knows the system he's been in for years, and can run it smoothly, how come it looked pretty inept most of the game vs the Lions? I grant you Burton was garbage, but Daniel didn't look very smooth. I mean, do we really need to give a guy 10 years into the league the same patience as a rookie?


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Aug 20, 2012
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Well I see coming here for an injury update was a waste of time.

Teddy KGB

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Apr 25, 2011
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Hypersensitive like claiming Mitch wasn't an NFL Quarterback after seeing him play a few pre-season games? Cause you declared it dude.

If Daniel knows the system he's been in for years, and can run it smoothly, how come it looked pretty inept most of the game vs the Lions? I grant you Burton was garbage, but Daniel didn't look very smooth. I mean, do we really need to give a guy 10 years into the league the same patience as a rookie?

Oh yeah, Mick declared it, slowly started walking it back, and now suddenly is back full force now that Mitch is hurt.

Talk about emotionally unstable.

Anyway, I think the Bears are fine if they rest Mitch versus the Giants and there is some truth that the defense is the one carrying this team.

However in terms of long-term potential, anyone with a brain knows Chase Daniel is not the answer. Even taking away the run factor Mitch brings, Mitch is also far more elusive than Daniel and can extend plays the way really good quarterbacks can.

Not to mention he is improving week by week when he's out there. Mitch isn't making the same mistakes and where he's struggled is against top defenses in the league, which isn't a shock for someone with his limited start experience.

What is encouraging is that he isn't making the same types of mistakes he did early on.

And on top of that, this offense appears to be able to hang 30 points on average to bad defenses even with all the struggles.

And speaking of struggles no one seems to want to factor in the fact that you have not only a quarterback that had limited college starts and prior to this only played one year in the league under a crap offensive system prior to this year, but also has a brand new receiving corps who's also learning this offense for the first time. You don't build that type of chemistry in one offseason. This is very much a working progress. and if they can hang 30 points on a work-in-progress where a quarterback in his receivers still aren't completely on the same page yet because they're still learning the offense as they go, let imagine what's going to happen in years two and three when everybody's been in this offense and knows it backwards and forwards....

Great things are coming for the offense, and it's a blessing this year that the defense is playing the way it is while the offense figures things out and finds itself.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
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Mitch was shocking in the first few games. The reason he didn't have Cutler numbers is because he was too inaccurate to even hit the DBs.

Good thing he was aiming for them?


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2012
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this whole argument is kind of stupid..

If the starting QB on a team that is making a push to make the playoffs is cleared to play.. he will play.

The ONLY way that you are going to see the backup is if Mitch is not ready.

All the people hoping that they give Mich extra rest when he is ok to play (to see more of that glorious backup QB) are meatballs..


Who are the brain police?
Mar 17, 2014
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Pretty positive Chris chandler is better than Trubisky.


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Sep 10, 2012
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I mean everybody watched the game Thursday right? Pretty plain to see while we won the game, the offense is not nearly as explosive as when Trubisky is the qb. Every game at this point is huge. I don't think the Bears have the luxury of resting him if he's say 90%. This team needs to win Sunday. This game and the San Fran game are must wins. That gives them 10 wins.


Sep 27, 2010
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TIL: Don't ever post a stat line where Trubisky played poorly - that's "saying something stupid."

They probably will play him, but our team is winning because of the defense, not because of Mitch.

That's the stupidity not the stats. But you knew that and you're just too much of a pussy to own up to it so you keep deflecting and trying to push it off on others.

Poor little Bears fan, doesn't know how to deal with a QB who has a 97 rating.


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Sep 17, 2018
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Mitch was shocking in the first few games. The reason he didn't have Cutler numbers is because he was too inaccurate to even hit the DBs.

This is the dumbes thing I've ever read. Congratulations, you're a fucking moron.


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Aug 20, 2012
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Definitely need Mitch back. This isn't a Grossman/Orton situation where the defense is winning the game regardless, a big part of the Bears stacking wins this year has been Trubisky's improvement. He's made the offense sneaky good at times, and it's been a far cry from our 6-8 punts a game routine of the last 20 years.

The defense is good no doubt, but we've had good defenses before and been picked apart when it counts. You want the defense to stay good? Then the offense needs to continue to get better, and that doesn't happen with Chase. Chase is treading water.

Black Rainbow

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Apr 19, 2014
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That's the stupidity not the stats. But you knew that and you're just too much of a pussy to own up to it so you keep deflecting and trying to push it off on others.

Poor little Bears fan, doesn't know how to deal with a QB who has a 97 rating.

Wow. More hypersensitive reactions. Unreal. Now if you don't agree with me your a pussy. Okay. That's a normal, adjusted reaction.


Who are the brain police?
Mar 17, 2014
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I wonder if Trubisky is ever gonna improve or if he’s reached his peak? Something tells me he still has a step or two to make and that he hasn’t peaked in his 1st year in the playbook. Seems pretty logical. And his play so far this year has been by all accounts, above average. The guy was raw coming in and still has played well. Most importantly, his teammates love him and believe in him and any rational person will concede he’ll improve as he learns not only the system, but at reading defenses and learning how to operate against different looks. Anyone shitting on Trubisky is most likely a short sighted emotional fan.

Has he been elite this year? No. But he’s been very good and in my opinion, better than what was expected. And he should only continue to grow as he becomes more experienced and more comfortable in the system. A more consistent running game certainly won’t hurt either. Boggles my mind how he gets such a short leash by not only national media but fans alike. I think he’s a lock to be a top 8-12 QB in the league in the next couple years and with this defense, we should all be stoked. But that’s fine...people are entitled to their opinions. Maybe he won’t cut it...but from what I’ve seen so far, I have zero worries .


Get rich, or try dying
Aug 21, 2012
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Charlotte, NC
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Wow. More hypersensitive reactions. Unreal. Now if you don't agree with me your a pussy. Okay. That's a normal, adjusted reaction.

Stop being a crytit about others being "hypersensitive."


Sep 24, 2015
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Stop being a crytit about others being "hypersensitive."

