Smith to Ravens


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Aug 21, 2012
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We didn't have to commit yet. It's been half of one season. The staff could have had another 1.5 seasons to use him, evaluate him, and communicate his value. Then come to a decision of what they wanted to do. And if we couldny come to an agreement, then we could move on and get high comp pick.
1....... Do you know for sure that Ro was even a fit as a weak side defender in this D, because the Bears just had eight games to evaluate him there.

2....This year does Smith really look like he should be getting Leonard kind of money. Overall he has not looked as consistent as he should be for the kind of money he will be asking for.

3....No comp pick was going to give the Bears the return that they just got.


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Dec 29, 2015
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Jewels to get a case of Squirt
I think it’s a function of people generally not understanding the value of picks vs. players in the trade market.
This may have been said already cause I'm late to the thread, but those people are idiots. The Ravens have Roquan for 9 games. Then he's a free agent. They could pay him $20mil guaranteed for the next year, but essentially they just gave a 2nd and 5th for 9 games of an an off ball LB.


I’m just a fan
Sep 28, 2018
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Quick summary of ravens reactions to aj klein i saw- he is a clown and does stupid stuff on the field and is a special teams or backup player…and they signed him off the streets weeks ago


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2012
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You can't compare the two trades at all:
  • the 49ers are in "Win Now" mode and the Bears are not and as the Rams showed, giving up picks now to potentially win a SB buys you several years of mediocrity. No reason the 49ers can't make a SB run this year.
  • C-Mac, when healthy, is a game changing player, Roquan is not. C-Mac just scored 3 TD's this weekend via passing, rushing and receiving...Tell me the last time Roquan had defensive impact like that in a game?
  • Panthers didn't get a 1st either, so why would the Bears?
Not to mention, there is no guarantee that Roquan even resigns with Baltimore. For all we know, this could be a similar situation to Ardolis Chapman in baseball in the 2016 season. Yankees trade him to the Cubs for a haul as he was the missing piece. Cubs win and the next season, Chapman resigns with the Yankees.

Just because 1 team overpays for someone, doesn't mean everyone else has to file suit...See Cleveland and Deshawn Watson...
RB is far and away the most replaceable position in football. The 49'ers got fleeced hard and made a bad investment for a guy who's going to be hurt in a couple of weeks anyways.

People get caught up too much in assigning value to LB'ers based on their ability to rush the passer, but totally ignore other aspects of the game that can make a LB'er valuable. Roquan is a tackling machine and he's probably the best pass coverage LB'er in the NFL, and has been for a while. He is elite. You don't trade elite talent for 2nd round picks unless they are over the hill and approaching 30, which Roquan is most definitely not. He's right smack dab in the midst of his prime.

This is such a ridiculous trade. Now the Bears are needlessly getting rid of really good players that they're going to have to replace with a worst draft pick than they used to acquire him in the first place. Good luck accomplishing that!

JesusHalasChrist it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
May 18, 2014
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This may have been said already cause I'm late to the thread, but those people are idiots. The Ravens have Roquan for 9 games. Then he's a free agent. They could pay him $20mil guaranteed for the next year, but essentially they just gave a 2nd and 5th for 9 games of an an off ball LB.

It's also the Ravens, so they'll probably be in a position to get a 3rd round comp pick if they don't want to pay him.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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I thought only the team that originally drafted the player has the ability to franchise them. No?

I dont believe so unless it has recently changed... the saints were going to franchise Brees, and they would have had to pay the top tag price because he was franchised by SD previously.


I have the stride of a gazelle
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Jul 12, 2013
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I’d like to see monty moved next, but reality is there is not much value out there to be had with all the other RB’s on the market as well


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2012
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México city
I wish the NFL was like the MLB and you trade for proven talent, and not picks.


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2012
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México city
You're confusing NFL rebuilds with MLB ones.
How are thy gonna replace en entire defense, 11 players, an entire Oline, and the entire WR core? In two off seasons? With proven NFL talent?


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2013
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1....... Do you know for sure that Ro was even a fit as a weak side defender in this D, because the Bears just had eight games to evaluate him there.

2....This year does Smith really look like he should be getting Leonard kind of money. Overall he has not looked as consistent as he should be for the kind of money he will be asking for.

3....No comp pick was going to give the Bears the return that they just got.

1. He has played mostly well to me. It's only been 8 games. You are right. That's why its better to keep him risk free the next 1.5 seasons imo.

2. I argue He is more important as a leader. He has made a few impact plays as well. Its tough though considering the supporting cast. There really isn't much help at LB or the DLine. Our run defense hasn't been great and it takes a step down without him.

3. A comp pick could give them a 3rd. Which when you add 1.5 more years of production isn't far from Ravens late round pick.

Ultimately I'll get over it. But just don't see the need for this move right now. We aren't accumulating picks for a QB. We don't need money to pay for a QB. And I don't think the FA market looks that great at the moment that we can use the extra money elsewhere.


Active member
Jan 7, 2017
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So would you say Robert Quinn was productive?

Contrary to what it may sound like listening to social media, we the fans actually don't know the exact contract demands.

Roquan is our captain, leading tackler, and soul of our defense. Plus, I'm fine with overpaying him by a few mil. We know he is a good player for us. When you sign a free agent or draft players there is always the risk that they may not transfer well. It's not a given or anything close to it.

When you have a good player and plenty of cap space and a QB on his rookie contract deal, what is the point of trying to save a few mil?

Has anyone looked at the free agent and draft class at LB?...not great to me.
I've also seen more times than not that when they sign their 2nd contract for big $$$, they underperform, at least our expectations. The Bears are definitely rebuilding so why not get more people in via draft and FA and roll the dice on a not premier position when you have several holes to fill.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Long rebuild, no way they field a decent team in like 3 years, or more.

You really have to hope they hit on everything after a teardown like this.

This is becoming an expansion franchise level build.

Crafty move by poles- 1 year tear down and 3-4 years of buildup gives him job security for at least 5 years.


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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Any-Town, USA
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Contrary to what it may sound like listening to social media, we the fans actually don't know the exact contract demands.

Roquan is our captain, leading tackler, and soul of our defense. Plus, I'm fine with overpaying him by a few mil. We know he is a good player for us. When you sign a free agent or draft players there is always the risk that they may not transfer well. It's not a given or anything close to it.

When you have a good player and plenty of cap space and a QB on his rookie contract deal, what is the point of trying to save a few mil?

Has anyone looked at the free agent and draft class at LB?...not great to me.
I don't see the point in clearing the cap if they're not going to use it on their young homegrown talent. It's going to be interesting to see where and what Poles spends this money on.


CCS Donator
Aug 22, 2012
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Bears fans are pissed when the Bears don’t have draft picks because of acquiring talent. Now they have a bunch of picks and some are pissed. And usually they are pissed because, in true Bears tradition, the Bears will mange to screw that up, too. I don’t like the move but I understand it and that is what we have to deal with. With the money the Bears have to acquire veterans this could easily work out but it doesn’t come without a fair degree of risk.
