The Football (Soccer for us dumb Americans) Thread


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
Is it only Fox Soccer? I had a problem with my cable when I had cable and not satellite that I would lose all the channels past 100 and it was due to a weak signal and the cable company had to come out and put on a booster. Eventually that stopped working and they found the wire running to my house was old and bad so they replaced that but anyway maybe you just need a booster?


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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Okay, here's the long answer--forgive any longwindedness but I want to give you or anyone else reading a grasp of the situation.

For digital cable, every channel you see and tune to is a "virtual" channel. Each virtual chennel seems discrete to the end-user, but it's likley multiplexed with many other chanels onto the "physical" channel, which is a slice of the Radio frequency spectrum allocated to CableTV. There are approximatly 158 physical cable channels (most providers use, at most, 140 of those), and a most multiplex multiple "virtual" chanels onto a single physical channel. I've seen anywhere between no virtual channels and 10 virtual channels on a single physical channel. As such, if a physical channel is coming in bad, you may not notice it, or, you may have 10 channels all over the dial that come in shitty. Thus, to the layperson, it may seem that there's no reason or rhyme why certain channels may be bad, but they could all be on the same physical channel.

In my setup, I'm running an HDHomerun Prime. It's basically a little box that you plug your cable into, plug a Cat-6 network cable into it and the other end into your router, and plug a cablecard M into it. It tunes the station you want on one of it's 3 channel tuners, and seds the signal into you home network. You install a program onto each PC that you want to watch TV on and it catches the signal over your home network and pipes the signal into Windows Media Center. It also comes with some diagnostic utilities; one of which displays what's going on with each physcial channel. It shows the channel's signal strength, signal quality, symbol strength (basically, how much usable vs. non-usable information over the last second), and which virtual channels are multiplexed onto the physical channel. For the most part, all of my channels have good to excellent strength, and excellent quality. The exceptions are physical channels 113-115, which is between about 725 and 745MHz. Those have adequate to good signal strength (other station with the same signal strength come in fine), and shitty quality. On those channels, 2 have no virtual channels, one has a bunch of SD movie stations, and one has both Fox Soccer SD and HD on it.

Now, from the wall jack I'm using, the cable runs through a surge suppressor, through a splitter, where one part of the signal goes to my cable modem, the other goes to my HDHomerun. In troubleshoot, i've bypassed the splitter, with no improvement from the utility tests to the "visual" test by tuning the channels. I have yet to try to bypass the surge supressor to isolate it, butace the jack is bhind a heavy shelf/case that contains a shit-ton of my HTPC and network equipment (moving it alone without unhooling everything is inviting disaster). And even if I test the surge suppressor bypass I wan to try my apaartment's other jack to make sure it's not a problem with the jack.

Knowing what I know about RF, If I throw a booster on it for those channels it will just be boosting a shitty signal. I want to verify that nothing in my apartment proper (Surge supressor or jacks) is causing the shitty signal in that frequency range. Only after that will i contact the cable company to verify their signal on their end. If they're good, then it's the apartment's witing from my apartment to the cable company's junction box, and if I complain to them, I want to make sure all of my ducks are in a row because I know they would balk at the cost of rewiring everything from my apartment jacks out to the junction box.

Short answer: only a couple of stations are bad and the problem is not signal strength, it's signal quality. I suspect bad wiring between my apartment and the cable junction box but I want to make certain that it's not an issue in my apartment before I get the cable company to check their end, and that it's neither my gear nor the cable company before I attempt to get my apartment to fix it because I know they'll resist tooth and claw.

Anyhow, back to soccer.


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
Jesus christ that is quite a system.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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Jesus christ that is quite a system.

Yeah, it does have some complexities that most non-geeks (and many geeks) wouldn't want to deal with. And mine's not as complex as my bro's system. The downside is that you have to know what you're doing from a compiuter/networking standpoint, as well as the cost of my system up front at well over a grand, or even something comparable still above a grand. Upgrades can be incremental, though.

The upside is that I can record a shit-ton more than a TIVO, can record up to three stations at once, any device on my home network can access any cable feed or any recorded TV show. Everything recorded has the ability to be recovered (since all of my MP3's, recorded TV shows--including the 2010 cup finals and the Portland Timbers winning the Cascadia Cup (about the only good thing about them this past year), and saved videos are saved on the network in a storage array that, if a hard drive fails, you can swap it out and it can rebuild the array), I can play DVD's, HD-DVD's, and Blu-ray, as well as stream anything online from Netflix to Hulu to Amazon video to online streams of questionable legalty, can play any game avaliable on a PC at a quality equal to or better than a console (Steam makes this awesome), with emulators can play any classic concele came from the NES, SNES, Genesis, and many arcade titles, as well as skype capabilities all in 46" HD goodness.


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
I get most of the setup the cable box has some features mine dont so that's really about the only thing I'm unfamilar with


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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The "Cablebox", as it were, is threee different pieces of equipment.

The 1st is the cablecard. I got this from Comcast and there's essentially 2 versions. A "normal" cablecard, and an "M" cablecard. only difference: the "M" card supports multiple tuners. In fact, every cable box has a cablecard in it--it basically is the piece that the cable company tells to enable and disable channels in the specific device: Cable box, TiVo, or a PC Tuner device.

The second piece is the HD Homerun, which is basically a tuner device for a computer. My version contains 3 discrete tuners in it, and the cablecard M plugs into it, as well as the cable from the wall outlet. The HDHomerun then outputs the decoded TV signal(s) over ethernet and onto the LAN of the network

The last piece is Windows Media Center, and the associated software that tells the computer that the TV tuner is not a physical device but rather an network device with a speficic IP address. As such, Windoes media center treats it like it would any other tuner, single or multiple. That's the end-user interface. WMC provides the guide listings, the control for recoding (as well as the location).

Unlike normal PCI(e) tuners, or USB tuners, the signal from the HDHomerun goes into your LAN so as long as the control program is installed on the computer, it can use one (or more) of the tuners. So for instance at my place, my wife culd be watching a sow wirelessly on her laptop, I can be watching something on the big screen HTPC, and we can still have a program recording.

Aside from some other useful utilities that it comes with (like the channel analyser I mentioned a few posts back). Being controlled through windows media center, it means that any Media Center Extender device can use the host WMC device to watch TV on it. As such, If I would put a TV into our guest bedroom, instead of worrying about another cable box, or if someone wants to watch a prerecorded show, all I need is a wireless Xbox360 and it taps into Media Center on my HTPC.
I know the media center remotes work with 360's so you don't have to control it though a 360 controller.

I know at one point, they were trying to make a similar device for digital satellite, but it never materialized.

the canadian dream

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May 15, 2010
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Here you go TCD, your beloved league of fucktards, racists and divers...


Its not a problem only in Seria A. I know that racism is a major problem in the French leagues also as well as Germany (thats shouldn't be a surprise) as well as many others including the stands of many Premiership teams. Its the one thing I hate the most about football and which turns me off from the game the most. Its really upsetting. Shit doesn't belong in any pro sports and I believe the international football world is waaaay behind NA pro sports in that aspect.


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May 14, 2010
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Yeah no kidding, it's a horrible problem. Mostly I just wanted to poke fun at you.


CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Uptown baby!
[background=transparent]Talking About Cristiano Ronaldo's Own Goal[/background]



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May 14, 2010
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Sorry, I meant to post in here last week to show that I'm not only appalled by the Italian league and their racism... did anyone see Jozy get abused the by dutch league fans who yelled slurs and chanted monkey noises at him... It must be how sheltered I am here, I can't believe this stuff still goes on in the world.


CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Uptown baby!
Oh, so your little anecdotal memory was *conveniently* jogged right after *I* posted. . .mmm hmm. You are so RACIST!


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May 14, 2010
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hahaha or I saw the title of the thread, but whatever works for you.

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Sorry, I meant to post in here last week to show that I'm not only appalled by the Italian league and their racism... did anyone see Jozy get abused the by dutch league fans who yelled slurs and chanted monkey noises at him... It must be how sheltered I am here, I can't believe this stuff still goes on in the world.

I did, and Jozy handled it like a champ.

It does exist but again, it is a small subsection and then coupled by a mob mentality, it makes a slice of the crowd look more than it is. The same has occurred in hockey (I believe e Kane and Subban) have had similar issues. But it does suck. And really the best revenge? Winning...

What is good for him is he was having some "I am a talent kid and know it" issues with the US national team and such. This event, or his response to it, was awesome. He was calm, mature and insisted the refs kept the game going as the ref and other teams have walked out of matches before (which should not be read as IMmature). He stuck it out, realized the bigger picture, and handled his bidness.


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May 14, 2010
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Yeah completely agree, I believe he scored the game winner right? That's one big way to handle it.


May 15, 2010
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The racism seen in the audience of some European arenas (East Europe is the worst) is a blight on the sport and I wish UEFA/FIFA would crack down on it far harder than they have, it seems having unlicensed sponsors on your boxershorts is far more severely punished than throwing bananas on the pitch and shouting racial slurs. But then again it's all about the money in the end.

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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The racism seen in the audience of some European arenas (East Europe is the worst) is a blight on the sport and I wish UEFA/FIFA would crack down on it far harder than they have, it seems having unlicensed sponsors on your boxershorts is far more severely punished than throwing bananas on the pitch and shouting racial slurs. But then again it's all about the money in the end.

No question that money is a motivator. The problem is, how do you stop it? These arenas house tens of thousands. Security is always at these matches and searches are done. But because of the money (for example, a team that wins a match during hexagonal round get 1mill per win), you cant forfeit the home team because of this crowd behavior.

If it is a few guys, sure you do it like the UC and boot em. When the mob gets involved, how do you stop it?

As a ref, you have the power to control the players and people on the pitch. You can also "call" or "forfeit" a game as the ref sees fit. But when you are talking UEFA, you are talking about HUGE money and HUGE investments with these super-teams.


May 15, 2010
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Maybe have the national football associations have a more active part in removing the racist elements from their crowd, with the threat of their national side being penalized if they don't remove it.

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Maybe have the national football associations have a more active part in removing the racist elements from their crowd, with the threat of their national side being penalized if they don't remove it.

Having the whole of Europa on board with various policies and repercussions certainly couldnt hurt and would assist with those issues around International friendlies and World Cup, but the problem with UEFA/FIFA Cup is that in UEFA, it is not national play, but the top clubs from the various Europa leagues. For all intensive purposes, each club is an individual business. This would make issues a bit more....hairy.

However, there have been walk outs by clubs when this has happened, which I support as well. Your fans cannot control themselves? Fine, WE wont play and NO ONE gets to see a match.

Happily, full blown issues around this are not terribly common although a lot of international players that are black have had issues around protection of their life.


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May 14, 2010
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So this is an honestly question, because i believe they both get sensationalized, but which is more of a widespread problem, the racism or the physical violence against opposing fans. And are they interconnected at all? Thoughts?
