I was going to come here and ask for opinion on the chocolate milk vs protein powder debate, but I just did the research myself and I will site first my opinion, and then sources for how I reached these conclusions. Financial necessity and health concern about heavy metals and other toxins introduced by the concentration process(refining food products bought in bulk and originally produced non-organically) has led me to trying milk with Cacao powder this month as I ran out of various proteins I was taking. I will be changing my regimen drastically in the future in an attempt to balance cost/effect/and minimize health risk such as lactose intolerance progression and heavy metals.
Principles of Protein to minimize risk and maximize cost/benifit: (likely to be wrong, open to discussion)
1) Multiple brands, types, and sources is probably best to avoid systemic issues. Chocolate milk can be one of these. I am still searching for why it has to be "chocolate" milk, for now using the bulk raw cacao in case their is magic, but it doesn't mix well even in whole milk. From what I can tell, the amino acid profile of milk gives it an advantage, while the lack of ability to absorb large amounts of protein before Whey quickly breaks down, so when you do take Whey, take smaller amounts at strategic times, and consider waiting an hour to finish a serving worth or even half serving in total.
2) Immediately after a workout, milk + whey could be better than either/or, smaller ammount of each than either alone.
3) Cassein has impressive research behind it, does not break down as fast but contains less nitrogen. I will be looking for a nitrogen rich food source to pair. (spinach, ahah popeye, asparagus, tuna or fish, I'm guessing at seaweed(updated: I guessed correct), lentils and beans) Milk may be 80% cassein and 20% whey.
4) The vegan people have been concerned about nutrition, not pumping themselves with massive amounts of protein to fuel outrageous gains and gas. Their products appear more conscientious of heavy metals, some are even alkaline, and using sustainably grown products without pesticides. This might be important if concentrates are landing in protein products, or hormones for that matter if derived from milk.
Bottom line is I will be switching to diverse and strategic protein sources matched with foods that will help them work better, taken in smaller amounts throughout the day, with a small amount of whey with chocalate milk and a little casein immediatly after workouts, shooting for 15-25 grams in total, followed by a hardy meal 30-60 minutes later that includes nitrogen rich foods. . Gone will be the days for me of engulfing massive 60g shakes post workout. Milk is a decent alternative as I survive some financial hardship.
thoughts, corrections, opinions, and tips always welcome