The IHN Psychiatric Couch


CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Uptown baby!
Five years ago, yes. I'm too emotionally sensitive to handle actual rejection these days. I just find it odd that I am her favoritest person in the world yet goes to everyone else. Oh well.

I don't like offering personal life advice but that would have been back when you were both still teens/college days correct? Now you're both post--college adults. People opinions change because people change over time. She may have said no to you 5 yrs ago when you were teens but be amenable to at least TRY a few dates now that you're adults and have been firends for even 5 years longer. I'd say you simply need to ask her out again now that you're both in your 20s and she's back in Hotlanta. It's really that simple since to be blunt, you did not carpe diem the **** out of your "on-ramp" of timing opportunity when she told you all the "favoritest person in the world" stuff.


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Jun 15, 2010
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That's the thing. She's still in Columbus. Other guy is in LA. I don't see how it's going to work. It probably won't. That's when I can carpe diem.


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May 14, 2010
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You are in Columbus? I thought you were in Atlanta? How would Columbus-Atlanta work better than Columbus-LA?


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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You are in Columbus? I thought you were in Atlanta? How would Columbus-Atlanta work better than Columbus-LA?

Same timezone is about the only thing I can take away from it.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
That's the thing. She's still in Columbus. Other guy is in LA. I don't see how it's going to work. It probably won't. That's when I can carpe diem.

Dudes and chicks cant be friends on a primary relationship. Maybe its just me, but I sure as hell cant. by primary relationship, i mean that friendship isnt by association, i.e. a girl your friend is dating, which i consider a secondary relationship. Which means you are friends but only in a specific situation. i.e. a friend and his girlfriend share a primary relationship, and you considered yourself friends with the girl meaning when they broke up, you would no longer share any sort of friendship with that girl, if you did thats a bro code violation.

Any girl i had become friends with "first hand", always resulted in one or the other wanting more, even if just on a **** buddy premise. I am still facebook friends with a few of those girls, but it never goes beyond that anymore, and frankly I rarely ever talk to them anymore and there was a time where we were inseperable. One scared the shit out of me with her innuendo's because I wasnt interested in that from her, one I banged but she didnt want to date me, one I dated for 7 years.

The ultimate thing, is usually men and women being primary friends, generally never ends well. Its just the natural order of things, one is probably going to want more from the other at some point especially if you really go beyond being acquaintances, and its never good to be the unfullfilled party in that situation.

In my second scenario, it really ripped me up, it friggin consumed me and was the source of much despair, regardless of the occational me tapping that ass, the fact was two days later she would probably be blowing some other dude at a party and I couldnt stand it, because I wanted her to myself. It could almost be described by listening to self esteem by the offspring. So eventually I just stopped hanging out with her, became "busy" all the time until we no longer talked. Then i stopped giving a shit about her.

There was a period of like a year when i was about 22 my damn love life played out like a john hughes film. at the time of the above occurances I was also friends with my future girlfriend who was apparently suffering in silence from my activites with said other girl. I didnt see it at the time but she used to always ask me why i waste my time on her and crap like that and I would talk to her about it, i was so consumed with someone who didnt want me i didnt even see the one who did, and who i frankly spent the majority of my time with, then she professed her feelings for me and I was like **** it why not.

Frankly, my life is much less complicated when I just trying to get in their pants from the get go than dealing with this friends bullshit, it aint worth the headache.

Now that I think about it, im pretty sure my ex is the only chick I ever banged sober.

Yeah so with whatever all that nonsense i spewed was, dont be friends with girls, if you are, shit or get off the pot, its not worth the headache.


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Jesus christ can I get some flow charts on that one?


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May 14, 2010
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Ahhh columbus GA... never mind my previous comment, that makes more sense.

still columbus to atlanta is a good hour and a half depending on where you live? How far is it? Sometimes a long distance relationship is still a long distance relationship no matter if it's 100 miles of 1000.


CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Uptown baby!
Frankly, my life is much less complicated when I just trying to get in their pants from the get go than dealing with this friends bullshit, it aint worth the headache.

Now that I think about it, im pretty sure my ex is the only chick I ever banged sober.

Yeah so with whatever all that nonsense i spewed was, dont be friends with girls, if you are, shit or get off the pot, its not worth the headache.

Oh, come now. You're talking about NOT being friends with 51% of the population. I'm pretty confident that is not the optimum tack to take.

Well at the very least I certainly have more insight into why your Zombie Apocalypse Survival Team was all-male. . .I mean, besides the buggery.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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  1. Chicago Blackhawks
Pretty much...I think with most guys, once they stop caring so much is when they actually get results. If they get all emo they will strike out and be in the dreaded friends bracket, and the girl at that point will just use him as a vent for all of her boyfriend issues. Meanwhile he's at home crying while stroking his penis hoping that if he combs his hair right she might like him.

There is a rule when dating called the 5 second rule. It states that if you see a woman that you're attracted to her, you must make contact with her within 5 seconds you both realizing the other is present. Generally eye-contact is a great way to determine this. Any more time passes (within reason, of course), and you set off her stalker alarm.

Hence, always Carpe Diem.


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL

Oh, come now. You're talking about NOT being friends with 51% of the population. I'm pretty confident that is not the optimum tack to take.

Well at the very least I certainly have more insight into why your Zombie Apocalypse Survival Team was all-male. . .I mean, besides the buggery.

As his sniper, he is tried to bugger me, I would be down a round but my black cherry would still be safe


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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My favorite teams
  1. Portland Timbers
  1. Chicago Blackhawks

Oh, come now. You're talking about NOT being friends with 51% of the population. I'm pretty confident that is not the optimum tack to take.

Well at the very least I certainly have more insight into why your Zombie Apocalypse Survival Team was all-male. . .I mean, besides the buggery.

There are rules that apply. Generally, once a woman becomes a friend it's stuck there. You have to live by and abide by freindship rules--which means that likley, it's all it will ever be. The minute one wants more and the other doesn't, the friendship is over. If they want more and you don't, end it. If you want more, flesh out those feelings ASAP with her. If she wants more too take it to the logical conclusion that you'll both support. If she doesn't want more, end it. You're not going to get with her ever, you're just a friend and she'll never want to "ruin" the friendship by dating you.

Be you getting into a relationship by someone you hit on, are a passing aquantence to, or a mutual attraction in a freindship, it will never return to a freindship within any near-future timeframe. Let it go.

But really, I have no problems with having woman friends because I compartmentalize well enough. Most guys can't.


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Jun 15, 2010
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The three of us involved in this situation went to high school together in the Atlanta Suburbs. After high school she moved to Columbus, OH. After college, the other guy moved to LA.

She always says crap like "I misssssssssss u" and says shes trying to get a job down here, but I'm starting to think that's all smoke up my ass.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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One other thing to consider:

If you did actually end up in a relationship with her, it could get awkward in a social situation that involves one of the several friends that she slept with.

Edit: I just read you post about the other guy being in L.A.

Disregard please.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
One other thing to consider:

If you did actually end up in a relationship with her, it could get awkward in a social situation that involves one of the several friends that she slept with.

Edit: I just read you post about the other guy being in L.A.

Disregard please.

It depends, I'll take a page out of chasing amy, if the girl is exactly what you want forget about the past and go with it, but it could be tough, thats where the bro code comes in, you just dont date eachothers ex'es dudes are not supposed to be catty with eachother, but it can become that way if you start with shit over women. I would NEVER attempt to do anything with a girl one of my friends have been with.

and to book, no its not that I shun 51% of the population as friends. Its that I dont become friends with them on a first hand basis, I hang out with alot of girls that I see regularly, that are single even, the thing is I dont go hanging out with any of these girls one on one, If I have any interest in a girl I will make it obvious, and I dont want to end up in that situation where I end up wanting more than what the relationship is, Ive been in the situation before and frankly dont ever want to end up in it again. If i aint feeling that vibe back on a first meeting, im not taking it beyond what it currently is.


CCS Donator
Oct 19, 2013
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Wish You Were Here
When did this become the wallflower thread?


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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My favorite teams
  1. Portland Timbers
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
It depends, I'll take a page out of chasing amy, if the girl is exactly what you want forget about the past and go with it, but it could be tough, thats where the bro code comes in, you just dont date eachothers ex'es dudes are not supposed to be catty with eachother, but it can become that way if you start with shit over women. I would NEVER attempt to do anything with a girl one of my friends have been with.

and to book, no its not that I shun 51% of the population as friends. Its that I dont become friends with them on a first hand basis, I hang out with alot of girls that I see regularly, that are single even, the thing is I dont go hanging out with any of these girls one on one, If I have any interest in a girl I will make it obvious, and I dont want to end up in that situation where I end up wanting more than what the relationship is, Ive been in the situation before and frankly dont ever want to end up in it again. If i aint feeling that vibe back on a first meeting, im not taking it beyond what it currently is.

I actually heard that the bro code specifically states that a bro cannot date another bro's ex for a period of 3 months, and then extended to a period of 6 months or until he nails another girl--whichever comes first. At that point the bro must specifically ask the other bro for permission to date his ex, and the other bro must specifically give him permission to do so, and after that the bro cannot be offended when the other bro comments stuff like, "you're gonna love the way she tongues your balls, man!"
