I wouldn't start Turco for the remainder of his contract.
That would be dumb. I would have gone with Turco. At some point he is going to need a few games in a row. Like it or not Crawford can not play 49 more games.
I wouldn't start Turco for the remainder of his contract.
That would be dumb. I would have gone with Turco. At some point he is going to need a few games in a row. Like it or not Crawford can not play 49 more games.
It was a bit of a hyperbole, but I'd only start turks against the weakest of opponents... like deadmonton, or cowgary, or the laffs.
He was slaughtered against the Flames. You have to at some point get him on a roll. Defensive efforts like the other night can NOT be pinned on Turco.
Being a Canuck fan you should know this.
I can pin whatever I want on turco, as he is my Modano; though, it's not like my statements are without bias (quite the opposite).
Bring back huet! or something.
My Modano is that entire shitty fucking team in Vancouver that will never win fucking shit. haha
to each their own. can I borrow your crystal ball?
As for the game tonight. i think you start Turco too. As a coach you have to show confidence in your goalie. And lets be honest most NHL goalies rebound after a tough game. And I am not saying Monday was Turcos fault I am just saying it was a tough game all around for everybody. Even though it seems the team plays better with Craw in net (that could be coincidence more than anything) I do think you go back with Turco. I am 100% sure the defense will tighten up tonight and Turco did make some great save on Monday before the team hung him out to dry. Monday wasn't a goalie pull because he goalie was playing bad..it was a pull to try and wake up the rest of the team. It worked for about 5 minutes.
Yeah, that's one word for it! It'd be much spiffier if Hoss were back, dadgummit.
Maybe they'll give you a tryout Pez.
I'm waiting for Koci vs. Scott round #2 tonight. Neither guy can play hockey so might as well fight.
Scott is a way better hockey player than Koci... that's how bad Koci is. Oh and Koci can't fight either.
What do you think makes one a better fighter though? Knowing how to take the punch, better size, longer arm reach? Koci is a huge guy - what makes him a bad fighter?
He leads with his face.