Should the bears handicap pace?

Alpha Male

Well-known member
Sep 15, 2013
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And you just asked why the Bears can't be like two of the teams with all time great QB's...Hahaha. Now who's sounding dumb? Just so you's you.
Pace had a chance to get that quarterback and didn't. Finally came around and agreed that pace is an idiot.


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2017
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Pace isn't going to be signing a high priced vet or spend a high draft pick on a QB. And whether you like or hate Pace as a GM, that's a good thing.

This offseason is going to be all about improving the rest of the team around the QB. At best, Trubisky or a cheaper vet leads that team to the playoffs next season, and we're all happy. At worst, the next GM/HC combo has a solid team to add their new top draft choice QB to...


CCS Donator
Aug 23, 2012
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Should the bears handicap pace?

Well, he handicapped the Bears, What's good for the goose should be good for the gander!!

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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The Bears Front office is full of mentally handicapped so who
Like legit, you guys act like there is an evil genius out there. Even with all their advanced scouting only like 1/4 of the first round ends up actually being good.

These guys throw darts at a board based on positions of need and hope for success. As far as the draft Pace hasn't been any less successful than any other GM recently. Ballard and Roseman who just won executive of the years have drafted just as poorly if not worse.

I mentioned this to WCBF, but...Pace drafted as many pro bowlers in 2018 as NE has drafted since 2011.

He fucked up the QB position, and thats about all I blame him for. I don't expect an NFL gm to be perfect drafting, its probably the hardest draft to evaluate talent(baseball too I guess).
Nobody throwing darts at a board. They assess college talent and sometimes they hit and get exactly what they expected. That's the part you like to ignore to make dumb asses like Pace look smarter than they are.

With many busts, especially QBs, it's not that their talent was wrongly assessed but rather their work ethic sucked and they didn't want to put in the time to study and practice. To paraphrase the biggest QB bust ever, Ryan Leaf, "football became a job when I got to the NFL." Everybody knows Ryan Leaf as the biggest bust ever but most don't know how it really came to be. He was cocky and hated by his teammates from the beginning. Missed meetings and practices from the beginning and felt no need to study or practice. Was even known to feign injury to get out of practice. Was a Johnny Manziel type who wanted to just have fun when he got that NFL money and not put any of the work in. You can assess talent but it's much more difficult to assess character.

Bears Backer 54

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2012
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Pace definitely should not be allowed to play with future picks. Pace's approach has been one of "player selection conviction" where he trusts his evaluations to a point that he will sacrifice additional draft capital and trade picks to get the player. This method puts heavy emphasis on your ability to evaluate and score players accurately (which I think evidence is pointing that our system is no better than any other team's in the NFL). The smarter approach would be to simply admit that your evaluation and scoring system is no better than everyone else's and increase your chances by accumulating more picks via trading down or at minimum staying put. Pace has clearly shown his preference for trading away picks and as such, I'd handicap him from touching future picks in the event he loses his job and the next GM in goes the method of using more picks to increase the odds of landing high caliber players.


Boding Well
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Apr 17, 2010
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Obviously, there are exceptions to the rule. I'm not saying that there aren't very succesful nfl GM's, but they are rare.

I already debunked the patriots thing to WCBF. As stated. The bears drafted as many pro bowlers in one year than the pats did in 8.

I already posted Ballard/Newsomes draft history. Which are not great. Those are the last two guys to win the executive of the year award.

Newsome has done well, but you can even go back the last decade and find MANY bad picks by him.

Like I said, even the best GM's are just throwing darts at the wall.

We could do a lot worse than pace, is all I am saying. He's been fantastic at attracting free agents, and for the most part has put this team in a good financial position.

His only real mistake that is unfortunate and irreversible is the QB position. I can blame him for a lot more but to expect perfection from an executive in this league is pretty much impossible.
Just looking at pro-bowlers is a lazy way to go about it. what positions are the pro-bowlers and are they legitimate or do they go off of name recognition or just because the team did really well that given year? Are they alternates? Second alternates? We all know Mitch isn’t a real pro-bowl QB. Ditto to Whitehair, who I believe was an alternate. Cohen was a pro-bowler(as a returner) but what has he done long term? What will he contribute to a team long term?

Is a GMs job to get pro-bowlers or regularly give your team a chance to win championships? Would you rather have Belichick or Pace/Nagy?

Fact of the matter is the guys I’ve mentioned have all won championships and put enough talent on the field to keep their teams in the playoffs regularly. With Pace the bears have had one lucky year in 5 years and they didn’t win their only playoff game because we did a piss poor job of putting together an offense and ignoring a glaring issue that was the K who was shit all season.

Pace has had multiple draft blunders. We can’t act like Mitch is the only one. Shaheen was a bust. White contributed nothing as a top 10 selection. Floyd while a nice player had not lived up to his top 10 status as a pass rusher. The OL he put together is shit. The coaching staff is shit. There’s no TEs on the team who are even remotely close to good. You trade a productive back for nothing only to replace him with your highest pick, only to have comparable production.

they’re low on money. They’re low on draft picks. They’re a team who were only 8-8 because their week 17 opponent played backups. The arrow is pointing down and they’re going into their 6th season with him.

He’s good with FAs but I find it hard crediting a Gm with overpaying for proven players. Not only was the Mitch pick bad but giving up the additional picks makes it so much worse. If he only hit on the QB and Floyd, this team looks so so much better. Pass rushers, QBs and LTs. They make a world of difference.

but again, name of the game is winning. Real winning. Deep playoff runs. Championships. Regularly giving your team a change at winning a championship. Newsome, Belichick, homeboy from PIT. Three legitimately good GMs backed by consistent winning.

If you’re judging a Gm based on pro-bowlers, you’re doing it wrong.
