All I can go off is my own personal experience. I've played around with the following different ways of supplementing when it comes to vitamins:
1) Took a high quality multi for awhile
2) Bought a bunch of vitamins separately (can't remember all of them, it was awhile ago)
3) Animal Pak
Could totally be placebo effect, but I definitely felt best when taking Animal Pak. I'd have to total up the cost, but I'm pretty sure it is less expensive than #2. I don't take them 2x daily...once is more than enough. One can of them lasts about a month and a half that way and costs like $25 or so online. As far as the neon piss / absorption goes, had the same thing w/ the B complex I was taking in #2.
As far as energy goes in general, agree that caffeine is a good supplement. I know some people doing the whole ECA stack thing (ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin) with good results...but I don't really want my heart to explode. Plus that shit makes me jittery.
Fish oil is good shit. Do you take glucosamine at all?
Also hit the sauna after every workout for like 10-15.
Edit> Also, I am well aware that 99% of supplement marketing is complete bullshit. This just happens to be one of the very few products that actually has some positive benefits (from my personal, anecdotal experience).