The Football (Soccer for us dumb Americans) Thread


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May 14, 2010
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Holy shit the US has been fun to watch. Jurgin has really lit a fire under Donovan's ass and man did he respond. I know it's only CONCACAF but he is having one of the most dominate runs i've seen. Who wants to go to the final next weekend.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Ye'up! I got seats for Sunday and looing forward to it.</p>


They have been fun to watch. My favorite was bringing in Johnson as a sub for a corner and he hits it less than 1 minute after taking the pitch.</p>


But...not to be Debbie Downer, the US really needed to dominate concacaf this year. If they werent, there would be bigger questions, ya know? But who doesnt love 6 - 1 wins. Back 4 still are pissing me off though...</p>


Hard not to have a soft spot for Donovan and is positive to see him return with vigor. He needed the break and it would have been bad for US soccer to see him retire early since he really does have some more years left.</p>


These games have been perfect for him...confidence boosters with a bonefide offensive force with guys that can truly run with him. If he (and squad) bring it all home on Sunday, I would be shocked if the mad german doesnt have him first squad. Yesterday, Klins seemed to be genuinely happy about Donovan and Donovan really looks like he is having fun.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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Less then one minute... you mean less than 5 seconds. he was the second touch on the ball hahahah was fucking rolling. Eddie comes in, Eddie heads ball.. then his goal last night had him at 2 goals in 41 minutes of play haha. truly awesome.</p>


Not a debbie downer if you are speaking the truth. Everyone knows they needed to dominate this year, and they went out and did. Just makes you wonder what things would be like if Mexico wasn't such a clusterfuck right now.</p>


I've been making fun of Donovan since his balding 18 year old ass started hitting the scene. And every year I think man he's old and then I'm reminded of his age. I never really hated him but he was always an easy target, it wasn't til about 5 or so years ago I really started to like him and what he does on the pitch. It may have even corresponded with the last Gold Cup final where I was there in the End Zone of Soldier field to watch one of the most amazing games I've ever been at. I can honestly say that I thought he had enough in the tank to get him to the next world cup, but the way he is playing now makes me think he can still be the leader and the show stopper. The best player the US has to offer.</p>


Definitely a confidence shot. Love it. Klins is lucky. So many athletes these days tend to respond quite differently. He needed the rest but Klins did it in a very public way. The TMZ in me wish they hadn't cut away so quick when he came off last night because while they seemed to be showing each other the love I would have liked to see the whole thing. Donovan not only looks like he's having fun, but he looks like he's really really enjoying winning. I read an article where he said he's never been on a US team that has had a stretch as good as this one. It's nice to see him do it with who ever is there. First Wondo, now Eddie... all of this without guys like Demp or Jozey.. Going to be an interesting cup squad. So many guys have looked good. Beckerman looked good. Holden... I'm still not so sure about. I haven't seen enough but from what I've seen I don't understand why they are so high on him. Torres is solid but that guy is going to eventually cost them a game with a red, I can just feel it.</p>


I really wish I could go to the final but my friends are all bitches and I don't want to go alone. I guess I could take the wife and kid. How much were your tickets are they reasonable without Mexico playing?</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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I agree with all the above.</p>


Mexico is in a world of hurt (pun intended with their injuries, HA!). You KNOW Torre is gonna get canned although I dont know if you can blame him... He has a bunch of kids. Some awesome talent in those kids, but still kids. All they can hope for is experience. Not to mention Honduras and Panama MUST be smelling blood for that third Cup spot.</p>


The offence as a whole, those who are "first team" or not is really solid. In fact, i would argue that is the part of the field US are solid on. I also love the shape they have been playing with that makeshift 4-2-3-1. I love Wondo too, but I dont think he gets World Cup first minutes. He is pretty situational... he needs to roam and doesnt have that raw speed like Johnson/Donovan/Altidore.</p>


The back 4 and the 2 however... The back 4 tends to be a mess but I love that Beasley is really falling into that "modern day" L back role. Diskerud is growing on me, but at least with Diskerud and Beckerman, they just dont feel like the pair to run outlet for the squad against any other "real" team (no offense to the concacaf countries). I would love if they could stick with the 4-2-3-1, but I am guessing they will have to move back to a 4-3-3 for the rest of World Cup qualifiers.</p>


But the US offence as a whole is really solid with a lot of options. FIFA ranking will have the US in the top 15 before the Cup at this rate. What is is 10 straight wins now? Dont care what countries you are playing, that is still impressive.</p>


Seats werent bad, like 60$ per? I dont think they are wonderful seats, but there more for the fun and I am taking two potential soccer converts. They are hard core hockey fans but now have kids in soccer and such. It seems they respond more to the narrow fields at the moment and it is hard to argue that. So it is a bit of a...teaching game. They still dont have an appreciation for the "touch of the toe" or the physicality of the game yet. If we can get most of the way through Offsides while building a solid beer buzz, the game is a success.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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I can't remember but didn't Mexico just do well in the Unders tourneys? Or maybe that was still Spain? I thought like you mentioned that they were just too young all around right now? But I am one of those Homer's that really only watches the US and follows everyone else ancillary. I do the same with the Fire. I hadn't even really thought about Mexico missing the cup spot, but now that you mention it, their tailspin might undo them completely.</p>

Thrilled with the offense, what is it like 25 goals to 5 in this cup run... and yeah, the formation is great, very fluid and flexible it seems. I think Wondo had a good run, but like you I don't think he's top shelf. I think he was benefiting from Donovan a lot in this run. People didn't see it coming, he had a really stong stretch but I'm not sold on his consistancy. nice to see him come in for Landon last night though and Klins giving Eddie the start after his good play. He's not as stubborn a ruler as I had once thought.</p>


So happy for Beasly as well. for the longest time he just seemed to be in a holding pattern. Good enough to play but it seemed like they were always trying to find his replacement. I feel he's been better, but he's solid back there and really brings a needed element. I'm not as good evaluating the D though because it's harder to understand when they are in the right place to stop plays and such and recognize when guys have good positioning as opposed to guys who make plays with the ball on their foot. so in the mids and d I usually just notice the guys who are most active and not necessarily the best. Sometimes the best play is being in the right spacing to stop the pass from being made and I have a hard time noticing that because I'm always staring at the ball on TV.</p>


Yeah, 10 straight, that shocked me. Not 10 straight without a loss.... 10 straight WINS.</p>


60 ain't bad, I think that's what I paid last time... probably 100 after ticket bastard, haha. If I don't go I'll wave to you from across the street in my air conditioning with my beer.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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I didnt watch Mexico in unders much. Honestly, I didnt want unders much at all, only what the DVRs might have picked up and if I was bored. I know Spain beat Mex in the 16. But the Mexico World squad is VERY young. I think yesterday's game they had like 5 that have double digit caps. One of them being the captain Huiqui, who played a center back that looked like he didnt like defence. He was horrible. Horrible.</p>


I am maybe one step above "homer". I only get heavy into international play during Cup and penultimate years. Otherwise, internation play is boring. I watch some MLS and mostly Fire, always watch UEFA, some Europa, I will skip concacaf champions, follow most of Premier, keep an eye on Bunders, Liga, Serie, but dont watch much.</p>


Ah Klins... well... as a player, I liked him since I learned/was learning soccer from a german national. He is a diver but what striker isnt? His coaching with US? I am happy to see he is open enough to realize who he thought were the premier US players are not. I like that he has shown change yet still keeps all the players on edge. I also like he is an old school German soccer guy who values fitness and off-field practice as much as on field.</p>


He is bringing a highly tactical style of play starting from the back end to those who are not used to it. I think he has used a different line up in every game thus far. Does it work in other coaching gigs he had? I think Bayern damn near had a full blown mutiny. But he is getting results so far and when everyone was ready for his head for a rough Cup start, here the US are, sittin pretty.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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I was worried after the first bit that he'd be too hardline and basically go all Roadhouse on them. My way or the highway... which I guess he kind of did and ended up the lovable cooler in the end, but he didn't have to take out any of the trash because they started messing. I think his bit of immediate success when he first came on help legitimize him a bit, but then you saw his personality start to wear a bit and they started taking some bad losses. You could see it though, he switched things up a bit, tried to play it more flexible. Didn't expect them to be German soccer robots and then preached the tactical like you said. He's got a very interesting approach. To me, I always thought the teams in the past thought... well we have some great top level talent, let's just use them to the best of their ability and make everyone else play solid and support them. We will only go as far as they can take us since we can't compete from top to bottom. Where as with Klins in there he seems to take a more holistic approach and is using players more tactically/situationally. By that I mean, he expects every one of them to play at the top level of the rest of the players in the world. He makes them train hard and practice hard, but he knows their strengths and seems to use everyone as equals and just as important at all times. So before, it was just get the ball to Donovan. Now it seems to be, know what you are supposed to do and do it to the best of your ability. Be aggressive and something will open up. There doesn't seem to be a blueprint for this team right now. Sure Donovan is scoring a lot of goals, but they have had some great set pieces, some excellent counter attacks, some good ole drive it down the middle... they are scoring in all different ways. And they can move in and out of formations much better than before and look comfortable. I like that Klins can field comfortable putting the best team on teh field, and not necessarily just putting the best players out there. He's found a lot of complementary pairings at different positions.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Why I like FIFA and international soccer.</p>


Here is what you get for this:</p>




<span style="background-color:rgb(255,255,255);color:rgb(29,29,29);">Paris Saint-Germain sporting director Leonardo has been handed a nine-month ban and the Ligue 1 champions given a suspended three-point deduction after the Brazilian was found to have barged into a referee.</span></p>


The ban was then extended to 13 months, and the 3 points will be docked only if another club official does it. And then, he is canned like tuna...</p>



<span style="background-color:rgb(255,255,255);color:rgb(29,29,29);">Paris Saint-Germain have announced that Leonardo will resign from his role as sporting director at the Ligue 1 champions once the summer transfer window closes in September.</span></p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Yeah, it wasn't disgusting but cringeworthy cause you knew it immediately... I was hoping that it was just a knee bang but when they showed the replay of it being the other leg I felt bad for him. Ahh well... next man up.

Not a great game... but a great game. If that makes sense. US dominated possession the entire game, they should have had at least 3 goals. Almost like they were playing conservative aggression. But it worked. I didn't realize it till I read it this morning but Panama did not have one shot on net... not one! Great play by the team but didn't feel like anything flashy or spectacular but they won it easy. Quite the celebration.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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I felt bad for the kid... all this work, just getting back to the 90' minute games, national exposure a year before the Cup, then this. You just saw it on his face.  So diverse. But I think this may just be it...</p>


The game? Well, I dont think anyone expected Panama to just turtle up the whole game. I sure didnt. It wasnt play that looked like they were trying to win. Like they were playing for a 120' tie and win from kicks? I mean, they pulled Torres at what, 60'? Sure he wasnt playing well, but still. It begomes hard to play against that whoever you are. The one thing I would have wished the US did was force Panama into 1 v 1 and 1 v 2 situations to adjust to the turtle, get a few fouls and some kicks, but no bother.</p>


I also thought it was a classy move for Kilns to fly back ALL the guys that played.</p>


But you are right, it was a fun game, good crowd, PERFECT day. And 11 straight wins which I believe is a team record and I dont care WHO you play that is impressive. We will see how many points the US gets in Aug with the next FIFA rankings. As long as they dont have a meltdown and play even decent, they are a sure-in for the Cup, which lets be honest, is still good for the US team.</p>


Rimando = Unsung Hero to me. He has earned a spot on the squad, even though it wont be 1st minutes. He made some incredible plays/stops.</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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I am super interested in the full cup roster.


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May 14, 2010
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HAHAHAHAHAHA nice headline you got there.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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I'm just sayin, the Pope never had HIS foot made of solid gold and sold for over 5 million $$:</p>




Staff member
May 14, 2010
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It's funny too because I saw the story in the elevator but they showed it at Buffon meeting the Pope and I thought it was team Italy or something from the way it was worded. I thought to myself, is he still playing? haha then I see that real soccer players actually met with the Pope too.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Gigi? Oh he is still around with Juventus and will most likely net for Italy next year. If you believe the rest, he will slot Italy in 2018 too. He will play to at least 40 years old.</p>


Is still the best active goalkeeper around? No, but only because of age. Greatest goalkeeper of the modern era is hard to argue though with his resume.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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I just hate him so much. He acts like such a bitch on the pitch, but most italians do... haha</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="207754" data-time="1376432166">

I just hate him so much. He acts like such a bitch on the pitch, but most italians do... haha</p>


HAHAH! Is there a goalie who doesnt? :)</p>


As a former goalie, I will say this... If it occured or is going to occur in the 18 meter box, I am the LAW. Dont do what I say or scream? Feel the WRATH!</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Yeah... yeah.. .but. but....</p>




and just because I think it's funny.</p>


