That's the thing. She's still in Columbus. Other guy is in LA. I don't see how it's going to work. It probably won't. That's when I can carpe diem.
Dudes and chicks cant be friends on a primary relationship. Maybe its just me, but I sure as hell cant. by primary relationship, i mean that friendship isnt by association, i.e. a girl your friend is dating, which i consider a secondary relationship. Which means you are friends but only in a specific situation. i.e. a friend and his girlfriend share a primary relationship, and you considered yourself friends with the girl meaning when they broke up, you would no longer share any sort of friendship with that girl, if you did thats a bro code violation.
Any girl i had become friends with "first hand", always resulted in one or the other wanting more, even if just on a **** buddy premise. I am still facebook friends with a few of those girls, but it never goes beyond that anymore, and frankly I rarely ever talk to them anymore and there was a time where we were inseperable. One scared the shit out of me with her innuendo's because I wasnt interested in that from her, one I banged but she didnt want to date me, one I dated for 7 years.
The ultimate thing, is usually men and women being primary friends, generally never ends well. Its just the natural order of things, one is probably going to want more from the other at some point especially if you really go beyond being acquaintances, and its never good to be the unfullfilled party in that situation.
In my second scenario, it really ripped me up, it friggin consumed me and was the source of much despair, regardless of the occational me tapping that ass, the fact was two days later she would probably be blowing some other dude at a party and I couldnt stand it, because I wanted her to myself. It could almost be described by listening to self esteem by the offspring. So eventually I just stopped hanging out with her, became "busy" all the time until we no longer talked. Then i stopped giving a shit about her.
There was a period of like a year when i was about 22 my damn love life played out like a john hughes film. at the time of the above occurances I was also friends with my future girlfriend who was apparently suffering in silence from my activites with said other girl. I didnt see it at the time but she used to always ask me why i waste my time on her and crap like that and I would talk to her about it, i was so consumed with someone who didnt want me i didnt even see the one who did, and who i frankly spent the majority of my time with, then she professed her feelings for me and I was like **** it why not.
Frankly, my life is much less complicated when I just trying to get in their pants from the get go than dealing with this friends bullshit, it aint worth the headache.
Now that I think about it, im pretty sure my ex is the only chick I ever banged sober.
Yeah so with whatever all that nonsense i spewed was, dont be friends with girls, if you are, shit or get off the pot, its not worth the headache.